Hungary “Towards Sustainability” Rita Ágnes Bajor Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc Csilla Csák Key words sustainable development, requirements of sustainability, implementation of sustainability by organisations, programmes, plans and legislation Resume Report of Rome Club created a great international stir by presenting steady growing environmental damaging, overusing of natural resources and giving out of non-renewable resources as “aftermaths” of economic development. It started a bitter controversy over the conflict between the economic growth and the environment. Ideology of sustainable development was created for solving the conflict between economic growth and environment by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1972. Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability also consists of three main characters: preservation of general quality of life, ensuring available of natural resources and avoidance of steady environmental damages. In order to implement sustainability it is required common action of the countries all over the world. The European Community undertook fulfilment of requirements of sustainability in the Fifth Environmental Programme “Towards Sustainability”. The Programme determines European Community’s policy for environment and sustainable development particularly. It defines as fundamental requirements maintaining of natural resources and avoiding of environmental pollution on the interest of living quality. The plan determines factors and activities that can cause environmental damages or giving out of natural resources. Harmonizing with the action of the European Community for implementing sustainability Hungary created its special programmes, plans and legislation, moreover there were established two special bodies in order to influence on the sustainability aspects of the decisions. The Sustainable Development Committee has the main duty of working out of sustainable development’s domestic concept with its special national tasks and promoting of preparing for national exercises arise from sustainable development strategy of European Community. The National Council of Environmental Protection is special advisory organ that “protects” the environmental “side” of sustainable development. It takes a stand on the matters of principle of various environmental programmes, on the legal rules, all decisions and other issues related to environment. There are two main legislative framework for implementing sustainable development in the aspect of environment. The Act of 1995 on the General Rules of Environmental Protection has the object providing for the environmental conditions of sustainable development that is determined as a principle of all use of environment. The Act XXI of 1996 on Regional Development and Land Use Planning has the fundamental objective creating conditions for sustainable development that requires the land sparing, appropriate rainwater management and creating of green areas. Implementation of requirements and instruments of sustainable development are found in strategic programmes and plans mostly. The New Hungary Development Plan has the main objective of expanding employment and creating the conditions for long term growth. In order to achieve these developmental efforts will concentrate on Priority of Environment and Energy development that requires reducing influences damaging the environment, by preserving the natural environment. The centre plan of sustainability development in the aspect of environment is the National Environmental Programme II. The Plan requires taking into account the principles of sustainable development in all use of environment that is according to Herman Daly, “progressive social betterment without growing beyond ecological carrying capacity.” The National Development Policy Concept targets the implementation of sustainable development in terms of environmental, social and economic sustainability alike. A development is considered sustainable based on the Concept, if the development takes environmental and human resource criteria into account moreover it protects the built environment, cultural heritage and creates economically sustainable production. The National Spatial Development Concept aims at sustainable territorial development and protection of heritage that ensures besides the safeguarding of environmental, natural and cultural value the safe utilization of the resources necessary to economic functioning, while taking into account the intrinsic qualities of the area. According to this the Concept states that regions and areas must be turned into sustainable systems whose value, heritage, resources and integrity are not merely safeguarded, but further strengthened. For implementation of sustainable development of Hungary is required concerted action of all participation of all „person” in the country. The public administration has the duty of realization of the aimed middle-range policy in compliance with the environmental requirements and interests of the social. Local governments have the primary duty of participation in local implementation of sustainability and promoting it by working out of regional environmental plans. Non governmental organizations, professional groups and representations are required active co-operation in environmental information, PR activities, in deepening of social relationship and in consultation as well. For elimination and prevention environmental problems there is required the partnership with the economical actors and the scientific partners as well are responsible for changing of the social environmental attitudes in the direction of environment consciousness and sensitiveness. Moreover all the nationals have the duty of consideration sustainability in all ordinary human activity. Contact – email: