Adobe Systems Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, kruh, diagram Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems Weather and elections Jakub Jusko Adobe Systems 3 Obsah obrázku osoba, vsedě, žena, fotka Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems 4 Weather and people •Reflections on the influence of the weather since Hippocrates, Montesquieu • •The relation of climate and personality, intelligence, fertility, tone of voice,... • Weather and human behaviour: •Mood •Cognitive style of thinking •Aggression, criminality •Shopping (umbrellas, stock market) •Selfless help •Evaluation of the other sex Adobe Systems 5 The difference between Correlation and Causalty. undefined Adobe Systems 6 Weather and politics •Protests (demonstrations in Denmark, Tea Party movement in the USA) • •Door-to-door campaigns • •Abstention in the US Congress • •Referenda (Switzerland, UK) • •Participation in elections: -One of the "hot issues" of political research -High turnout as a sign of certain satisfaction with the democratic system -Different influences: micro-level, macro-level Adobe Systems 7 Obrázok, na ktorom je text Automaticky generovaný popis Obrázok, na ktorom je text, vizitka, obálka, dokument Automaticky generovaný popis Obrázok, na ktorom je text, osoba, lyžovanie, snímka obrazovky Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 8 Obrázok, na ktorom je ošatenie, obuv, text, osoba Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 9 Rational choice theory Downs (1957), Riker and Ordeshook (1968) • •Individual action as a means to a goal • •The citizen calculates the benefits and costs associated with the choice • R = PB - C • •A voter should vote when PB > C • •Modified version: R = PB - C + D Adobe Systems 10 Rational choice theory •The cost of voting: - Need to register before the election - Travel from residence to polling place - Time to make a decision - Time spent travelling - Weather (mood, getting dressed, unpleasant journey, risk of injury) • • When benefits and costs are roughly equal, even a small change on election day (e.g. weather) can persuade voters Adobe Systems 11 Rational choice theory •Weather "decomposed" into variables - mainly rain, snow, temperature, solar radiation •Prevailing evidence: • • Rainfall -> Voter turnout • • •USA, Canada, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, (exception e.g. Sweden, Norway) •Turnout reduced from 0.033 to 0.12 pp. per 1 mm of precipitation •Different scenarios that are important Adobe Systems 12 Damsbo-Svendsen and Hansen (2023) Obrázok, na ktorom je text, rad, diagram, snímka obrazovky Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 13 Damsbo-Svendsen and Hansen (2023) Obrázok, na ktorom je potvrdenie, rad, vývoj, text Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 14 Abian Garcia-Rodriguez and Paul Redmond (2020) Obrázok, na ktorom je diagram, rad, text, snímka obrazovky Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 15 Arnold and Freier (2016) Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, číslo, písmo Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 16 Rational choice theory •Prevailing evidence: • • Average temperature -> Voter turnout • • •Canada, Netherlands, France •Turnout increased from 0.05 to 0.44 pp. per 1 °C of temperature Adobe Systems 17 Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, písmo, dizajn Automaticky generovaný popis Stockemer and Wigginton (2018): Canada Adobe Systems 18 Rational choice theory •Prevailing evidence: • • Sunlight -> Voter turnout • • •Netherlands, Denmark •A change from the lowest to the highest recorded level of sunshine (6.2–42.8 W/m2) increases the probability of voting by 1.55 percentage points (Denmark) Adobe Systems 19 Obrázok, na ktorom je rad, vývoj, diagram, text Automaticky generovaný popis Damsbo-Svendsen and Hansen (2023) Adobe Systems 20 Is it a problem? YES: -Elections themselves close (even a small change can decide): weather influence on party voters is not the same - indirect influence on the composition of the electorate - -New findings: weather can influence voters' decision-making (Bassi 2019) NO: -It is “just” about turnout - -Small effect (10 mm of rain -> 1 pp. lower turnout) Adobe Systems 21 Who should ”pray” for rain? •Republicans (USA) – Gomez et al. 2007 -“Conventional turnout effect model” by Tucker et al. 1986 -Every inch of rain above election day normal -> +2.5 % -Every inch of snow above election day normal -> +0.6 % - •Conservatives (Germany) – Arnold and Freier 2016 -Turnout increase by 1 pp. -> SPD gained +0.76 pp. -Turnout decrease by 1 pp. -> CDU lost -0.85 pp. (…and rain decreases turnout) - •Christian democrats (Netherlands) – Eisinga et al. 2012 •Smaller parties (Spain) – Artes 2014 • Adobe Systems 22 Who should ”pray” for rain? Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, písmo, číslo Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 23 How to measure? Very Wet Year So Far in the Carolinas Prezidenta môže voliť viac ako 4 milióny Slovákov. Prvovoličov je 280-tisíc | Diabetes and Sun Protection - Protecting ski, feet, eyes and medication Prezidenta môže voliť viac ako 4 milióny Slovákov. Prvovoličov je 280-tisíc | Adobe Systems 24 Fig. 1: The effect of a rainfall on turnout anomaly in different types of elections 2. Decrease in turnout in case of PRESID+REG 1. Increase in turnout in case of PARL+LOCAL Adobe Systems 25 Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 26 Non-linear results for all elections Obrázok, na ktorom je snímka obrazovky, text Automaticky generovaný popis Obrázok, na ktorom je snímka obrazovky, text, pestrofarebnosť Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 27 Solution? Adobe Systems 28 Abstainers (note from previous lecture) Adobe Systems 29 Relevance of abstention •Two assumptions about abstainers: 1)Abstention affects all alternatives in equal measure 2)The voter’s preferred alternative will be less likely to win if that voter abstains 3) Peripheral + core voters No-Show Paradox (Fishburn and Brams, 1983) A B C Adobe Systems 30 Short-term reasons vs. global decline •Two arguments for why recent generations are less prone to vote: 1)Context school - the result of certain characteristics of elections that particularly affect new voters (less competition, lowering the voting age…) -> P+habit 2) 2)Generation school – larger cultural value change in generations (less interest, priorities, voting not perceived as a duty) • • Blais and Rubenson (2013) – support for generation school -> young generation less inclined to vote because they are less prone to construct voting as a moral duty and are more sceptical about politicians’ responsiveness to their concerns “People like me don’t have any say about what the government does” “I don’t think public officials care much what people like me think.” • Adobe Systems 31 How do we increase turnout? New research on electoral participation Adobe Systems 32 1) personal state effects Adobe Systems 33 Just. Stop. Talking. Adobe Systems 34 Personal state Ksiazkiewicz and Erol 2022 - Too tired to vote: A multi-national comparison of election turnout with sleep preferences and behaviors •Analysis of 9 countries (Finland, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, and South Korea), questionnaires •Is there an association between sleep, chronotype and turnout? •"those who sleep too little or too much are less likely to vote” -> non-linear relationship, sleep as a resource •Morning chronotype - higher T (but not always) Adobe Systems 35 Personal state Obrázok, na ktorom je rad, diagram, text, písmo Automaticky generovaný popis SLEEP 1.Conservation of limited energy 2.Mental and physical health impacts 3.Memory and abilities Adobe Systems 36 Personal state •General health: -20 EU countries -> decreases turnout (0.48 pp.) -Sweden -> decreases turnout BUT increases in other forms (contact, protest) - •Hampered by daily activities: -20 EU countries -> decreases turnout BUT increases in other forms (boycott, petition, contact a politician) -USA – disabled 5.7 pp. turnout gap - •Depression: -USA (mediated by education and partisanship) - Why important? Adobe Systems 37 Personal state Obrázok, na ktorom je rad, diagram, text, písmo Automaticky generovaný popis Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, písmo, dokument Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 38 2) facilitation procedures Adobe Systems 39 Activity: Barriers to Voting • Objective: Explore the challenges that prevent people from voting and think about solutions. • Instructions: 1. Small groups -> assigning each group a different barrier to voter turnout (e.g., voter ID laws, registration requirements, lack of political interest, accessibility for people with disabilities). 2. Brainstorming for 5 minutes on how these barriers impact turnout and potential solutions to overcome them. 3. Presenting ideas to the class. Adobe Systems 40 Research: how to increase turnout •Vote by mail tend to be preferred by disabled voters (Kincart, 2023) •Long lines • •Opening new polling stations (abroad): Latvia • •Changing the location of polling stations: Los Angeles County during California's 2003 gubernatorial recall election -> -1.8 pp. • •Automatically registering voters -> + 2.1 pp. • •All-mail-voting: Colorado -> +8 pp. (young, less-educated, voters of colour) X Symbol - Free shapes icons X Symbol - Free shapes icons Obrázok, na ktorom je text, písmo, biely Automaticky generovaný popis X Symbol - Free shapes icons Adobe Systems 41 Prepaid postage •Yin et al. 2021 – all Swiss cantons -You could send it by mail or bring it to the town government’s mailbox -Positive effect about +1.1-1.3 pp. -Effect stronger in larger municipalities - Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, číslo, písmo Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 42 E-voting? Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, webová lokalita, webová stránka Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 43 Obrázok, na ktorom je mapa Automaticky generovaný popis Obrázok, na ktorom je mapa Automaticky generovaný popis Concurrent elections? Adobe Systems 44 Incentives to ”persuade” abstainers? Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, písmo, dokument Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 45 Holidays? Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, písmo, dokument Automaticky generovaný popis Obrázok, na ktorom je text, diagram, mapa Automaticky generovaný popis Obrázok, na ktorom je text, rad, číslo, písmo Automaticky generovaný popis Adobe Systems 46 How do we increase turnout? 1) decreasing costs for voting – monetary (postage), polling-stations related, registration, shorter ballot list 2) increasing availability of voting – all-mail-voting, e-voting, concurrent elections, multiple day voting and no holiday voting (probably) Adobe Systems 47 Conclusion •The weather impacts humans, therefore, it also impacts human activities (one such is elections) •Rain (usually) decreases turnout (depends on age, density, electoral contest) •Temperature (usually) increases turnout •Rain helps certain types of political parties • •Different tools to increase turnout Adobe Systems 48 Next… Adobe Systems 49 Literatute •Adman, P. (2020). 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