Transitional Justice and Democratization

11-12. Secret Police Archives and Access to Documents – Interactive seminar - 3.12.2024

The aim of the seminar is to discuss various truth processes emerging in post-communist countries.

During the lecture, we will compare the truth and reconciliation commissions with secret police archives established in CEE countries after the fall of communism, as well as debate on the effectiveness of other alternative mechanisms.


Reading list:

·       Quint, Peter, E. (1997): Confronting the Past: The Stasi Files. In: Quint, Peter, E (1997): The Imperfect Union. Princeton University Press, pp. 229-245.

·      Adams, K. ‘What is Just? The Rule of Law and Natural Law in the Trials of Former East German Border Guards.’ Stanford Journal of International Law. 29 (1993): 271-314 

.       Kaminski, M. - M. Nalepa. Judging Transitional Justice: A New Criterion for Evaluating Truth Revelation Procedures. The Journal of Conflict Resolution , Jun., 2006, Vol. 50, No. 3, Transitional Justice (Jun., 2006), pp. 383-408.


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