1 PROPOSAL FOR INDEPENDENT EVALUATION OF THE HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 1. Annex 3. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL AND METHODOLOGY 3 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE EVALUATION The humanitarian response project was implemented in 2 regions. Providing men and women belonging to vulnerable groups with home care and individual psycho-social support, emergency psychological assistance for the most vulnerable elderly, and psychological counseling for men, women and children affected by Russian aggression in Ukraine to improve their psychosocial well- being. 1) Providing the most vulnerable people affected by the Russian aggression in Ukraine with assistance to improve their ability to meet their basic needs. 2) Restore critical infrastructure for access to hygiene and clean water, distribute disposable hygiene kits in collective centers for IDPs/social institutions, and establish facilities (toilets, hand-washing stations) near border crossings to improve access to decent hygiene conditions. 3) Providing men and women from the most vulnerable populations affected by the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops with food parcels containing basic foodstuffs to improve their ability to meet basic food needs. 4) Providing hygiene kits both at the institutional level (collective centers) and at the household level to improve the living conditions of the affected population. During the project's implementation, a number of activities and interventions were carried out, the effectiveness and efficiency of which should be investigated. The purpose of the external evaluation is to ensure accountability to beneficiaries and improve the effectiveness of the program. The results of the evaluation will be described and grouped into three main sections: findings, conclusions and recommendations. Research questions and objectives. OECD-DAC indicators will be used for the evaluation, in particular, the research questions for the research team are formulated in accordance with the efficiency and relevance corridor: 1) Relevance: To what extent do the objectives, design, and outcomes of the activity meet the needs and priorities of beneficiaries, including different population groups? 3 To be finalized and agreed with the customer. 2 2) Effectiveness: to what extent have the results and objectives been achieved / are they likely to be achieved? 3) Effectiveness: what were the main factors that influenced the achievement or non-achievement of goals? 4) Which practices (cases) are most illustrative for further programmatic extrapolation or assimilation? What practices in working with target audiences and in the program environment are less effective? 5) What are the key findings of the assessment and the organization's recommendations for applying the best practices and models? EVALUATION DESIGN To accomplish the evaluation objectives, it is proposed to use quantitative and qualitative research methods. For the quantitative component, it is planned to implement 600 interviews, depending on what types of beneficiaries it will be appropriate to interview, surveying 3 groups of 200 or 2 groups of 300 respondents. Accordingly, these are recipients of pre-packaged food, MRSA and psychological support. Qualitative part of 30 in-depth interviews with KI (half of the sample of this component is with beneficiaries or representatives of institutions, the other half is with RAS project representatives, partners, service providers - various programs and offices). Additionally, it is proposed to conduct 2 focus groups with beneficiaries (product recipients and MRSAs). At the very first - preliminary stage of the research, a desk review of relevant project documentation will be conducted, including the project application, monitoring and evaluation reports, minutes of the inception meetings and discussions (which may be provided to researchers as part of their work on the project), as well as necessary information from secondary sources. The evaluation will be conducted using combined methods of data collection and analysis. At the beginning of the study, research questions will be operationalized in accordance with the concept of "humanitarian response" as part of the Program’s mandate. The table below shows the approaches to operationalization and instrumentalization of concepts, in accordance with the expected results, the implementation of which will be the subject of the study. To achieve the research objectives, a combined approach will be used to collect relevant information, which will allow us to assess the achievement of a particular result from several angles. Currently, the table does not contain specific research questions. They will be developed in accordance with the objectives of the program and the study after preliminary meetings with program representatives at the inception stage. Indicator Assessment questions Data sources and method 3 Relevance of interventions Efficiency