FINANCING OF THE PUBLIC RESEARCH INSTITUTION PETRA ADÁMKOVÁ PETR MRKÝVKA Key words Public research institutions, public allowance organizaton, legal personality, property With effect from 1.1. 2007 a new corporation of public law has been formated into severally types budget organisations in Czech Republic – Public Research Institution. It have happened under authority of the Public Research Institution Act No. 341/2005, which have been accepted on 28.7.2005 and became operative on the day of publication 13.9.2005. Depending upon law construction mentioned § 31 subs.1 this act selected public allowance organizations have been transformed into public research institutions with effect from 1.1. 2007 and have been registered in official registry of public research institutions which is guide Ministry od Education. The reason of acceptance new corporation in the spere of suicidology and research was the fact, that until then dominant form of allowance organization was not convenient in long-term aspekt. Particularly depending on membership of Czech Republic in European Union. Member countries of EU is not analogue in corporations of research and developement because its legal personality is restricted of having no holding and having no guarantee-ability for obligations (it is usually ether autonomous corporation including all discretions and duties or activity appropriate of public abroad). Until date legal personality there was barriers to direct cooperation with foreign institute and to participation in consortium on solutions to projects of framework programs EU as well as other activities European research area which gave rise to diminishing returns of means embedded by Czech Republic. But not all departmental research institutes were transform by admited legal form. This transformation have been out of small proportion of research and developement allowance organisations and some of allowance organisations researching mainly specification as public order. As well as research institutes which are activity appropriate of public could not be converted to new form according to above-cited Act because these institutes had not legal personality. Public research institution have become propered variant for the transform of this depertmental research institute`s part which had a form of public allowance organizations, universal form for public and for statutory founders which are acting in public service area – i.e. in educational field, public health, etc. This readjustment of law allow better and more effective utilisation of financial ressource by the research institutes and raise alternative resources for financing of research and developement e.g. attainment of makings from other activity, confinancing from the private sources, unnecessary property release, better organization savings, participation in external programs etc. It brings higher autonomy and lability research station especially at economic sphere. Thanks this readjustment of law can be done much more for better support and better remunderation foexcelent research worker, for reciprocal profitable university interface, for marked consolidation direct cooperation with bussines sphere which is of benefit to both parties, for effective developing another activities of workplace, for construction of spin-off companies and other institutions, which are going to support to better use to researching work – all in compliance with criteria of law and under the conditions of not break an open economic competition by this new activities and under the conditions of not using general budget`s grants for commercial purpose and over the ambit of this legislation. Public research institutions have got over first year of availability. This year was in token of administration and staffing arrangement, including modification of property relations. On the subject of previous legal regulation, this regulation contribute to more effective using potential financial resources in the sphere of research without question. The Public Research Institution is corporation its main object of aktivity is research, including assurance of research infrastructure, which is definition by support of research and developement act. The public research institution assurance research by its main object of aktivity. This research is support especially from public funds, under the conditions for providing public support which are given by the European Community due. Contact :