Lesson one: The Technical stuff
Introduction to photography. Zone system, exposure, shutter speed, f-stop, ISO, different formats/sizes. Technical terms - over/under/etc.
Homework: Read chapter 1
Task 1: Find a white wall. Take a picture of it IN MANUAL mode, properly exposed. Then take a picture 1 stop over exposed, 2 stops over exposed, 3 stops over exposed, 4 stops over exposed. Then, return to proper exposure, and shoot a photo 1 stop under exposed, 2 stops under exposed, 3 stops underexposed, 4 stops underexposed. This will create a visual representation of the zone system.
Task 2: Find a non-living object. Create 36 unique photos of that object.
Lesson two: Composition and shutter speed, rule of thirds, lines
Peer review:
Composition and the frequent components of photographs.
Movement, lines, Texture, contrast, color, Scale, Depth, shape/form, Juxtaposition, perspective
How to use shutter speed to your advantage.
Task 1. Read chapter 2 about lenses.
Task 2. Shoot photos that show, 3 of each from the list below.
a) Sharp subject, blurred background
b) blurred subject, sharp background
c) A moving subject that shows you panned with the subject to get the subject sharp and the background showing motion blur.
Lesson three: Scene Photography, composition and f-stops, removing distractions
Peer review:
The Zone System.
What makes travel and scene photos good, interesting?
Homework: Read chapter 3. and a few, selected elements from chapter 4. pgs 64, 65, 69, 73, 74,76,78.
The tip on page 69, if something has been “shot to death,” try getting it from a different angle, perspective, location. Go to a place in Brno that everybody knows, has visited, and make five, never-before-seen, as creative as you can be photographs. Examples could be Petrov, Speilberg, the train station, Luzanky, Zelny Trh, Ceska, Svobody Nam. Etc.
Lesson four: Intro to Lighting
Peer review:
Types of light and lighting.
Using natural light for portraits.
Homework: Read Chapter 6.
Honey, Don’t! Create 10 images that show what a person should not do in life. The picture should show what a parent might want to teach their children, or a boyfriend/girlfriend might want their partner to not do.
FINAL PROJECT HW. Tell me which song you will use.
***There will be a point deduction for every week late.***
Lesson five: Photoshop Part One
Peer review:
Getting as much out of layers as we can.
Photo retouching
Using gradients to make collages
Homework: Read chapter 10.
Take the five photographs I give you and use Photoshop to make them look as good as you possibly can. Then, take 5 photographs of your own and do the same to them.
Lesson six: Photoshop Part Two
Peer review:
Blending modes.
Homework: Create a photo where one person is at every position in a room, table, bed, wall, standing, sitting, etc. make it as creative as you can. Put the person in, at least, five different places in the room.
Lesson seven: Intro to Portraits
Peer review:
How to photograph people so they don’t look stupid.
Intro to studio lighting, if time allows.
Break into groups of three, and each one of them has to create the 5 basic lighting techniques with the one flash and reflector.
Homework: Read chapter five
Task 1: Photograph a portrait of somebody. It doesn’t matter who, but cannot be a selfie. It must be a portrait of somebody who is NOT YOU. Use natural light and a flash if you can find one. There needs to be at least 5 different poses. A head shot, waist up, ¾, and head to toe with the subject not changing in any way counts as 1 pose. The subject must be in, at least, 5 different poses.
Task 2: TRY to recreate the image from page 239.(book page number), page 256(pdf page)
FINAL PROJECT HW: Give me a list of the lyrics you intend to use for your final project, and possibly even a photo idea to go with them. Example: “Picture yourself in a boat on a river…” A photo of a girl sitting in a boat, nicely composed, proper lighting, etc.
***There will be a point deduction for each week this is late.***
Lesson eight: Group Portraiture
Peer review:
Using the studio strobes, or a flash of some kind, create a good group photo of the class.
Homework: Read chapter 12
Create 10 different images that demonstrate “light” as both a concept and literal light.
Lesson nine: Intro to Product Photography
Peer review:
Photographing cubes to make them look interesting.
Homework: read chapter 9
Using natural light, take photos of food that demonstrate color, shape, texture, lines, and perspective. The photos should be close, tight. They, of course, need to be properly exposed and composed. See page 244 in the book for an example.
Lesson ten: Photoshop Part Three
Peer review:
How to make “Thor and the Ghosts”
Homework: Create 10 photos that represent “Darkness,” both as a concept and as actual darkness.
Lesson eleven: Event photography (subject to change based on the needs of the class)
Peer review:
Everything you need to know about events and sports.
Homework: quickly read chapter seven
Lesson twelve: present final presentations
Peer review: Each person shows their final work. There will be a limited peer review, but I will ultimately decide the final mark.
Homework: keep shooting