SOCn5010 Analýza sociálních sítí Přednáška 12: Statistické nástroje Type of hypotheses •Node-level (monadic) – cases are nodes – higher centrality in professional network – higher wage •Dyadic level – cases are pairs - the stronger the tie of professional cooperation, the stronger the tie of mutual trust •Group/network level – the higher the density of the network, the faster the spread of innovation • • Statistics •Description of a network •Hypotheses about theoretical parameter •Hypotheses about two paired means/densities (test for differences in the probability of a tie of one type and the probability of a tie of another type) •Correlation between two networks with the same actors (if there is a tie of one type among two actors, is there a likelihood of a tie of another type) Node-level regression •Symmetric associations (correlation) Vs. Assymetric relations (regression) •Regressing position on attributes •Attributes explaining the position of node •Attributes measured at interval level •E.g. Predicting centrality in a friendship network using age and income variables Dyadic regression •Predicting a relation from another one •Dependent network, independent network + node attributes, regressing each element in dependent network on its corresponding elements in the independent network + attribute-similarity network •E.g. Predicting friedship relation by co-occurence network (attendance of same uni courses) + gender References •HANNEMAN, Robert A. and Mark RIDDLE. 2005. Introduction to social network methods. Riverside, CA: University of California. •BORGATTI, Stephen P., Martin G. EVERETT and Jeffrey C. JOHNSON. 2013. Analyzing Social Networks. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage •CROSSLEY, Nick. 2010. Towards Relational Sociology. Abingdon: Routledge. •PRELL, Christine. 2012. Social Network Analysis: History, Theory & Methodology. Los Angeles: Sage. •KNOKE, David, and Song YANG. 2008. Social network analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage. •