What criteria would you choose to evaluate the measures in the selected policy area (or narrowed down to its sub-area, in relation to a specific target group, etc.), or to assess their suitability in relation to the specified objective(s) of this policy. Chose one of the policy areas - Labour market policy (or a specific area thereof) - Social assistance and social inclusion policy - Family policy (or a sub-area thereof) - Pension system - Immigrant integration policies a) Offer several alternative objectives in the given social policy area and choose one of them. b) Which criteria for assessing the measures related to the objective do you suggest? Explain (argue) your choice of criteria. Use arguments that point to more general knowledge and context for the field (theoretical arguments). c) Choose one of the criteria (one is sufficient) and suggest its appropriate indicators (operationalise this criterion). Consider appropriate data sources and methodological approaches. d) Give examples of how these measures could be counterproductive in relation to another objective in the same field. e) Consider what different intended and unintended consequences, impacts, the measure may have. Suggest criteria and procedures suitable for evaluating the selected impacts of the measures.