MOŽNOSTI ZVEREJNENIA INFORMÁCIÍ V ZMYSLE ZÁKONA O SLOBODNOM PRÍSTUPE K INFORMÁCIÁM PATRÍCIA TOMÁŠOVÁ Katedra ústavného práva a správneho práva, Právnická fakulta Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach MÁRIA KIOVSKÁ Key words right to information, access to information, trade secret, confidential information The matter of publicity and process of making information available is regulated by Free Information Access Act No. 211/2000 Coll. The purpose and meaning of the act is to realize and help to realize the constitutional right to information in full. It is not possible to interpret the act in other way than which enables realisation of constitutionally guaranted rights to information in full. This obvious principle is to take into account at explanation of provisions of Free information Access act and their application in practise, mostly in cases, when there is their alternative explanation possible. The constitution of Slovak republic guarantees the possibility of limitation of Access to specific information, if conditions of art. 26 par. 4 of Constitution of Slovak republic are fulfilled. Free information Access act sets certain categories of information, to which access may be limited, although so-called obliged person would otherwise have the duty of publication or making information available. In the given category are included also information, that create the object of trade secret in the meaning of Commercial Code. However, Free information Access act does not limit access towards those information, meant by contractual parties as confidential. However, if the information meets the condition of access limitation given by the Constitution of Slovak republic, i tis possible to reject access to them, even the information is not included in the specific category of Free information Access act. Contac – email: