USER GUIDE FOR WEB-BASED FRONT-END APPLICATION ELECTRONIC FILING SYSTEM CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 (Updated as of Phase 8.0) CrimsonLogic offers innovative and secure B2B, B2G and G2G solutions in key sectors such as trade and logistics, legal, government and healthcare. It enables businesses and governments to connect and collaborate seamlessly with their customers and partners, anytime, anywhere. As an Application Service Provider (ASP) with 17 years of experience, CrimsonLogic has set industry standards with world-first solutions such as TradeNet, eStamping, Electronic Filing System and CertOfOrigin, and continues to pioneer revolutionary solutions around the world. Beyond ASP services, CrimsonLogic provides systems integration, consulting and licensing of eService components. It also delivers trusted solutions and services in business intelligence, eLearning, human resource and office administration and security. TABLE OF CONTENTS About This User Guide........................................................................................................................1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................1 Conventions used in the Document.................................................................................1 Chapter 1 - Introduction to EFS .........................................................................................................5 1.1 Introduction to EFS Web Portal.................................................................................5 1.1.1 Types (or Roles) of Users..................................................................................................5 1.1.2 User Registration..............................................................................................................6 1.1.3 Role Assignment..............................................................................................................6 1.2 System Requirements.................................................................................................7 1.2.1 Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................8 1.2.2 Software Requirements ..................................................................................................8 1.2.3 Communication Requirements .....................................................................................8 1.2.4 Other peripherals ............................................................................................................8 1.3 EFS Milestone(s)...........................................................................................................9 1.4 Services Offered in EFS.............................................................................................11 1.4.1 Case File/Case Information Repository......................................................................12 14.2 Filing ................................................................................................................................12 1.4.3 Document Index Search..............................................................................................12 1.4.4 1 Click File-n-Serve / Service of Documents ..............................................................12 Chapter 2 - Main Menu ...................................................................................................................14 2.1 Main Menu ................................................................................................................14 2.2 Search Case File.......................................................................................................16 Chapter 3 - General Overview Using FE-WEB................................................................................18 Chapter 4 - Case File Repository....................................................................................................23 4.1 Commence a New Action (Create New Case File)...........................................23 4.2 Creating a case file using an existing FRN............................................................34 4.3 Opening an existing Case File................................................................................35 4.4 Case File Locking......................................................................................................38 4.5 Case File Conversion ...............................................................................................39 4.6 View Submissions (also known as Super Tray).......................................................40 4.7 Document-Centric Display of Submissions............................................................41 4.8 Pack-n-Go functionality ..........................................................................................43 4.9 Hearing List ................................................................................................................45 4.10 Document Fees Tab................................................................................................48 Chapter 5 - Filing..............................................................................................................................49 5.1 Submission Information ............................................................................................52 5.1.1 Party and Solicitor Details..............................................................................................55 5.1.2 Document Details ..........................................................................................................65 5.1.3 Filing Party Details...........................................................................................................68 5.1.4 Attaching PDF Documents ...........................................................................................70 5.1.5 Calculate Fees and Pages ...........................................................................................71 5.1.6 Waiver Details.................................................................................................................72 5.1.7 More Document Information........................................................................................77 5.1.8 View Estimated Fees......................................................................................................79 5.2 Bundle of Documents..............................................................................................81 5.2.1 Structure of Bundle Submission......................................................................................81 5.2.2 Filing a Bundle..................................................................................................................82 Chapter 6 - Outgoing Messages (Out Tray) & Sent Messages (Sent Tray)..................................89 6.1 Outgoing Messages..................................................................................................89 6.2 Sent Messages ...........................................................................................................91 Chapter 7 - View Court Replies (In Tray)........................................................................................94 7.1 In- Tray.........................................................................................................................94 7.2 Filter .............................................................................................................................95 7.3 Sort...............................................................................................................................96 7.4 New Messages...........................................................................................................97 7.5 Viewing the Reply ....................................................................................................98 Chapter 8 - Index Search and Document Extract ......................................................................102 8.1 Concept ..................................................................................................................102 8.2 Performing Searches...............................................................................................102 8.3 Search Results ..........................................................................................................104 8.3.1 Summary / Details .........................................................................................................104 8.3.2 Printable Page...............................................................................................................106 8.3.3 Text File ...........................................................................................................................107 8.4 Types of Requests for Document Extraction/File Inspection .............................108 8.5 Search Reports.........................................................................................................108 8.6 Fee Structure............................................................................................................112 Chapter 9 - Making a File-n-Serve Request ................................................................................113 9.1 Making File-n-Serve Request.................................................................................113 9.2 Request to File-n-Serve ..........................................................................................113 9.4 Editing File-n-Serve details (In Draft submission).................................................120 9.5 View File-n-Served details when Submission has been replied........................120 9.6 Immediate FnS [iFnS]:.............................................................................................122 9.7 Screens FnS Fee Report: ........................................................................................124 Chapter 10 - Service of Documents ............................................................................................127 10.1 Concept ................................................................................................................127 10.2 Preparing Service of Document Submission.....................................................127 10.3 Service of Documents Report.............................................................................128 10.4 Fee Structure.........................................................................................................134 Chapter 11 - Reports......................................................................................................................135 11.1 Concept .................................................................................................................135 11.2 Submission Sent Report.........................................................................................136 11.3 Received Replies/Correspondence Report......................................................142 11.4 Fees Report ............................................................................................................148 11.5 Case No/File reference No Report .....................................................................155 11.6 Transmission Log Report........................................................................................158 Chapter 12 - Document Search and View ..................................................................................161 Chapter 13 - Miscellaneous..........................................................................................................170 13.1 Composing a Cover Page...................................................................................170 13.1.1 Preview a Cover Page ...............................................................................................173 13.2 PDF Viewer .............................................................................................................174 13.3 Bitmap Signature...................................................................................................199 13.4 Details on the Usage of SMS Notification Service.............................................202 13.5 Using FE-Web from Different Locations ..............................................................203 13.6 Some Usage Guidelines and Tips........................................................................203 13.7 Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers) for EFS FE-Web............................203 13.8 Filing an Amended Document..........................................................................203 Chapter 14 ­ SMS Alert Service.....................................................................................................205 Chapter 15 ­ Criminal Proceedings..............................................................................................208 15.1 Screens for Petition Of Appeal (Crime)(CCA).................................................208 15.2 Screens for Criminal Motion (CM) .....................................................................210 15.3 Screens Criminal Revision (CR) ..........................................................................213 15.4 Screens Record of Proceedings (Special Case).............................................215 Chapter 16 ­ Phase 7.2 (Rules of Court Changes Phase 1 (ROC 1)).........................................218 16.1 Screens for Originating Summons (Type of OS: General, Queen's Counsel and Judicial Management) ..........................................................................................218 16.2 Adoption................................................................................................................223 16.3 Probate..................................................................................................................233 16.4 AAS.........................................................................................................................252 16.5 Taxation .................................................................................................................256 16.6 Bankruptcy ............................................................................................................258 16.7 OS (Family Matters)..............................................................................................259 16.8 Document Information Page .............................................................................261 16.8.1 Originating Summons (Adoption).........................................................................261 16.8.2 Statement for Adoption.........................................................................................263 16.8.3 Originating Summons (Probate)/Letters of Administration................................266 16.8.4 Statement for Probate/Letters of Administration................................................268 16.8.5 Checklist for Originating Summons (Probate).....................................................270 16.8 DIP Preview in Sent Tray.......................................................................................271 16.8.1 Submission Information (View only)......................................................................272 16.8.2 Sample Sent Submission DIP Preview ...................................................................273 16.9 Mapping of old and new documents not stated above ..............................275 16.10 Documents mapping for SIC and Summons....................................................279 16.11 New documents introduced ..............................................................................280 Chapter 17 ­ Phase 7.2 (Rules of Court Changes Phase 2 (ROC 2)).........................................281 17.1 Originating Summons (Type of OS: Judicial Management) ..........................281 17.2 Writ for Divorce and Statement of Claim(Divorce) ........................................284 17.2.1 Writ for Divorce............................................................................................................284 17.2.2 Statement of Claim (Divorce) ...................................................................................286 17.3 Bankruptcy ...........................................................................................................310 17.4 Companies Winding Up......................................................................................316 17.5 Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up...........................................................320 17.6 DIP Preview for Auto-generated documents.....................................................325 17.6.1 Writ for Divorce........................................................................................................325 17.6.2 Statement for Divorce ............................................................................................327 Chapter 18 ­ Phase 7.5.................................................................................................................330 18.1 List of Changes in the Existing Document(s)....................................................330 18.2 Changes in the Party Information Page ..........................................................339 18.3 New Document(s) ...............................................................................................339 18.4 Front End Validation Rules and Constraints.....................................................340 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 1 Private & Confidential About This User Guide This user guide is intended for prospective users of the Web-based Front End Application to understand the functionalities provided by the application, to be used in Electronic Filing System. This user guide helps the law firm users in understanding how to: * Navigate within the main menu. * Create, edit a case file and prepare submissions. * electronically file documents to Courts * index search the EFS documents previously filed, and * Requests to File-n-Serve documents to another law firms. * Use the various Trays. * Familiarise with the different EFS modules. Details will be in the corresponding supplementary documents. Objectives At the end of this course, a trainee will be able to: * Login to the FE-Web application * Familiarize with the different functionalities/features within the main menu * Create, maintain a case file and prepare submissions. * Prepare the EFS submissions and send it to the Courts * Receive replies / correspondence from the Courts * Perform index searches of EFS documents * Request for Extraction of EFS documents from Courts * Requests to File-n-Serve documents to other law firms * Familiarize with the different features in the In-Tray and new Out-Tray. * Set up and change the user preference/settings Conventions used in the Document The following conventions are used in this training guide: EFS Electronic Filing System FE-Web Web-based Front End Application LF Law Firm HC High Court (or) Supreme Court SU Subordinate Courts URN Unique Reference Number PDF Portable Document Format IE Internet Explorer Web browser FnS File-N-Serve ROC Rules of Court FRN File Reference Number Bold Text Command options, commands on menus and buttons, dialog box, titles, options, and menu names Menu bar / menu item/ URL link URL Uniform Resource Locator. It directs users to the location of a resource available electronically SSL Secure Sockets Layer Click or Clicking Press the left button of the mouse User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 2 Private & Confidential Standard Screen Elements Title bar Located at the top-most part of any window or screen, it carries the name of the application, module or function. Minimize / Maximize / Close buttons The buttons below (starting from the first button from the left to right) represents the Minimize/ Maximize/ Close buttons respectively. The user can click any of this buttons to minimize, maximize or close (respectively) the active browser window. Vertical / Horizontal scroll bars Scrolling up and down and sideways through Front-End application window or table is made possible by using the appropriate scroll bar on the right or bottom side of browser window. Input field (Combo Box) The user will be able to select an entry or item from a drop-down list which will be displayed upon clicking on the combo box down arrow. The user cannot amend the field values available in the list. Input field (Check Box) A Check Box control displays a when selected; the disappears when the Check Box is cleared. This control is used to give a True/False or Yes/No option. The Check Box controls are used in groups to display multiple choices from which the user can select one or more. Input field (Radio Button) Check Box and Radio Button controls function similarly but with an important difference; any number of Check Box controls on a form can be selected. In contrast, only one Radio Button in a group can be selected at any given time. Drop-Down Menu Bar The drop-down menu bar, residing immediately below the browser window's title bar, provides the means to invoke standard functions of the browser being used. Some of the functions available are to open a URL, save/print a web page, change the properties of the browser (such as colours, fonts, etc.). Users can also use the key as indicated, if available. All items in the drop-down menu bar supports keyboard access (shortcuts), as indicated by an underline below the access key or character of the specific menu item. To activate an option using the shortcuts, hold down the key and the underlined alphabet. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 3 Private & Confidential Status Bar The status bar, residing at the bottom part of the browser window, indicates the status of the current event or operation of the Front-End application. The leftmost panel displays the status of the current operation (such as URL of the page being downloaded). The middle panel (if any) displays the progress indicator of the current operation. The rightmost panel displays the information about the web location the user is currently accessing (such as Internet, Trusted sites, etc.) Moreover, when the user is accessing a "secure" web page, a lock icon will appear on the right hand side of the status bar. It indicates that the information being downloaded from or uploaded to that web page is being encrypted using SSL protocol. Tool Bars Browser toolbars, locating just below the drop-down menu bar, consist of buttons that can be clicked to access the most frequently used functions in web browsing. The standard toolbar buttons most commonly used are: Back, Forward, Stop Refresh and Home, as shown below. (The actual icons and text labels may vary slightly depending on the browser version used.) Mouse Pointers As the FE-Web application runs inside a browser, the normal mouse pointer behaviour in a web browser will take effect. The default mouse pointer can be used to access the drop-down menu items, selecting of a toolbar items, command button, dialog box item, text box, checkbox, combo/dropdown list, radio button, etc. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 4 Private & Confidential When the mouse pointer turns to the hand icon Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes, it represents hyperlink to a URL or function, which can be activated by clicking the link once. Popup Menu The popup menu shown below is commonly used throughout the Front-End application. The popup menu can be moved to any part of the screen by the drag and drop action. The menu items shown will vary depending on which tray view or the functions that the user has accessed. The Popup Menu below, shows the options available when the user has accessed the Draft Tray module. File Selection This popup dialog box is used in the Front-End application for user to specify their file selection. On clicking of the Browse command button, this dialog box will be displayed. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 5 Private & Confidential Chapter 1 - Introduction to EFS The Electronic Filing System The Electronic Filing System paves the way for the Worlďs first nation-wide paperless court system through the World Wide Web. It is comprehensive in its approach and will revolutionise the conduct of civil litigation through its facilities for electronic filing, electronic extracts, electronic service of documents and the provision of electronic information services. The introduction of court hearings in an electronic environment would also free lawyers from the logistical burden of managing physical files such as tracking, moving and storing them. The Electronic Filing System application has two main modules. The Front-End system enables the law firms to file their court documents electronically from their office. The Service Bureau uses a similar Front-End system to file documents for law firms. The law firms' submissions will be supported by the Workflow system, which is also used by the various staff in Judiciary for the internal work processes. 1.1 Introduction to EFS Web Portal FE-Web application is accessible via the EFS Web portal using a compatible browser. In order to use FE-Web, a user must first register at the portal, and LF System Administrator has to add application to this user. 1.1.1 Types (or Roles) of Users (i) General User (or Domain User) (ii) System Administrator Two types (or roles) of users with different privilege levels and access rights are implemented in the FE-Web application. Users' roles are assigned by the System Administrator. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 6 Private & Confidential General User - The General User (also called Domain User) has full access rights to all modules in the FE-Web application except for the Maintenance and Utilities modules. In order for a general user to login to the EFS web portal, he/she needs to approach the LF Sys Admin to register a login Id. The LF Sys Admin will process the registration and inform the general user once ready. User then can use the login Id to gain access to the EFS web portal. Law Firm System Administrator ­ User(s) with System Administrator role can access the System Administrator modules (System Configuration, LF Information, Work Group Maintenance, Case Transfer Information, Download Data, KGSG and CCS). A registered user can be assigned to the System Administrator role by the appointed LF System Administrator. 1.1.2 User Registration To obtain a member id (or user id), user's should approach their System Administrator to create one for them. Individual LF Sys Admin has now the full control in managing their users online through the new ORA (Online Registration & Administration) portal (the link `User Admin (ORA)' is provided on top of the page). A separate training will be provided for LF Sys Admin. Once a new member id has been created, the user has to open the URL for EFS Home page ( in the browser and login with the new member id. Figure 1.1: EFS-FE- Web Homepage 1.1.3 Role Assignment Access roles to the EFS Portal will be assigned by the LS Sys Admin through the new ORA Portal (details in the separate ORA documentation). User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 7 Private & Confidential Figure 1.2: After login to EFS portal 1.2 System Requirements Personal Computer (Minimum: Pentium III, 256 MB RAM, 10 GB HDD) Internet Connection to a local ISP (broadband connection is highly recommended) Smart Card Reader and Valid Smart Card Windows 2000 (Professional Edition) and Windows XP (Home/ Professional Edition) IE 6.0 and 7.0 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 and 8.0 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 8 Private & Confidential 1.2.1 Hardware Requirements CPU: Pentium III or higher (Pentium IV highly recommended) RAM: 256 MB or more (512 MB highly recommended) PC should have at least 1 available Serial (RS-232) port (required for the EFS Smartcard reader), and 1 PS/2 port (only required if using GemPLUS Smartcard reader) Disk Space: The recommended minimum free hard disk space is 10 GB. 1.2.2 Software Requirements Operating System: Windows 2000 (Professional Edition), or Windows XP (Home/Professional Edition). Web Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 or 7.0 Browser Encryption (SSL) strength: 128 bit Adobe Acrobat: 7.0 or 8.0 Adobe Acrobat Reader may be used, if PDF documents are accessed for viewing only. Microsoft Word for Windows or similar word processing software may be used to draft the documents to be e-filed. 1.2.3 Communication Requirements Internet access through a local ISP (such as SingNet, PacNet, StarHub, etc.) Note: ­ Broadband connection (such as ADSL, or Cable) is highly recommended ­ Hardware/Software configuration as required by the ISP is to be catered for. For currently registered EFS users only: Existing ISDN link to SNS (using ISDN router) can be used to access FE-Web application. 1.2.4 Other peripherals A smart card reader (Model: ADC E-Key LC, GemPLUS) [Optional] A compatible scanner with auto-document feeder [Optional] A compatible Printer Refer to the System Requirements at for the full updated list. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 9 Private & Confidential 1.3 EFS Milestone(s) The Electronic Filing System is introduced in several phases: Phase 1 Phase 1 is a pilot program to allow lawyers to experience the advantages of filing documents electronically, and to identify the problems that might arise from filing documents in this manner so that these problems might be addressed and resolved. It is on a voluntary basis, and launched in 1997. Phase 1.2 Phase 1.2 was launched in March 2000. It introduces the compulsory filing of court documents electronically to the Supreme Court and the Subordinate Courts. Within the scope of Phase 1.2 are all proceedings commenced by a writ of summons, including all applications and proceedings brought under or arising from such proceedings but excluding: Interpleader proceedings Appeals from the Subordinate Courts to the High Court falling within Order 55D of the Rules of Court Taxation Appeals to the Court of Appeal Phase 2 Phase 2 was launched in July 2001. After Phase 2 is implemented, the Electronic Extract Service and the Electronic Service of Documents Service become available. At the same time, EFS FE-Web application is introduced, which replaces FE-Windows as the mechanism for electronically filing documents to Courts. Phase 3 Phase 3 was launched in December 2001 and it includes: Taxation of costs Interpleader proceedings Originating summon proceedings District Court appeals Appeals to the Court of Appeal and Admission of advocates Phase 4a Phase 4a was launched in May 2002 and it includes: Admiralty Originating Motion Originating Petition Originating Summons (Bankruptcy) Bankruptcy Petition Companies Winding-Up Petitions and Petition of Course Power of Attorney Probate (High Court) Phase 4b Phase 4b was implemented on 15 December 2003 and it includes the development of functions for: Divorce Adoption and Originating Summons for Family Matters Probate (High Court (total revamp) & Sub Court) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 10 Private & Confidential Phase 6 Phase 6 was launched in 10 January 2005 and it includes: Criminal module (Refer to Chapter 15 for details) TA (Technical Audit) Medium Term Enhancements This phase was launched in October 2005 and it includes: Case File Centric. (See details in Chapter 4) File And Serve (FnS). (Refer to Chapter 9 for details) Document Information Page (DIP) (Refer to Chapter 13, Section 1 for details) Phase 7.1 (Rules Of Court Changes Phase 1 (ROC 1)) ROC Phase 1 was launched in 1 January 2006 and it includes: 1. Changes to Modes of Commencement by way of Originating Summons (OS) for the following areas: a) Admission Of Advocates And Solicitors (AAS) b) Adoption (AP) c) Probate (P/DCP) d) Petition Of Course (POC) e) Originating Motion (OM) f) Originating Petition (OP ­ Judicial Management) g) Originating Summons (OS) h) Originating Summons ­ Family (OSF) i) Originating Summons (Bankruptcy) (OSB) For details, please refer to Chapter 16. Phase 7.2 (Rules Of Court Changes Phase 2 (ROC 2)) ROC Phase 2 was launched in 1 April 2006 and it includes: 1. Changes to Modes of Commencement by way of Originating Summons (OS) or Writ of Divorce for the following areas: j) Bankruptcy (B) k) Companies Winding Up (CWU) l) Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up (LWU) m) Originating Petition (OP ­ Judicial Management) n) Divorce (D) For details, please refer to Chapter 17. Phase7.3 Phase 7.3 was launched in 4 August 2006 and it includes: New Home Page Enhanced Main Menu Document-Centric display of submissions Pack-N-Go functionality New Hearing List Phase7.4 Phase 7.4 was launched in 13 October 2006 and it includes: Three (3) Steps Case File creation. (See details in Chapter 4) Immediate File-n-Serve. (Refer to Chapter 9 for details) Phase7.5 Phase 7.5 was launched in 15 January 2007 and it includes: Data item(s) changes for selected documents. New document(s) has been introduced. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 11 Private & Confidential New validation Rules and Constraints. For details, please refer to Chapter 18. Phase 8.0 Phase 8.0 will be launched in 18 June 2007 and it includes: New Case File enhancements: A new Case File feature to load the party/parties from the courťs centralised database. New `Fee's tab. Links and buttons has been introduced for user to directly perform SOD, Search from Case File. Enhanced SOD. File-n-Serve enhancements (Refer to Chapter 9 for details) Multiple SMS and email alerts. New In Tray `Message' tab enhancement. 1.4 Services Offered in EFS FE-Web enables LF users to use the following services offered in EFS: Case File/Case Information Repository. Filing Document Index Search (Phase 2.0) 1 Click Fine-n-Serve Each of these services can be accessed by selecting the respective button in EFS Main Menu (see figure below), after a successful login to EFS portal as a general user. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 12 Private & Confidential Figure 1.4: Services offered by EFS 1.4.1 Case File/Case Information Repository The new Front-End will have a "case-centric" user interface. Users can create specific case files for specific matters and organise their messages (submissions, court replies, services) based on these case files. When a case file is created, relevant case details now need only be entered once there will be no need to re-enter party details for subsequent documents to be filed for that case file as the details can be automatically generated from the system. Users can also check the hearing schedules for a particular matter through its case file. The hearing schedules will be available in summary and detailed views. The existing trays will be reorganised to enable a consolidated view of the various messages for a given case, or across different cases. Document selection will be made easier by filtering the list based on the Court and Counter type selected. Detailed procedures and steps for filing are explained in Chapter 5. 14.2 Filing This service is used to for the preparation of documents, sending the submissions, and receiving the court replies. Detailed procedures and steps for filing are explained in Chapter 5. 1.4.3 Document Index Search This service allows FE users to search for EFS documents previously filed by the law firms. Documents can be searched by Case No., and Court Type (it was previously filed to). Upon a successful search, all relevant details and DCN of documents in the searched case will be displayed. Based on the search result, a praecipe can subsequently be filed to request for soft copy, certified true copy of documents or file inspection, by selecting one or more DCNs in the search result. Detailed procedures and steps for using index search and extract are explained in Chapter 8. 1.4.4 1 Click File-n-Serve / Service of Documents A one-click `File-and-Serve' feature will allow a party to automatically serve documents on one or more opponents. While creating a submission, users can make a "File-n-Serve" request for any documents being filed and select the intended recipient(s). The system will automatically serve the document(s) on the recipient(s) as soon as the court accepts the document(s) and replies through the system. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 13 Private & Confidential Using this FE-Web feature, a law firm can serve court documents to other "webenabled" law firms electronically. A Certificate of Service will be generated upon a successful service. Up to 99 documents may be served to a maximum of 99 recipient law firms in a single submission. Detailed procedures and steps for using service of documents are explained in Chapter 10. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 14 Private & Confidential Chapter 2 - Main Menu 2.1 Main Menu The new and simplified design of the main menu groups all the functionalities so that it provides more meaningful and easier navigation while using EFS. The collapsible & expandable menu option allows you to expand or to collapse the tabs so as to only show the functionalities relevant for your usage. The "Expand All" and "Collapse Alľ feature allows you to quickly expand or collapse all the sections. Figure 1.1a ­ Expanded View User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 15 Private & Confidential Figure 2.1b ­ Collapsed View The following functionalities are available in the main menu. * Commence a New Action This allows user to create a new case file, enter details about the case file, and immediately prepare a new submission. o Create a new case file and prepare a new submission * View Messages for All Cases o Incoming Messages (In Tray) Any new incoming messages to be unpacked (such as court replies, or services) are highlighted as "[x] new message(s) to unpack." Clicking this link will take you to New Messages tray (a subset of In tray), where you can unpack these new incoming messages. New Messages tray displays only the messages to be unpacked. Click on "Incoming Messages..." to go to the In Tray which lists all Court replies and correspondences, and service of documents from other law firms. o Outgoing Messages (Draft/Out Tray) Click on "Outgoing Messages..." to go to the Out Tray to view documents not yet submitted to Court. o Sent Messages (Sent Tray) Click on "Sent Messages..." to go to the Sent Tray which lists all Sent submissions will be listed. * Work With Existing Case File o Open You can click this link to view or modify the existing case file details o Submissions This will open the case file and lists all submissions, court replies and correspondences and services of documents, by providing a Case No. and/or File Reference No. o Documents This will allow users to list of documents that have been filed for a particular case and/or File Reference No. o Hearings This allows the LF user to see the upcoming hearing sessions for a particular case. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 16 Private & Confidential * Quick File/Serve/Search To quickly create a new submission, EFS index search, or service for a given Case No. Please refer to the corresponding chapters for the function below. o File o Index Search o Service of Documents * Reports This will allow the user to print the various reports available for printing. Please refer to Chapter 11 for details. o Submission Sent o Court Replies & Correspondences o EFS Fees o Case No. and File Ref. No. List o Service of Documents o Document Index Search * Document Index Search This allow user to perform search of documents previously filed to court. Please refer to Chapter 8 for details. * Smart Case Management This function allows the user to manage the smart card(s) which is used in sending and unpacking replies. 2.2 Search Case File This allows user to search for one or more case files, by giving a certain criteria, such as URN, Case No., File Ref. No., Party Name, or File Name. Click on icon next to Open an Existing Case File (in Main Menu). A search page is displayed in a new window (Figure 2.2a) where user can specify the case file search criteria. Steps to search Case File by Unique Reference Number (URN): * Enter the full URN, or at least the first 13 characters of the URN to be searched. * Click on the button. * All the case files that have the URN(s) specified will be returned. The search results page is displayed as in Figure 2.2b. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 17 Private & Confidential Figure 2.2a: Case File Search Criteria Steps to search Case File by other criteria: * Enter one or more fields as search criteria. Partial search by Case No. requires Case Type and Case Year to be entered. * Click on the button. * All the case files that have the given Case No./File Ref No., or Party/File Name will be returned. The search results page is displayed as in Figure 2.2b. Figure 2.2b: Case File Search Results Steps to Open Case File or View Submissions, from a search result: * Click on the radio button to select the case file which you want to open. * Click on the button to open the case file. Step to go Back to Main Menu: * Click on the button in either the Case File Search Criteria page (Figure 2.2a) or the Case File Search Results page (Figure 2.2b). User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 18 Private & Confidential Chapter 3 - General Overview Using FE-WEB The following figures show the overall menu structure of the EFS FE-Web application. Figure 3.1a: Overview of EFS FE-Web Application's Menu Structure Login EFS Menu Commence a New Action View Messages for All Cases Reports In Tray Out Tray Document Search & View Sent Tray Work With Existing Case File Quick File/Search/Serve SmartCard Management Super Tray (View Submissions) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 19 Private & Confidential In Tray This is a location where all replies and incoming messages to the law firm can be viewed. The incoming messages ­ Replies/ Correspondences from Courts and Served Documents from other law firms ­ are displayed here after they are unpacked (and PDF files extracted). Figure 3.1b: Overview of In Tray In Tray All Read Unread New Messages Mark as Read Mark as Unread Mark as Unread Mark as Read Unpack Selected URN(s) Filter Sort Print Report User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 20 Private & Confidential Out Tray (Draft Messages) This is where submissions ready to send are kept. Users can verify the details of the submission by opening it, and have an option to send it out to Courts (if everything is in order), or to send it back to Draft Tray for further changes (if something is amiss). Figure 3.1c: Overview of Out Tray Out Tray SendOpen Delete Go to Case File User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 21 Private & Confidential Sent Tray This is where submissions that were already sent are kept. Users can view the details of the submission by opening it, and have an option to duplicate a submission. Figure 3.1d: Overview of Sent Tray Sent Tray SortOpen Go to Case File Filter User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 22 Private & Confidential Super Tray (View Case File Submissions) This is where submissions for the Case File are kept. Users can verify the details of the submission by opening it, and have an option to send it out to Courts (if everything is in order), delete a submission, duplicate a submission, or to refresh the display to load the Case File submissions, if any changes in the File Ref. No. or Case No. Figure 3.1e: Overview of Super Tray Super Tray OpenRefresh Send Delete Duplicate User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 23 Private & Confidential Chapter 4 - Case File Repository 4.1 Commence a New Action (Create New Case File) To begin creating a case file, click on "Create a new case file and prepare a new submission" in the main menu. Creation of a new case file will require 3 steps, "Case Details", "Party Details" and "Confirm& Save". Upon completing each step, you can click on the "Next" button to be directed to the next step. You can also go back to previous steps by clicking on the previous steps in the wizard interface or the back button or click on the "Cancel" button to discard any changes and return to the main menu. "Case Details" screen is used to capture the information related to the case file. Figure 4.1 ­ Step 1, Case Details File Reference No. The File Reference No. can be used to uniquely identify a case file. This is the firm's internal reference assigned to a Case File and user can enter this number in free text format. Important: You must assign a unique File Reference No. for each case file. You may create multiple case files (File Ref. No.) for a given court case, but each case file can have only one EFS Case No. Therefore you need to create a new case file when you expect a different Case No. Case No. This is the Case No. assigned by the Courts, upon accepting of a fresh "originating document". It consists of Case Type, Case Serial No., Case Year, and Case Suffix data elements, e.g. S69/1999/C. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 24 Private & Confidential For existing EFS cases, you may key in the Case No. if available. If you are commencing a new Case, you may leave it blank. When Court replies your filing (with the originating document) this field will be automatically updated with the Case No. assigned by Court. Court Type Select the Court type, at which this case exists. File Name (Optional) You may choose to enter the name of the Case File. This is to help the users in identifying and searching the Case File subsequently. Free text entry. Created On (Optional) You can enter the date when the Case was first started/created. Related/Originating Case Number If the case has any related or originating cases, user may enter the related or originating case numbers (up to 9 cases). Non-EFS Case Number. If the case has any non-EFS originating case number, it can be provided in this free-text box. MA/CC Sub Number [Phase 6 only ­ Criminal cases] If the case type is "MA" or "CC" then a case extension box (2 digits) will be shown next to the case suffix. Originating /Related Case (Optional)This has 3 parts. Non-EFS , EFS Originating and Related Cases Non ­ EFS (Optional) If any Non-EFS case number exists, then user must select the NonEFS check box and enter the Non-EFS case number. If either the check box or the non-EFS case number entered but the other one not entered, then system will prompt to enter. Originating Case number (Optional) If the case has any originating case number(s), user must select the check box and enter the originating case numbers. If the org case numbers exceeds 3, then user can click the Add More link and enter another 3 org case numbers. And if still exceeds 6 then again can click Add More link and enter them. So maximum 9 org case numbers can be entered. Upon saving the case file, the org case suffix will be validated and will be prompted to the user if entered wrong. Related Case Numbers.(Optional) If the case has any related case numbers, then user can enter maximum of 9 same as Originating case numbers. Suffix will be validated upon saving the case file. And also user must enter the Court Order number and check the related box provided in the page. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 25 Private & Confidential "Party Details" screen is used to enter the parties involved in this particular case. Figure 4.2 ­ Step 2, Party Details To add a new party, click on the "Add Party" button and you will be directed to the following screen. The party pages displayed will vary on the type of court selected by the user. Upon completing all party details, click on "Save Party" to add the new party to the list. Please see details of the data items in Chapter 5, Section 5.1.1. Load Party details : (Optional) This is used to load Parties from: * Courťs Centralised EFS Database * Another Case File created previously. These options can help you populate the party details from a centralised or previous case file. To load from `Centralised Court DB': 1. This option is available only for `S','MC' or `DC' cases types only. 2. If the user tries to load parties from this option, application will check whether this user (LF) involved in this case (in terms of eService or eFiling ), if so it will populate parties from centralised court DB. 3. If user does not involve in eService or eFiling but involved in the case then the user has to enter a valid DCN for that case. 4. see Figure 4.3 a User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 26 Private & Confidential Figure 4.4 a ­ Step 2, Party Details Select required parties and check the confirmation check box to confirm the selection and click < Select>, selected parties will be added to party list in Step 2. To load from `Previous Case File': 1. Parties can be loaded for a given case number or FRN or both. 2. If there are multiple FRN for a given case number or multiple case number for a given FRN then application will show all FRN/Case numbers in respective list and will be defaulted recent case file. 3. If user wants to switch over to another FRN/Case number just he/she has to select required FRN/Case number then click on button. The party list will be refreshed. 4. see Fig User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 27 Private & Confidential Figure 4.5 b ­ Step 2, Party Details Select required parties and check the `confirmation check box' to confirm the selection then click button. The Replace Pages dialog box appears. 4. Under Original, enter the pages to be replaced in the original document. 5. Under Replacement, enter the first page of the replacement page range, and then click on the button. The last page is calculated by the number of pages to be replaced in the original document. There must be a one-to-one correspondence of pages. Understanding Bookmarks Bookmarks, represented by text in the overview area, allow you to link to specific areas in a PDF document, to other documents, and to Web pages, and they perform actions such as play a movie or sound, execute a menu item, or reset or submit a form. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 197 Private & Confidential Bookmarks can mark parts of a document for quick access, link to page views in other documents, link to the Web, play a movie or sound, enter an article, and reset or submit a form. Creating bookmarks To create a bookmark that links to a specific area in the open file: 1. Click the Bookmarks and Page button, or select Bookmarks and Page>. The overview area displays bookmarks if they exist. If the document already contains bookmarks, click on the bookmark beneath which you want to place a new bookmark. If you don't select a bookmark, the new bookmark is placed at the end of the bookmark list. 2. Navigate to the bookmark destination, select New Bookmark>, and type in the text to represent the bookmark. 3. Navigate to the bookmark destination, use the select text tool to select text, and select New Bookmark>. The selected text becomes the bookmark text. 4. Choose New Bookmark>, type in the text to represent the new bookmark, navigate to the bookmark destination, choose a magnification setting, and select Reset Bookmark Destination>. 5. To ensure that the correct location and magnification has been set, change to a page other than the book-mark's destination and test the bookmark. Scanning from the Acrobat Exchange menu Using Acrobat Scan Use the Scan command in Acrobat Exchange together with a desktop scanner to convert paper documents to PDF Image Only files. You can view these files, as is, in Exchange. The same image file scanned as black and white, greyscale or colour will produce different size files when converted to PDF. In Exchange, you can use the Capture Pages command to convert PDF Image Only files to more compact documents you can correct, index, and search. Capture Pages performs this conversion with optical character recognition (OCR), which is actually page, font, character, and word recognition. Creating a PDF file from a word document 1. Start the MS Word application, and open the document that needs to be printed to a PDF file. 2. Choose Print>. 3. Select Acrobat PDF Writer from the printer list, and click on button. 4. Enter a pathname and filename for the PDF file. 5. Launch Acrobat Exchange and view the document created. Printing functions added in the menu by the plug-in EFS Print This option allows the user to print the base text along with all the whiteout annotations only from PDF document. 1. Start the Acrobat Exchange application, and open the document to be printed 2. Choose EFS Print>. EFS Print Bookmarks The above option allows the user to print all the bookmarks present in the PDF document. No base text or annotations are printed out. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 198 Private & Confidential 1. Start the Acrobat Exchange application, and open the document to be printed 2. Choose EFS Print Bookmarks>. EFS Print with annotations A PDF document without any annotations is a base PDF document. The user selects some annotation tools provided and makes some changes in the document. If the user needs to print these annotations along with the original document then he needs to select this option. All the annotations and the base document will be printed. 1. Start the Acrobat Exchange application, and open the document to be printed 2. Choose EFS Print with annotations>. EFS print annotations This option allows the user to print only the annotations from the entire document. The base document will not be printed. The position of the annotations will be the same as they were in the document. 1. Start the Acrobat Exchange application, and open the document to be printed 2. Choose EFS Print annotations>. Only the annotations will be printed out. Scanning image files and converting to PDF format Generally scanned files are stored with a tiff extension. These files can be imported into Acrobat Exchange. When user imports BMP, Compuserve GIF, PCX, or TIFF image files into Exchange for viewing, they are converted to the PDF Image Only format. 1. Start the Acrobat Exchange application, and open the document to be printed 2. Choose import>image..>. 3. Select an image file, and click on button. If a PDF document is already open, user will be asked either to Append Images to Current Document or to Create New Document. If Create New Document, the extension (.pdf) is added to the original filename. If the file already has a file extension, Acrobat replaces it with the extension (.pdf). This new imported image needs to be converted to PDF file so that all the other plug-ins recognises it. To do this user will have to capture the image. To capture the image into the document: 1. Choose Capture Pages>. 2. Determine the pages to be captured by selecting All Pages, Current Page, or Specified Range and entering the page numbers in the text box. After doing this, the captured page becomes a part of the document. It can now use optical character recognition (OCR) and other facilities the other plug-ins provide. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 199 Private & Confidential 13.3 Bitmap Signature Steps to insert bitmap signature in the PDF file: Open the PDF file. Place the cursor in the position where the bitmap signature is to be inserted. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 200 Private & Confidential Click on tool bar. Choose the menu from the drop down list. Select the option to insert the bitmap signature. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 201 Private & Confidential Select the signature.bmp file from the list. Click on button to insert the signature.bmp into the PDF file. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 202 Private & Confidential The signature.bmp file is inserted in the position where the cursor was positioned. The size of the file should be equal to or less than 315 x 70 in pixels. This can be set at the time of creation of the bitmap file. (Signature.bmp) 13.4 Details on the Usage of SMS Notification Service 1. SMS message will be sent to the Mobile Tel. No. provided, when the Court replies to this submission. The SMS message will display the status of this submission (Accepted/Rejected) as well as other relevant details (such as URN, Case No., etc.). You may then login to FE-Web to process the reply as usual. 2. Provide a valid Mobile Tel. No. belonging to your firm; the SMS message will be sent to this No. when the Court replies. If you do not wish to receive any status notification for this submission, please clear the H/P No. (if any) in the text box and leave it blank. 3. Per-message fee is applicable for each SMS message successfully sent out by CrimsonLogic. 4. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the SMS alert is successful, it is subject to the constraints of the SMS service, as provided by the Telecom Service Providers. Usage of this service is bound by the Terms and Conditions stated in the Registration Form (which can be downloaded from ). User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 203 Private & Confidential 13.5 Using FE-Web from Different Locations With Web-based FE application, LF users are no longer restricted to a single location to prepare and/or access their EFS submissions. However, due to the FE configuration design, the following important points should be noted when submissions (especially the local PDF documents) are to be accessed from different locations via FE-Web. 1. In FE-Web, the LF office is considered as the primary location, and this is where the PDF files (source and reply) are stored (on an individual PC or a shared LAN Server). The pathname configurations for a LF, such as default pathnames for source and reply PDF files, are tied to its primary location, and PDF files are saved in these paths by default. A user accessing FE-Web from the LF office will always be able to view the local PDF files, provided that the path names on the PC or LAN server are correctly configured by the LF Sys Admin. 2. All other places outside of LF office are considered secondary locations. When submissions are opened in FE-Web from a secondary location, the local PDF documents may not be accessible, if they are stored at the primary location. Conversely, if a submission is created and filed from a secondary location, its PDF documents may not be accessible from the primary location (i.e. LF office). 3. The above concept applies to Court Replies as well. PDF documents in Court Replies, which were previously unpacked and downloaded to a primary location, cannot be viewed from a secondary location, and vice versa. However, the submission details (data items) can be accessed from any location through FE-Web, because these data are stored in the central database at SNS. 13.6 Some Usage Guidelines and Tips 1. Always use your own login ID; do not share it. Keep your password private to yourself. 2. Remember to log out from FE-Web application after finishing your work. Do not leave it idle for a long period after login. 3. Avoid using the browser's Back and Forward functions. To navigate through FE-Web application, use the Pop-up Menu, URL links, and command buttons provided throughout the application screens. 4. Prepare the PDF documents (to be sent to Courts or other law firms) offline, and later attach to the submissions when they are prepared online. 5. If an unusually large submission is to be sent/received, schedule the job at non-peak hours (in late evening or on weekend) to achieve a faster transmission speed. 13.7 Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers) for EFS FE-Web Refer to the online up-to-date FAQ at 13.8 Filing an Amended Document There are two ways to file an amended document. You can either duplicate the previous submission submitted from Super Tray or by creating a new submission from Case File. Please refer to Chapter 4 details. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 204 Private & Confidential Some colour scheme needs to used when doing amendment(s) to the attach PDF. Please note that the colour black is to be used to indicate the first round of amendments. The subsequent colours to be used are red, green, blue and brown. The previous convention of using the colours red, green, violet and yellow is no longer applicable. Please refer to para 36(5)(a) of the Practice Directions. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 205 Private & Confidential Chapter 14 ­ SMS Alert Service This feature is only available for System Administrator. Introduction to SMS Alert service This service allows you to get instantly alerted with an SMS message (to a designated telephone1), as soon as the Court replies to your EFS filings or when another law firm has served on your firm through EFS. The Court Reply alert will display the status (Accepted/Rejected) of your submission, as well as relevant details (such as URN, Case No, and Document Name). The SOD alert will display the sender law firm name, date and time of service, and Case No. How to configure the telephone number for SMS-alerts (a) First, your law firm's EFS system administrator has to configure the SMS telephone number using the Sys Admin module of EFS Front-End application. (b) Login as the Sys Admin at and invoke Law Firm Information function. If you have subscribed to the SMS-alert service, SMS telephone number field will be displayed along with other details of your firm. (See Fig below) (c) Enter a designated telephone number belonging to your firm, where you wish the SMS alerts to be sent to. This is the default number to be used for SMS alerts, when the court replies to your filings or other firms serve on your firm. (This field is not displayed for nonsubscribers, who will not be able to configure it.) It must be a valid working number of GSM mobile phone, or any other compatible phone where local SMS messages can be received. Users must be able to receive SMS messages from any of the providers (SingTel, MobileOne, StarHub). Other terms and conditions also apply (see more details). [CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd, Last Updated 17/09/2002] Page 1 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 206 Private & Confidential How to request SMS-alert for a submission filed to court (a) Both subscribers and non-subscribers may request for SMS alerts to be sent, when the Court replies to a particular submission2. To request for the alert, FE user needs to provide the telephone number, as an additional submission detail. (b) [For subscribers] SMS telephone number configured by Law Firm FE Sys Admin will be displayed in each of the submission your firm is filing. You can overwrite this default number with another valid SMS telephone number, if you wish the alerts be sent to a different phone. You can clear this field and leave it blank, if you wish not to get any alert for this particular submission. (See Fig below) (c) [For non-subscribers] The SMS phone number field will be blank initially. You may request for SMS alert for this submission by entering a valid SMS telephone number3. How to request SMS-alert for a service of documents (a) [For subscribers] You need not do anything, provided your firm's SMS telephone no. has been configured (see Section 2). SMS-alerts will be sent automatically to this number, whenever other law firms serve on your firm. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 207 Private & Confidential (b) [For non-subscribers] This is not applicable. SMS-alerts will not be sent to nonsubscribers, when there is a service of document on them. 2 Subscribers will enjoy a lower transaction fee, for each SMS-alert requested. Subscription and transaction fees for SMS-alert service can be found at ( Non-subscribers will incur a higher transaction fee, for each SMS-alert requested. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 208 Private & Confidential Chapter 15 ­ Criminal Proceedings The following are the more document information of documents pertaining to Criminal Proceedings. 15.1 Screens for Petition Of Appeal (Crime)(CCA) The following is the "More Document Information" section for the CCA work area. 15.1.1. Screen ID: FECCA.S02 Documents using these screens: * Notice of Appeal (Crime) Screen ID: FECCA.S02 Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Criminal Motion No Input Nil No Appealing Against Input Must be checked. Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Date of Sentence Input Must be a valid date. No Date format: DD/MM/YYYY. User may manually enter it or select from the User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 209 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks calendar box. Date of Judgement Input Must be a valid date. Yes Date format: DD/MM/YYYY. User may manually enter it or select from the calendar box. Screen Validation: 1. All mandatory fields are entered. Functions Supported: 1. Upon clicking of the Save Document button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 2. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Submission Information screen) will be returned to the user. Note: Refer to Section 3.5.2 of the External Design Specification for Webbased Front-End Application (EFS Phase 1.2) for description of the Save Draft function and Submission Information screen, respectively. 15.1.2. Screen ID: FECCA.S04 Documents using these screens: * Petition Of Appeal (Crime) Screen ID: FECCA.S04 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 210 Private & Confidential Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Time extended by Criminal Motion No Input Nil No Screen Validation: All mandatory fields are entered. Functions Supported: Upon clicking of the Save Document button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Submission Information screen) will be returned to the user. Note: Refer to Section 3.5.2 and 3.5.4 of the External Design Specification for Web-based Front-End Application (EFS Phase 1.2) for description of the Save Draft function and Submission Information screen, respectively. 15.2 Screens for Criminal Motion (CM) The following is the "More document Information" section for the CM work area. 15.2.1. Screen ID: FECM.S02 Documents using these screens: * Notice Of Motion (Crime - High Court) * Notice Of Motion (Crime - Court Of Appeal) Screen ID: FECM.S02 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 211 Private & Confidential Input/Display Fields: Field Label Dat a Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Originating Charge Numbers Input Maximum 10 entries. No Originating Charge Number, Case Type is Magistrate Arrest Charge "MAC" or District Arrest Charge "DAC" or "PIC" It is a composite data element. It comprises the Case Type (an..5), Case Serial Number (an..6), Case Year (an004) Other Originating Case Numbers Input Nil No It is a free text field. Nature of Application Input Maximum 2 entries. Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Screen Validation: 1. All mandatory fields are entered. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 212 Private & Confidential 2. Must enter at least one of the following: Originating Case Numbers, Originating Charge Numbers, Other Originating Case Numbers. Functions Supported: Upon clicking of the Save Document button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the submission Information screen) will be returned to the user. Note: Refer to Section 3.5.2 of the External Design Specification for Web-based Front-End Application (EFS Phase 1.2) for description of the Save Draft function and Submission Information screen, respectively. 15.2.2. Screen ID: FECM.S03 Documents using these screens: * Order of Court (Crime)) Screen ID: FECM.S03 Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Decision made Input Selection of 3 Yes User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 213 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks values : "Granted", "Dismissed" and "Withdrawn" Date Input Must be a valid date. Yes Date format: DD/MM/YYYY. User may manually enter it or select from the calendar box. Screen Validation: 1. All mandatory fields are entered. Functions Supported: Upon clicking of the Calendar icon or button, the calendar box will be displayed, from which the user can make a selection for date. Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Submission Information screen) will be returned to the user. Note: Refer to Section 3.5.2 of the External Design Specification for Web-based Front-End Application (EFS Phase 1.2) for description of the Save Draft function and Submission Information screen, respectively. 15.3 Screens Criminal Revision (CR) The following are the "More Details" section for the CR work area. 15.3.1. Screen ID: FECR.S01 Documents using these screens: * Petition for Revision Screen ID: FECR.S01 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 214 Private & Confidential Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Originating Charge Numbers Input Maximum 10 entries. No Originating Charge Number, Case Type is Magistrate Arrest Charge "MAC" or District Arrest Charge "DAC". It is a composite data element. It comprises the Case Type (an..5), Case Serial Number (an..6), Case Year (an004) Other Case / Charge Numbers Input Nil No It is a free text field. Trial Judge Input Nil Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Trial Judge Designation Input Nil Yes User can select from a list of 4 values: "District Judge", "Magistrate Judge", "Senior district judge" and "Others" Subordinate Input Nil Yes User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 215 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Courts Number Date of Judgment Input Nil Yes Date format: DD/MM/YYYY. User may manually enter it or select from the calendar box. Date of Sentence (if any) Input Nil No Date format: DD/MM/YYYY. User may manually enter it or select from the calendar box. Grounds for Petition Input Nil No User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Prayer(s) Input Nil Yes It is a free text area field. Screen Validation: All mandatory fields are entered. Must enter at least one of the following: Originating Case Numbers, Originating Charge Numbers, Other Originating Case Numbers. Functions Supported: Upon clicking of the Save Document button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the submission Information screen) will be returned to the user. Note: Refer to Section 3.5.2 of the External Design Specification for Web-based Front-End Application (EFS Phase 1.2) for description of the Save Draft function and Submission Information screen, respectively. 15.4 Screens Record of Proceedings (Special Case) The following are the "More Details" section for the SPC work area. 15.4.1. Screen ID: FESPC.S01 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 216 Private & Confidential Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Charge Numbers Input Maximum 10 entries. No Originating Charge Number, Case Type is Magistrate Arrest Charge "MAC" or District Arrest Charge "DAC". It is a composite data element. It comprises the Case Type (an..5), Case Serial Number (an..6), Case Year (an004) Other Case / Charge Numbers Input Nil No It is a free text field. Courts Input Nil No User can select either "subordinate court" or "High Court" High Court/ Subordinate Courts No Input Nil No Free Text field Date Referred to HC Input Nil Yes Date of Sentence (if any) Input Nil No Date format: DD/MM/YYYY. User may manually enter it or select from the calendar box. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 217 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Grounds for Special Cases Input Nil No Free Text field. Prayer(s) Input Nil Yes It is a free text area field. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 218 Private & Confidential Chapter 16 ­ Phase 7.2 (Rules of Court Changes Phase 1 (ROC 1)) ROC 1 change(s) includes the following: Changes to Modes of Commencement by way of Originating Summons (OS) for below areas: a) Admission Of Advocates And Solicitors (AAS) b) Adoption (AP) c) Probate (P/DCP) d) Petition Of Course (POC) e) Originating Motion (OM) f) Originating Petition (OP ­ Judicial Management) g) Originating Summons (OS) h) Originating Summons ­ Family (OSF) i) Originating Summons (Bankruptcy) (OSB) Changes to Latin and Archaic Terms Document Filing Process Validation New Case Type/ Doc Type Assignment Auto Generation of PDF for OS and Statement Document 16.1 Screens for Originating Summons (Type of OS: General, Queen's Counsel and Judicial Management) The following is the "More Document Information" section for the Originating Summons documents, to allow user to enter "More Document" details for the OS. a) Screen ID: FEOS.S01 (OS ­ General) Documents using these screens: * Originating Summons * Originating Summons (Summons Nature). Applicable to SU only. * Originating Summons (Exparte) * Originating Summons (Exparte - Summons Nature). Applicable to SU only. * Originating Summons (Exparte - Injunction) * Originating Summons (Court of Appeal) "Type of Originating Summons" is "general" Screen ID: FEOS.S01 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 219 Private & Confidential Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Displa y Field Validation Mand- atory Remarks Nature of Application Input Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Rule of Court referred to: Order No. Input No Rule of Court referred to: Rule No. Input No Act of Parliament/ Subsidiary Legislation referred to: Statute/ Regulation Input No User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Act of Parliament/ Subsidiary Legislation Input No User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 220 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Displa y Field Validation Mand- atory Remarks referred to: Other Statute/ Regulation Section/Rule of the Statute/ Regulation Input No Screen Validation: 2. All mandatory fields are entered. Functions Supported: 3. Upon clicking of the Save Document button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 4. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Submission Information screen) will be returned to the user. Mapping of Documents: S/ Existing Document Description New Document Description 1. Originating Summons Form 7 (OS Nature) Originating Summons 2. Originating Summons Form 7 (SIC Nature) Originating Summons (Summons Nature) Applicable to SU only 3. Originating Summons Form 8 (OS Nature) Originating Summons (Exparte) 4. Originating Summons Form 8 (SIC Nature) Originating Summons (Exparte Summons Nature) Applicable to SU only 5. Originating Summons Form 8 Exparte Injunction Originating Summons (Exparte - Injunction) 6. Originating Motion (Court Of Appeal) Originating Summons (Court Of Appeal) After ROC rollout (1 January 2006), the existing documents can be filed for the Old cases; The New documents can be filed in fresh submission (without case number) and for the New Cases. b) Screen ID: FEOS.S02 (OS ­ Queens Counsel) Documents using these screens: User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 221 Private & Confidential * Originating Summons * Originating Summons (Summons Nature). Applicable to SU only. * Originating Summons (Exparte) * Originating Summons (Exparte - Summons Nature). Applicable to SU only. * Originating Summons (Exparte - Injunction) * Originating Summons (Court of Appeal) type of Originating Summons is "Queens Counsel") Screen ID: FEOS.S02 Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand- atory Remarks Legislation for Originating Motion Input Nil Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 222 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand- atory Remarks which are maintained by the Courts. Legislation Remarks Input Nil No Nature of Application Input Nil Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Up to 9 entries can be made. Queen's Counsel Name Input Nil No Queen's Counsel Id. : Id. No. Input Nil No Queen's Counsel Id. : Id. Type Input Nil No User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Queen's Counsel Id. : Country of Issue Input Nil No User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Queen's Counsel Qualification Input Nil No User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Queen's Counsel Case No. * Case Type * Case No. Year * Case No. Serial No. * Case No. suffix / check character Input Nil No Case No. for up to 10 cases can be entered. User may enter non-efs case no. Screen Validation: All mandatory fields are entered. Functions Supported: Upon clicking of the Save Document button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Submission Information screen) will be returned to the user. Mapping of Documents: S/ Existing Document Description New Document Description 1. Originating Summons Form 7 (OS Nature) Originating Motion Originating Summons User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 223 Private & Confidential S/ Existing Document Description New Document Description 2. Originating Summons Form 8 (OS Nature) Originating Motion Originating Summons (Exparte) 3. Originating Summons Form 8 Exparte Injunction Originating Motion Originating Summons (Exparte - Injunction) 4. Originating Motion (Court Of Appeal) Originating Summons (Court Of Appeal) 5. Order Made in Trial Or Hearing In Open Court Order Made for Admission of QC under LPA 6. Praecipe For Practicing Certificate For Queen's Counsel Request For Practicing Certificate For Queen's Counsel After ROC rollout (1 January 2006), the Existinging documents can be filed for the Old cases; The New documents can be filed in fresh submission (without case number) and for the New Cases. 16.2 Adoption After the implementation of the changes to the Rules of Court (Jan 1, 2006 onwards), the current main case level document namely "Adoption Petition" can be filed only as amended versions. There will still be a need to attach the marked up PDF while filing amended version of "Adoption petition" document. The case type "AP" should be quoted while creating such submissions. The new case level document which replaces "Adoption Petition" is called "Originating Summons (Adoption)" and will have to be filed together with another document namely "Statement (Adoption)". On acceptance by court, this document will now generate a new case type "OSA" which will be used for subsequent filings. There is no need now to attach a PDF while filing the amended versions of Originating Summons (Adoption) as well as the Statement (adoption) as these will always be auto generated by the system. The case type "OSA" should be quoted while filing subsequent documents to the new case. The system will display the document list depending on the type of case selected to be filed. Mapping of Documents S/N Existing Document Description New Document Description 1. Adoption Petition Originating Summons (Adoption) 2. Adoption ­ Notice of Hearing of Petition Adoption ­ Notice of further hearing of Originating Summons User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 224 Private & Confidential S/N Existing Document Description New Document Description 3. Adoption Petition Statement (Adoption) 4. Adoption ­ Affidavit in Support of Adoption Petition Adoption ­ Affidavit in Support of Originating Summons 5. Adoption ­ Consent of Guardian Ad Litem Adoption ­ Consent of Guardian In Adoption 6. Praecipe for Service By Court Process Server Request for Service By Court Process Server The following are the more details section of the Originating Summons (Adoption) Screen ID: FEOSA.S01 Documents using this screen are: Originating Summons (Adoption) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 225 Private & Confidential Input/Display fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Date of Order/Judgment/D ecision Input Date format Mand atory for amen ded versio n Judge/Judicial Officer's Name Input Mand atory for amen ded versio n User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts Type of Application Input Nil Yes Nature of Application/Prayer s Input Nil Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 226 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks maintained by the Courts. Up to 9 entries can be made. If a nature is selected, it is mandatory to enter the prayer remarks. Prayer Remarks Input Yes Text area for user to enter information of up to 600 chars. Screen Validation Validate that at least one Nature of Application is specified. Functions Supported Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. Note: Refer to Section 3.5.2 and 3.5.4 of the External Design Specification for Webbased Front-End Application (EFS Phase 1.2) for description of the Save Draft function and Document Information screen, respectively Screen ID: FEOSA.S02 Documents using this screen: Statement (Adoption) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 227 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 228 Private & Confidential Data Item Ma n/ Op t Description Remark Date of Marriage O Applicanťs date of marriage. Conditional. Mandatory, if Applicant is married. Place of Marriage O Applicanťs place of marriage. Conditional. Mandatory, if Applicant is married. Marriage Certificate No. O Applicanťs marriage certificate no. Conditional. Mandatory, if Applicant is married. Date Applicant Started Supporting Child O Date on which Applicant Started Supporting Child. The Applicant Agrees To Provide Costs for the Petition and Guardian Ad-Litem M To indicate whether the Applicant Agrees To Provide Costs for the Petition and Guardian Ad-Litem. Y - Yes N - No Default = "Y" Must be set to "Y" at FE otherwise do not allow filing. Applicant domicile in Singapore M Applicants place of Domicile Place of domicile O Applicants place of domicile if it is other than Singapore. Date of Order/Judgment/D ecision O Applicants date of order User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 229 Private & Confidential Data Item Ma n/ Op t Description Remark Judge/Judicial Officer's Name O User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts Undertaking Description [Para 11] O Applicanťs undertaking description for child. Rewards Description [Para 13] O Receive rewards description. Name O (10 ) Name of person residing with Applicant. Conditional. Mandatory, if other details is entered for "Persons Residing with Applicant" Maximum 10 entries. Person ID O (10 ) ID of person residing with Applicant. Conditional. Mandatory, if other details is entered for "Persons Residing with Applicant". Provide "Not Available/Does not Exist/Unknown" option. Maximum 10 entries. Date of Birth O (10 ) Date of birth of person residing with Applicant. Conditional. Mandatory, if other details is entered for "Persons Residing with Applicant" Maximum 10 entries. Relationship O (10 ) Relationship of person residing with Applicant. Maximum 10 entries. Related to Applicant M (10 ) To describe person residing is related to 'Applicanť or 'Joint Applicanť Only Applicant and Joint Applicant Party Type are applicable. Joint Applicant party type will be applicable only if Type of Application = J is selected. Name in Birth Certificate O Infant Original Name appear in Birth Certificate Out of the 3 names, At least one name must be entered. Name in Passport O Infant Original Name appear in Passport Name in Previous Adoption Order O Infant Original Name appear in previous adoption order Other Original Names in other documents O (4) Other Original Names in other documents Maximum 10 entries. New Name M Infanťs new name to be used after adoption petition is User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 230 Private & Confidential Data Item Ma n/ Op t Description Remark granted. If there is no new name, enter the Original Name here. Date of Birth M Infanťs date of birth. Birth Certificate No. O Infanťs birth certificate no. Date of Issue of Birth Certificate O Infanťs birth certificate registration date. Conditional. Mandatory, if Born in Singapore = "Y". Nationality M Infanťs nationality at birth. Nationality remarks O Infants Nationality if `others' is selected in nationality Place of Birth M Infanťs country of birth. Sex M Infanťs sex. F - Female M - Male Marital Status M Infanťs marital status. M - Married U - Un-Married Default = "U" Race M Infanťs race. Race remarks O Infants race if `others' is selected in race field. Current Country of Residence M Infanťs current country of residence. Current Address in Singapore M Infanťs current address in Singapore. Expressed in 4 lines of 30 characters each. Default to Applicant Address Dependant Pass Expiry Date O Infanťs dependant pass expiry date. Previous Adoption Petition No. O Previous Adoption Petition No. Previous Adoption Order No. O Previous Adoption Order No. Current Custodian's Name M Current custodian's name of the infant. Default to Applicant Name Relationship with Applicant O Infanťs relationship to Applicant. User needs to specify if there is any relationship. If its there, should state the relationship and with whom (Male/Female/both Applicant) Request for Dispensation of Consent M Indicator for the request for dispensation of consent. Y - Yes N - No User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 231 Private & Confidential Data Item Ma n/ Op t Description Remark Default to "N" Request for Dispensation of Service M Indicator for the request for dispensation of service. Y - Yes N - No Default to "N" Spouse Consent Obtained Indicator O Spouse Consent Obtained Indicator Y - Yes N - No Mandatory if Type of Application `Married (Spouse Consent To Adoption)' is selected. Are Natural Parents/ Previous Adoptive Parents information available? M Y = 'Yes', N ='No', Defaulted to 'Y' Name O (2) Person Name if 'Are Natural parents/ previous adoptive parents information available' is Yes, it is mandatory ID. M (2) Person ID if 'Are Natural parents/ previous adoptive parents information available' is Yes, it is mandatory. Provide "Not Available/Does not Exist/Unknown" option. Relationship O M (2) Person Relationship with Infant. if 'Are Natural parents/ previous adoptive parents information available' is Yes, it is mandatory and must be Natural Father and/or Natural Mother. If 'No', will be disabled. Religion M (2) Mandatory if 'Are Natural parents/ previous adoptive parents information available' is Yes. If 'No', will be disabled. Religion remarks O Nationality M (2) Nationality. Mandatory if 'Are Natural parents/ previous adoptive parents information available' is Yes. If 'No', will be disabled. Nationality Remarks O Deceased Indicator M (2) Deceased indicator. Y = 'Yes', N ='No', Defaulted to 'Y' Consent Obtained M (2) Indicator for consent obtained Y = Yes, N = No, Default to 'Y'. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 232 Private & Confidential Data Item Ma n/ Op t Description Remark Service of Document Indicator M (2) Y = 'Yes', N ='No', Defaulted to 'Y' Address O (2) Address Expressed in 4 lines of 30 characters each. Mandatory if 'Are Natural parents/ previous adoptive parents information available' is Yes and Service of Document Indicator is `Yes'. If 'No', will be disabled. Name O (5) Person Name ID. M (5) Person ID if 'Are Natural parents/ previous adoptive parents information available' is Yes, it is mandatory Relationship M (5) Person Relationship with Infant. Remarks O (5) Remarks Only Application if Relationship = "Others" Consent Obtained M (5) Indicator for consent obtained Y = Yes, N = No, Default to 'Y'. Y = Yes, N = No, Default to 'Y'. Service of Document Indicator M (5) Y = 'Yes', N ='No', Defaulted to 'Y' Address to be Served O (5) Address to be Served Expressed in 4 lines of 30 characters each. Mandatory if "Service of Document Indicator" is `Yes'. Exhibit M (20 ) Exhibit required for filing of adoption petition Screen Validation Validate that All Mandatory fields are specified. Functions Supported Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 233 Private & Confidential 16.3 Probate ROC changes have a major impact in filing submissions for Probate. `Probate Petition' will now become `Originating Summons (Probate)' and it must be filed together with the newly introduced document named `Statement for Probate'. Previously, all required data items will be entered in the petition itself. With the new changes, the data items will be split into and to be shown and entered in the OS and Statement respectively. As a general rule and validation, the following will be applied when filing the OS (Probate) and/or Statement for Probate. For Fresh filing * OS and Statement must be filed together * As per rule, other docs are required depending on the Nature of Probate selected * Newly introduced Checklist for Probate will be required for filing to Sub court only. For High Court, iťs optional. For Amendment(s) * If there's a change in Nature of Probate in the OS, both the OS & Statement must be filed together * When there are changes to the Deceased Information like Name, ID (id No., Type & Country of issue), and Alias name(s), both the Statement and OS must be filed together. * Other changes in the MDI that may not affect the common data items, OS or Statement can be filed alone. * Whether filing both OS and Statement or separately, the amended version for the document must be non-zero. In connection to the above rules, proper validation has been implemented and user will be prompted accordingly when the validation fails. Mapping of Documents S/N Existing Document Description New Document Description 1. Petition for Probate/Letters of Administration Originating Summons (Probate)/Letters of Administration 2. Petition for Probate/Letters of Administration Statement for Probate/Letters of Administration 3. Checklist for Petition Checklist for Originating Summons (Probate) 16.3.1 Originating Summons (Probate)/Letters of Administration The following is the "More Document Information" section for the Originating Summons documents, to allow user to enter "More Document" details for the OS. a) Screen ID: FEPB.S01 (Originating Summons (Probate/LA)) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 234 Private & Confidential Documents using these screens: * Originating Summons (Probate/Letters of Administration) Screen after selecting a new Nature of Probate User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 235 Private & Confidential Screen when opening a previously saved more document information. Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand atory Remarks Nature of Probate Input Nil Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Date of Order Granted to Amend Input Nil No Prayers Input Nil Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Additional prayer can be entered at the same textbox entry. Screen Validation: 1. All mandatory fields are entered. Functions Supported: 1. Upon clicking of the View Prayer details button, the selected predefined prayer and/or any additional/other prayer will be taken, and proper formatting will be applied and to be displayed at the space provided for the entire prayer details. 2. Upon clicking of the Reset button, any prayer selected, additional/other prayer entered, and the entire prayer, if any, will be cleared or removed. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 236 Private & Confidential 3. Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 4. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. 16.3.2 Statement for Probate/Letters of Administration The following is the "More Document Information" section for the Originating Summons documents, to allow user to enter "More Document" details for the OS. a) Screen ID: FEPB.S02 Documents using these screens: * Statement for Probate/Letters of Administration User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 237 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 238 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark Nature of Probate Input Yes Date of Order Granted to Amend No Display a note on the web "Only applicable to amended petition". Estate Value Exceed 3 Millions? Input Estate Value Exceed 3 Millions indicator Y-Yes N-No For High Court : No default value For Sub Courts: Default to "No" and do not allow user to edit. Yes Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(a), 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e). Will with Codicil? Input Will with Codicil? No Applicable and mandatory for Nature of User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 239 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark Y ­ Yes N ­ No No default value Probate = "PB", "DPB", "TPB", "LAW", "LAWDMR", "LADWR", "PBTC", "LAWTC". Reason for Delay Input Reason for Delay No Applicable and optional for Form 168(a), 168(b), 168(c), 168(d) & 168(e) Optional for "DPB", "TPB", "LADR", "LADWR" For the rest of Nature of Probate; It is mandatory only if the application is taken out after 6 months from the Date of Death. However, system should not allow user to enter anything here if the application is taken out within 6 months from the Date of Death. For partial Date of Death, the assumed date will be as follows: YYYYMM ­ last day of the month YYYY ­ last day of the year Applicant(s) Relationship To Deceased Input Applicant(s) Relationship With Deceased No Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(a), 168(b), 168(c), 168(d) and Nature of Probate = "PBTC". Applicable and optional for Nature of Probate = "LATC", "LAWTC". To display the caption as "Applicant(s) Capacity" for "PB, DPB, TPB, LAW, LADWR", "PBTC" and to display as "Applicant(s) Relationship To Deceased" for the rest. Display a note on the web "All Applicants' capacities must be stated. If none of the listed capacities describes their relationship accurately, User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 240 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark then select `Others' and to enter in the space provided. Applicant(s) Relationship To Deceased Remark Input Applicant(s) Relationship With Deceased Remark. No Applicable and optional for Form 168(a), 168(b), 168(c), 168(d)and Nature of Probate = "PBTC". To display the caption as "Applicant(s) Capacity Remark" for "PB, DPB, TPB, LAW, LADWR" and to display as "Applicant(s) Relationship To Deceased Remark" for the rest. Display a note on the web "If Others is selected, please specify" Upon saving at FE: If Applicant(s) Relationship To Deceased = "OTH" Store what is keyed-in (free-text info) by user into this field Else Translate the code into actual description and store into this field End-if Applicanťs Status in the Will Input Applicanťs Status Stated in the Will No Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(c). Applicanťs Status in the Will Remarks Input Applicanťs Role Stated in the Will Possible values: the residuary legatee(s) one of the beneficiaries the beneficiaries No Applicable and optional for Form 168(c). Display a note on the web "If Others is selected, please specify" Upon saving at FE: If Applicanťs Status in the Will = "OTH" Store what is keyed-in (free-text info) by user into this field Else Translate the code into actual User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 241 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark description and store into this field End-if Did Deceased name any Executor in the Will? Input Did Deceased name any Executor in the Will? Y ­ Yes N ­ No No Default No Applicable and Mandatory for Form 168(c). Deceased Name Input Name of the Deceased. Yes Deceased ID Input Deceaseďs ID. Yes User may enter valid ID information or select "Unknown" option. Deceased ID Type Input The type of identity document of the Deceased. No Deceased ID Country Of Issue Input The country issued the Deceaseďs identity document. No Deceased Alias Alias of the Deceased. No Maximum 10 entries. Exact Date of Death Input Input No Conditional. Either the Exact Date of Death or the Estimated Date of Death (From / Date) must be specified. Should be allowed to key in any of the following formats. dd/mm/yyyy (full date) mm/yyyy (month & year) yyyy (year) Validation: Full date ­ must be earlier than (to-date) Month & Year ­ must be a valid month & year and must be earlier than (to-date) Display a note on the web ''If only month & year is known'' Year ­ must be a valid year and must be earlier User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 242 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark than to-date Estimated Date of Death (From- Date) Input No Conditional. Either the Exact Date of Death or the Estimated Date of Death (From / Date) must be specified. (From-Date) must be earlier than (To-Date). Should be allowed to key in any of the following formats. dd/mm/yyyy (full date) mm/yyyy (month & year) yyyy (year) Validation: Full date ­ must be earlier than (to-date) Month & Year ­ must be a valid month & year and must be earlier than (to-date) Display a note on the web ''If only month & year is known'' Year ­ must be a valid year and must be earlier than to-date Estimated Date of Death (To-Date) Input No (From-Date) must be earlier than (To-Date). Should be allowed to key in any of the following formats. dd/mm/yyyy (full date) mm/yyyy (month & year) yyyy (year) Validation: Full date ­ must be earlier than (to-date) Month & Year ­ must be a valid month & year and must be earlier than )to-date Year ­ must be a valid year and must be earlier than to-date User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 243 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark Deceased Address Input Address of the Deceased expressed in 4 lines of 30 characters each. No User may enter address or select "Not Available" option. Place of Death Input Place of Death of the Deceased. (Country must also be stated) No Display a note on the web "Country must also be stated, enter "Unknown" if not known". Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(a), 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e). Deceased Gender Input Gender Type: M ­ Male F ­ Female Yes Country of Domicile Input Deceased Domicile Yes Deceased Nationality Input Deceased Nationality No Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e). Deceased Nationality Remarks Input Deceased Nationality Remarks No Applicable and optional for Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e). Upon saving at FE: If Deceased Nationality = "OTH" Store what is keyed-in (free-text info) by user into this field Else Translate the code into actual description and store into this field End-if Deceased Religion Input Deceased Religion No Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e). Deceased Religion Remarks Input Deceased Religion Remarks No Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e). Upon saving at FE: If Deceased Religion = "OTH" User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 244 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark Store what is keyed-in (free-text info) by user into this field Else Translate the code into actual description and store into this field End-if Deceased School of Religion Input Deceased School of Religion No Mandatory if Deceased Religion = "M" (Muslim). Deceased Marital Status Input Deceased Marital Status S ­ Single M ­ Married D ­ Divorced W ­ Widowed U - Unknown No default value No Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e), 168(f). Deceased Had Resided or Carried on Business in Singapore Within 12 Months Before Death? Input Deceased had resided or carried on business in Singapore within 12 months before death indicator Y ­ Yes N ­ No No default value No Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(f). Is There Debts Due From the Deceased Estate to Creditors Residing in Singapore? Input Debts due from the deceased estate to creditors residing in Singapore indicator Y ­ Yes N ­ No No default value No Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(f). Deceased True Name Input Deceased True Name No Applicable and optional for Form 168(a), 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e), 168(f). Display a note on the web "Enter if and only if Deceased Name differs from that in Death Certificate or Will". User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 245 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark Property in Alias Name Input Property in Alias Name No Applicable and optional for Form 168(a), 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e), 168(f). Can only be entered if Deceased True Name is not NULL. Display a note on the web "Leave blank if there is none". Particular of Previous Probate. Applicable and mandatory for Nature of probate code = "DPB", "TPB". Probate No Input Previous Probate No Yes Grant Date Input Previous Probate Grant Date Yes Format: DD/MM/YYYY Executor Name Input Executor named in previous probate Yes At least 1 must be supplied. Executor's Gender Input Executor's Gender F-Female M-Male No default value Yes Mandatory, if Executor Name is supplied. Other Executor Name Input Other Executor with leave being reserved in the previous probate No Other Executor's Gender Input Other Executor's Gender F-Female M-Male No default value No Mandatory, if Other Executor Name is supplied. Particular of Beneficiary, maximum 99 entries Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), "LATC" and "LAWTC" only. Display a note on the web "If name entered is a company, Gender and Age or Date of Birth are not required otherwise please provide information" Name Input Beneficiary Name Yes Display a note on the web "Include alias names, if any) Gender Input Beneficiary Gender F-Female M-Male No default value No Optional for "LATC" and "LAWTC" but mandatory for the rest of nature of probate code (if applicable). Age or Date of Input Beneficiary Age Yes Display a note on the User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 246 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark Birth or Date of Birth web "Enter "Unknown" if Age or Date of Birth is not known". Optional for "LATC" and "LAWTC" but mandatory for the rest of nature of probate code (if applicable). Relationship To Deceased Input Beneficiary Relationship to Deceased Yes Relationship To Deceased Remarks Input Beneficiary Relationship To Deceased Remarks Yes Upon saving at FE: If Beneficiary Relationship To Deceased = "OTH" Store what is keyed-in (free-text info) by user into this field Else Translate the code into actual description and store into this field End-if Particulars of Spouse and Next-of-kin Who Are Deceased, maximum 99 entries Applicable and optional for Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), "LATC" and "LAWTC" only. Name Input Spouse and Next-of-kin Name Yes Gender Input Spouse and Next-of-kin Gender F-Female M-Male No default value Yes Date of Death Input Spouse and Next-of-kin Date of Death Yes Relationship To Deceased Input Spouse and Next-of-kin Relationship to Deceased Yes Relationship To Deceased Remarks Input Spouse and Next-of-kin Relationship To Deceased Remarks Yes Upon saving at FE: If Spouse and Next-of-kin Relationship To Deceased = "OTH" Store what is keyed-in (free-text info) by user into this field Else Translate the code User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 247 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark into actual description and store into this field End-if FE is to display as the following 3 sections: 1. Particular of Executor(s) who are deceased - Applicable and optional for Form 168(a), 168(c) and "PBTC". 2. Renunciation of Executor(s) - Applicable and optional for Form 168(a), 168(c) and "PBTC". 3. Renunciation of Person(s) with prior/equal rights - Applicable and optional for Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), "LATC" and "LAWTC". maximum 99 entries Executor/Person with Prior/Equal Rights Input Executor/Person with Prior/Equal Rights Indicator Possible values: E ­ Executor R ­ Person With Prior/Equal Rights No default value Yes Name Input Executor/Person with Prior/Equal Rights Name Yes Date of Death Input Executor/Person with Prior/Equal Rights Date of Death No Display a note on the web "Enter 'Unknown' if Date of Death is not known" Either Date of Death or Date of Renunciation must be supplied. Date of Renunciation Input Executor/Person with Prior/Equal Rights Date of Renunciation No Either Date of Death or Date of Renunciation must be supplied. Name Input Minor Name Yes Share Entitlement Input Minor's Share Entitlement Yes Particulars of Administrator(s) in Previous Probate. Maximum 4 entries Applicable and optional for Form 168(d) only. Probate No Input Previous Probate No Yes Granted Date Input Previous Administrator Granted Date Yes Grant Issued By Input Grant Issued By Which Court E.g.: High Court Yes Free Text. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 248 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark Subordinate Courts Name Input Previous Administrator Name Yes Relationship To Deceased Input Previous Administrator Relationship To Deceased Yes Relationship To Deceased Remarks Input Previous Administrator Relationship To Deceased Remarks Yes Upon saving at FE: If Previous Administrator Relationship To Deceased = "OTH" Store what is keyed-in (free-text info) by user into this field Else Translate the code into actual description and store into this field End-if Death Date Input Previous Administrator Death Date No Appointment of Legal Guardian Details, Optional. Applicable and optional for Nature of Probate = "LAMR", "LAWDMR". Order Date Input Order Date No Display a note on the web "Enter only if required" Appointment of Testamentary Guardian Details, Optional. Applicable and optional for Nature of Probate = "LAWDMR". Testamentary Guardian Input Testamentary Guardian Indicator Y ­ Yes N ­ No No default value No Display a note on the web "Select only if required" By Nomination of Infant Details, Optional. Applicable and optional for Nature of Probate = "LAMR" & "LAWDMR". Nominate by Infant(s) Input Nominate by Infant(s) indicator. Y ­ Yes N ­ No No default value No Display a note on the web "Select only if required" Other Information. Applicable For all forms Any Other Relevant Input Any Other Relevant No Free text field. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 249 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark Information (if any) in Support of the Petition Information (if any) in Support of the Petition Property in Resealing Probate. Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(f) only. Deceased Property in Singapore Input Deceased property in Singapore Yes Particulars of Donor(s) / Original Foreign Grantee(s). Applicable and optional For Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e) & 168(f) only. For Form 168(b), 168(c), 168(d), 168(e) display the section heading as "Particulars of Power of Attorney(s)". For Form 168(f) display the section heading as "Particulars of Donor(s) / Original Foreign Grantee(s)". Full Name Of The Foreign Court In Which Probate Is Granted? Input Court which Foreign Probate is granted. Yes Display note on the web "Country must also be stated". Applicable and mandatory For Form 168(f) only. Donor or Grantee Input D ­ Donor G ­ Grantee Yes Applicable to Form 168(b), 168(c) & 168(f) but DO NOT display this data item. Default to "D" for Form 168(b) & 168(c). Default to "G" for Form 168(f). Name Input Foreign Grantee Yes To display the caption as "Donor Name" in Form 168(b) & 168(c). To display the caption as "Grantee Name" in Form 168(f). Display a note on the web "Enter multiple names, separate names by comma" Gender Input Gender Type: F-Female M-Male No default value Yes Applicable and mandatory For Form 168(f) only. Power of Attorney No Input Power of Attorney No No Applicable and mandatory For Form 168(b) & 168(c). For Form 168(f), it is mandatory, if Power of Attorney Date is supplied. Power of Attorney Date Input Power of Attorney Date No Applicable and mandatory For Form 168(b) & 168(c). For Form 168(f), it is User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 250 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/Di splay Field Validation Mand atory Remark mandatory, if Power of Attorney No is supplied. Foreign Probate in Resealing Probate. Applicable and mandatory for Form 168(f) only. Foreign Probate Description Input Foreign Probate description. Yes Applicable and mandatory For Form 168(f) only. Screen Validation: 1. All mandatory fields are entered. Functions Supported: 1. Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 2. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. 3. Other buttons function will be as per existing. 16.3.3 Checklist for Originating Summons (Probate) a) Screen ID: FEPB.S03 Documents using these screens: * Checklist for Originating Summons(Probate) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 251 Private & Confidential Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand atory Remarks Deceased Name Input/Di splay Nil Yes If OS and Statement is in the submission, this info will be retrieved from the Statement, otherwise, user will enter it. Checklist items Input Nil Yes At least one must be selected. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 252 Private & Confidential Screen Validation: 1. All mandatory fields are entered. Functions Supported: 1. Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 2. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. 16.4 AAS Documents using these screens: * Originating Summons (Admission of Advocates and Solicitors * Affidavit for Call to the Bar [Form E] Fig 4.4.a Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand- atory Remarks Case Number Input Nil No AAS No. Generated by the Court and returned to LF. Party Nationality Input Nil Yes Party Gender Input Nil Yes Party Identification Type Input Yes Party Race Input Yes Party Date of Birth Input Yes Party Place of Birth Input Yes Party Marital Status Input Yes Reference LPA or LPR Section Input Yes Declaration Mode Input Yes User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 253 Private & Confidential Fig 4.4.b User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 254 Private & Confidential Screen Validation Validate that All Mandatory fields are specified. Functions Supported Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand- atory Remarks Case Number Input Nil Yes Name of Pupil Master Input Yes For each Certificate of Diligence, the name of at least one pupil master must be provided. Up to 10 entries may be provided. Law Firm Name Input Yes For each Certificate of Diligence, at least one pupillage LF Name must be provided. Up to 10 entries may be provided. Pupillage Duration Input Yes For each Certificate of Diligence, at least one duration entry must be provided. Up to 10 entries may be provided. Pupillage From-Date Input Yes For each Certificate of Diligence, at least one From-Date must be provided. Up to 10 entries may be provided. Pupillage To-Date Input Yes For each Certificate of Diligence, at least one To-Date must be provided. Up to 10 entries may be provided. Party Qualification (as stated in Originating Summons) Input Yes Date of becoming a Qualified Person Input Yes User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 255 Private & Confidential Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. Mapping of Documents: Existing Document Description New Document Description Petition for Admission of Advocates and Solicitors [Form B] Originating Summons (Admission of Advocates and Solicitors) Petition for Admission of Advocates and Solicitors [Form C] Petition for Admission of Advocates and Solicitors[Other than in Form B or Form C] Affidavit for Call to the Bar [Form E] Affidavit for Call to the Bar After ROC rollout (1 January 2006), the existing documents can be filed for the Old cases; The New documents can be filed in fresh submission (without case number) and for the New Cases. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 256 Private & Confidential 16.5 Taxation Documents using these screens: * Originating Summons (Taxation) [HC/SC] * Summons (Taxation) [HC/SC] Originating Summons Taxation [HC] Fig 4.5.a Originating Summons Taxation [DC] Fig 4.5.b User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 257 Private & Confidential Screen Validation Validate that All Mandatory fields are specified. Functions Supported Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. Mapping of Documents: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand- atory Remarks Estimated Amount in Bill Claimed (in SGD) Input Nil Yes An editable and empty textbox. Applicable to MC and DC only. Act of Parliament or Subsidiary Legislation Input Nil Yes A combo box that lists all of the Acts or Legislations. Default the selection to "Legal Profession Act". Section/Rule Input Nil Yes A textbox populated with the value "Section 120". Editing on this textbox is allowed. Nature of Application Input Nil Yes Single occurrence. Provide the LF user with the combo box populated with the Nature of Applications and default the selection to `For a bill of costs to be presented and taxeď. Law Firm is allowed to change the selection. Remarks Input Nil Input No An editable and empty textbox. Applicable to MC and DC only. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 258 Private & Confidential Existing Document Description New Document Description Petition Of Course Originating Summons (Taxation) After ROC rollout (1 January 2006), the existing documents can be filed for the Old cases; The New documents can be filed in fresh submission (without case number) and for the New Cases. 16.6 Bankruptcy Documents using these screens: * Originating Summons (Bankruptcy ­ To Get Interim Order/Voluntary Arrangement) * Originating Summons (Bankruptcy - To Set Aside Statutory Demand) Fig 16.6 Screen Validation Validate that All Mandatory fields are specified. Functions Supported Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. Mapping of Documents: Existing Document Description New Document Description Originating Summons Bankruptcy (To Get Interim Order/Voluntary Arrangement) Originating Summons (Bankruptcy ­ To Get Interim Order/Voluntary Arrangement) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 259 Private & Confidential Existing Document Description New Document Description Originating Summons Bankruptcy (To Set Aside Statutory Demand) Originating Summons (Bankruptcy - To Set Aside Statutory Demand) After ROC rollout (1 January 2006), the existing documents can be filed for the Old cases; The New documents can be filed in fresh submission (without case number) and for the New Cases. 16.7 OS (Family Matters) Documents using these screens: * Originating Summons MPR Form 1(Family Matters) * Originating Summons Form 4 (Family Matters) * Originating Summons Form 5 (Family Matters) * Originating Summons Form 5 (Registration of Syariah Court Order) Fig 16.7 Screen Validation Validate that All Mandatory fields are specified. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 260 Private & Confidential Functions Supported Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. Mapping of Documents: Existing Document Description New Document Description OSF ­ Originating Summons Form 1 (Family Matters) Originating Summons MPR Form 1(Family Matters) Originating Summons Form 7 (Family Matters) Originating Summons Form 4 (Family Matters) Originating Summons Form 8 (Family Matters) Originating Summons Form 5 (Family Matters) OSF - Originating Summons Form 8 for Registration of Syariah Court Order Originating Summons Form 5 (Registration of Syariah Court Order) After ROC rollout (1 January 2006), the existing documents can be filed for the Old cases; The New documents can be filed in fresh submission (without case number) and for the New Cases. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 261 Private & Confidential 16.8 Document Information Page Generally, DIP preview of auto-generated documents like Adoption and Probate is affected due to the ROC changes. From one DIP preview for the petition, it will become two as OS and Statement requires separate DIP respectively. No changes for the DIP compose/preview for the non-autogen documents. 16.8.1 Originating Summons (Adoption) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 262 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 263 Private & Confidential 16.8.2 Statement for Adoption User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 264 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 265 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 266 Private & Confidential 16.8.3 Originating Summons (Probate)/Letters of Administration User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 267 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 268 Private & Confidential 16.8.4 Statement for Probate/Letters of Administration User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 269 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 270 Private & Confidential 16.8.5 Checklist for Originating Summons (Probate) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 271 Private & Confidential 16.8 DIP Preview in Sent Tray As part of ROC changes, user will be able to preview the DIP of sent submissions. Similar to draft submission implementation, a preview icon will be shown in each document that requires an auto-generated DIP. The DIP shown will be similar to the one sent to court. Samples can be seen at section 6.1. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 272 Private & Confidential 16.8.1 Submission Information (View only) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 273 Private & Confidential 16.8.2 Sample Sent Submission DIP Preview User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 274 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 275 Private & Confidential 16.9 Mapping of old and new documents not stated above SNo. Existing Document Description New Proposed Document Description 1. Instanter Writ of Subpoena Ad Testificandum Urgent Subpoena to testify 2. Instanter Writ Of Subpoena Ad Testificandum/Duces Tecum Urgent Subpoena to testify/ produce documents 3. Instanter Writ of Subpoena Duces Tecum Urgent Subpoena to produce documents 4. Instanter Writ of Subpoena Ad Testificandum and Duces Tecum Urgent Subpoena to testify and produce documents 5. Praecipe - On adjourning from Chambers into Court any other summons or matter. Request - On adjourning from Chambers into Court any other summons or matter 6. Praecipe For Adjourning Any Summons Or Matter From Chambers To Open Court Request For Adjourning Any Summons Or Matter From Chambers To Open Court 7. Praecipe For Date To Be Appointed For Execution Request For Date To Be Appointed For Execution 8. Praecipe - For the attendance of an officer of the Court as a witness for every half day or part thereof that he is necessarily absent from his office. Request - For the attendance of an officer of the Court as a witness for every half day or part thereof that he is necessarily absent from his office 9. Praecipe For Caveat Against Arrest Request For Caveat Against Arrest 10. Praecipe For Caveat Against Release And Payment Out Request For Caveat Against Release And Payment Out 11. Praecipe For Commission For Appraisement And Sale Request For Commission For Appraisement And Sale 12. Praecipe For Claiming Reference Request For Claiming Reference 13. Praecipe - For each attempt at service on each person of any process or proceeding required to be served by the Court or Registrar or Sheriff. Request - For each attempt at service on each person of any process or proceeding required to be served by the Court or Registrar or Sheriff 14. Praecipe For Sealing A Commission Or Letter Of Request For the Examination Of Witnesses Abroad Request For Sealing A Commission Or Letter Of Request For the Examination Of Witnesses Abroad 15. Praecipe - On every appointment for the examination of a witness by an officer of the Court. Request - On every appointment for the examination of a witness by an officer of the Court 16. Praecipe For Executing Writ Of Execution Request For Executing Writ Of Execution 17. Praecipe to execute Writ of Execution etc Request to execute Writ of Execution etc 18. Praecipe - For Every Witness Sworn And Examined By An Officer Of The Court, For Each Hour Or Part Thereof Request - For Every Witness Sworn And Examined By An Officer Of The Court, For Each Hour Or Part Thereof 19. Praecipe - On every witness sworn and examined by an officer of the Court, for each hour or part thereof. Request - On every witness sworn and examined by an officer of the Court, for each hour or part thereof 20. Praecipe For Appointment For The Examination of Witness Request For Appointment For The Examination of Witness User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 276 Private & Confidential 21. Praecipe For Hearing Dates / Further Hearing Dates Request For Hearing Dates / Further Hearing Dates 22. Praecipe for Hearing Dates/Further Hearing Dates Request for Hearing Dates/Further Hearing Dates 23. Praecipe For File Inspection (IPTO) Request For File Inspection (IPTO) 24. Praecipe For File Inspection Request For File Inspection 25. Praecipe For Issue Of Release (outside office hours or on public holidays) Request For Issue Of Release (outside office hours or on public holidays) 26. Praecipe for service outside Singapore Request for service outside Singapore 27. Praecipe For Production Of File For Hearing Request For Production Of File For Hearing 28. Praecipe For Request For PTC Request For PTC 29. Praecipe For Warrant Of Arrest (outside office hours or on public holidays) Request For Warrant Of Arrest (outside office hours or on public holidays) 30. Praecipe for Grounds of Decision Transcript Request for Grounds of Decision Transcript 31. Praecipe For Issue Of Release (during office hours) Request For Issue Of Release (during office hours) 32. Praecipe For Judgment Request For Judgment 33. Praecipe - On bespeaking a request for the service of process or notice thereof out of the jurisdiction. Request - On bespeaking a request for the service of process or notice thereof out of the jurisdiction 34. Praecipe For Bespeaking A Request For The Service Of Process Or Notice Thereof Out Of The Jurisdiction Request For Bespeaking A Request For The Service Of Process Or Notice Thereof Out Of The Jurisdiction 35. Praecipe for Certified Transcript Request for Certified Transcript 36. Praecipe - Upon an application for the production of records or documents to be given in evidence.(b) where an officer is required to produce the rcd/doc in crt Request - Upon an application for the production of records or documents to be given in evidence.(b) where an officer is required to produce the rcd/doc in crt 37. Praecipe For Application For The Production Of Records Where An Officer is Required To Produce Records Or Documents In Court Request For Application For The Production Of Records Where An Officer is Required To Produce Records Or Documents In Court 38. Praecipe For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 1 File) Request For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 1 File) 39. Praecipe For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 2 Files) Request For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 2 Files) 40. Praecipe For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 3 Files) Request For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 3 Files) 41. Praecipe For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 4 Files) Request For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 4 Files) 42. Praecipe For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 5 Files) Request For Production Of Non-Electronic File For Hearing (For 5 Files) 43. Other Praecipes Other Requests User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 277 Private & Confidential 44. Praecipe - Upon an application for the production of records or documents to be given in evidence. (a) where the records or documents are left in Court. Request - Upon an application for the production of records or documents to be given in evidence. (a) where the records or documents are left in Court 45. Praecipe For Application For The Production Of Records Or Documents To Be Given In Evidence, Where The Records Or Documents Are Left In Court Request For Application For The Production Of Records Or Documents To Be Given In Evidence, Where The Records Or Documents Are Left In Court 46. Praecipe for Request for Refund of Court Fees Request for Refund of Court Fees 47. Praecipe For Request For Refund Of Court Fees for an unused document Request For Refund Of Court Fees for an unused document 48. Praecipe For Request For Soft Copy Request For Soft Copy 49. Praecipe For Request For Certified True Copy (Bankruptcy) Request For Certified True Copy (Bankruptcy) 50. Praecipe For Request for Certified True Copy Request for Certified True Copy 51. Praecipe For Request For Certified True Copy (IPTO) Request For Certified True Copy (IPTO) 52. Praecipe-For An Application For The Refund Of The Fee Paid For Any Unused Document (Bankruptcy) Request-For An Application For The Refund Of The Fee Paid For Any Unused Document (Bankruptcy) 53. Praecipe-For An Application For The Refund Of The Fee Paid For Any Unused Document (IPTO) Request-For An Application For The Refund Of The Fee Paid For Any Unused Document (IPTO) 54. Praecipe - On every reference to an officer of the Court. Request - On every reference to an officer of the Court 55. Praecipe For Every Reference To An Officer Of The Court Request For Every Reference To An Officer Of The Court 56. Praecipe for payment of release of goods seized Request for payment of release of goods seized 57. Praecipe For Release Of Property Seized Request For Release Of Property Seized 58. Praecipe for Instanta Subpoena Request For Urgent Subpoena 59. Praecipe For Instanter Subpoena Request For Urgent Subpoena 60. Praecipe to release property seized by instruction of party issuing the writ of execution or distress, order of attachment, arrest or attachment of property Request to release property seized by instruction of party issuing the writ of execution or distress, order of attachment, arrest or attachment of property 61. Praecipe To Release Property Seized By Instruction Of Party Issuing Writ Of Execution Or Distress, etc. Request To Release Property Seized By Instruction Of Party Issuing Writ Of Execution Or Distress, etc. 62. Praecipe For Writ Of Execution Request For Writ Of Execution 63. Praecipe For Subpoena Request For Subpoena 64. Praecipe For Subpoena (IPTO) Request For Subpoena (IPTO) 65. Praecipe For Subpoena (Bankruptcy) Request For Subpoena (Bankruptcy) 66. Praecipe For Direction To Sheriff - In Respect Of Writ Of Seizure And Sale For Immovable Property Request For Direction To Sheriff - In Respect Of Writ Of Seizure And Sale For Immovable Property 67. Praecipe for Direction to Sheriff / Bailiff - in Respect of Writ of Seizure and Sale for Immovable Property Request for Direction to Sheriff / Bailiff - in Respect of Writ of Seizure and Sale for Immovable Property 68. Praecipe For Request For Certified True Copy (Power Of Attorney) Request For Certified True Copy (Power Of Attorney) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 278 Private & Confidential 69. Praecipe - On setting down a cause or matter for hearing or judgment or on a point of law. Request - On setting down a cause or matter for hearing or judgment or on a point of law 70. Praecipe For Setting Down A Cause Or Matter For Hearing Or Judgment Or On A Point Of Law Request For Setting Down A Cause Or Matter For Hearing Or Judgment Or On A Point Of Law 71. Praecipe - On entering or setting down any cause or matter for further consideration. Request - On entering or setting down any cause or matter for further consideration 72. Praecipe For Entering Or Setting Down Any Cause Or Matter For Further Consideration Request For Entering Or Setting Down Any Cause Or Matter For Further Consideration 73. Praecipe for Request for Service of Document Out of Singapore Request On Bespeaking A Request For The Service Of Process Or Notice Thereof Out Of The Jurisdiction 74. Praecipe For Request For Service Of Document Out Of Singapore Request On Bespeaking A Request For The Service Of Process Or Notice Thereof Out Of The Jurisdiction 75. Praecipe For Service Of Writ Of Summons Request For Service Of Writ Of Summons 76. Praecipe For Warrant Of Arrest (during office hours) Request For Warrant Of Arrest (during office hours) 77. Praecipe For Withdrawal Of Caveat Against Arrest Request For Withdrawal Of Caveat Against Arrest 78. Praecipe For Withdrawal Of Caveat Against Release And Payment Out Request For Withdrawal Of Caveat Against Release And Payment Out 79. Supplementary Affidavits In Support Of Petition Supplementary Affidavits In Support Of Originating Summons 80. Writ of Subpoena Ad Testificandum Subpoena to testify 81. Writ Of Subpoena Ad Testificandum / Duces Tecum Subpoena to testify/ produce documents 82. Writ of Subpoena Duces Tecum Subpoena to produce documents 83. Writ of Subpoena Ad Testificandum and Duces Tecum Subpoena to testify and produce documents User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 279 Private & Confidential 16.10 Documents mapping for SIC and Summons S/N Court Existing Document Description New Document Description 1. HC Notice Of Motion Summons 2. HC Notice Of Motion (Admiralty) Summons (Admiralty) 3. HC Notice Of Motion For Civil Appeal To Court Of Appeal Summons (Court Of Appeal) 4. HC, DC Divorce - Summons-in-Chambers (Normal) Divorce - Summons (Normal) 5. HC, DC Divorce - Summons-in-Chambers (O.14, O.18 r.19, O.33 r.2) Divorce - Summons (O.14, O.18 r.19, O.33 r.2) 6. DC OSF - Summons In Chambers OSF - Summons 7. HC Summons In Chambers (Court Of Appeal Summons (For Civil Appeal To Court Of Appeal) 8. HC, DC, MC Summons In Chambers (Ex Parte Injunction) Summons (Ex Parte Injunction) 9. HC Summons In Chambers (Ex Parte Injunction-Companies Winding Up) Summons (Ex Parte InjunctionCompanies Winding Up) 10. HC Summons In Chambers (IPTO) Summons (IPTO) 11. DC Summons In Chambers (Non-EFS - Adoption) 12. DC Summons In Chambers (Non-EFS - Probate) 13. HC Summons In Chambers (Normal Companies Winding Up) Summons (Normal - Companies Winding Up) 14. DC, MC Summons in Chambers (Normal) Summons (Normal) 15. HC, DC, MC Summons In Chambers (O 14, O 18 r 19, O 33 r 2) Summons (O 14, O 18 r 19, O 33 r 2) 16. HC Summons In Chambers (O 14, O 18 r 19, O 33 r 2-Companies Winding Up) Summons(O 14, O 18 r 19, O 33 r 2Companies Winding Up) 17. HC Summons In Chambers (Others) Summons (Others) 18. HC Application For Reconstruction Or Other Scheme Application For Reconstruction Or Other Scheme 19. DC, MC Summons for Appointment of Receiver Summons for Appointment of Receiver 20. HC, DC, MC Summons for Directions Summons for Directions 21. HC Summons For Directions (Companies Winding Up) Summons For Directions (Companies Winding Up) 22. DC, MC Summons for Further Directions Summons for Further Directions User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 280 Private & Confidential 16.11 New documents introduced S/N Court Indicator (HC/DC/MC) New Document Description 1 HC Statement For Probate/Letters Of Administration 2 DC Statement For Probate/Letters Of Administration 3 HC Supporting Affidavit Under Order 71 Rule 5 4 DC Supporting Affidavit Under Order 71 Rule 5 5 HC Summons (Taxation) 6 DC Summons (Taxation) 7 MC Summons (Taxation) 8 DC Statement (Adoption) 9 DC Originating Summons (Converted from Adoption) 10 HC Originating Summons (Converted from Admission of Advocates and Solicitors) 11 HC Originating Summons (Converted from Originating Motion) 12 HC Originating Summons (Converted from Originating Petition) 13 HC Originating Summons (Converted from Probate) 14 DC Originating Summons (Converted from Probate) 15 HC Originating Summons (Converted from Petition of Course) 16 DC Originating Summons (Converted from Petition of Course) 17 MC Originating Summons (Converted from Petition of Course) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 281 Private & Confidential Chapter 17 ­ Phase 7.2 (Rules of Court Changes Phase 2 (ROC 2)) Rules of Court Phase 2 change(s) include the following: Changes to Modes of Commencement by way of Originating Summons (OS) or Writ of Divorce for below areas: a. Bankruptcy (B) b. Companies Winding Up (CWU) c. Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up (LWU) d. Originating Petition (OP ­ Judicial Management) e. Divorce (D) Document Filing Process Validation New Case Type/ Doc Type Assignment 17.1 Originating Summons (Type of OS: Judicial Management) The following is the "More Document Information" section for the Originating Summons documents, to allow user to enter "More Document" details for the OS. c) Screen ID: FEOS.S03 Documents using these screens: * Originating Summonses(form 4,5 - OS or SIC nature of application) where type of Originating Summons is "Judicial Manager") Screen ID: FEOS.S03 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 282 Private & Confidential Input/Display Fields: Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Legislation for Originating Petition Input Nil Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Legislation Remarks Input Nil No Nature of Application Input Nil Yes User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Up to 9 entries can be made. Company Name Input Nil No Applicable only to judicial management matters. Company Registration: Reg. No. Input Nil No Applicable only to judicial management matters. Company Registration: Reg. Type Input Nil No User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Applicable only to judicial management matters. Default to `Company'. Company Input Nil No User can only select from User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 283 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Registration: Country of Issue a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Applicable only to judicial management matters. Judicial Manager Name Input Nil No Up to 9 entries can be entered. Judicial Manager Id. Input Nil No Up to 9 entries can be entered. Id. Type Input Nil No User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Up to 9 entries can be made. Country of Issue Input Nil No User can only select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Up to 9 entries can be made. Screen Validation: 3. All mandatory fields are entered. Functions Supported: 5. Upon clicking of the Save Document button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 6. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Submission Information screen) will be returned to the user. * Mapping of Documents: Existing Document Description New Document Description 1. Originating Petition Originating Summons 2. Originating Petition Originating Summons (Exparte) 3. Originating Petition Originating Summons (Exparte ­ Injunction) After ROC rollout (1 April 2006), the existing documents can be filed for the Old cases; The New documents can be filed in fresh submission (without case number) and for the New Cases. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 284 Private & Confidential 17.2 Writ for Divorce and Statement of Claim(Divorce) 17.2.1 Writ for Divorce The following are the more details section of the Writ for Divorce Screen ID: FEDIVW.S01 Documents using this screen are: S/N Document Description 1. Divorce - Writ For Presumption Of Death And Divorce 2. Divorce - Writ For Divorce 3. Divorce - Writ For Judicial Separation 4. Divorce - Writ For Nullity Of Marriage 5. Divorce - Writ For Nullity Of Marriage/ Judicial Separation 6. Divorce - Writ For Nullity Of Marriage/ Divorce 7. Divorce - Writ For Rescission Of Judgment Of Judicial Separation User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 285 Private & Confidential Input/Display fields: S/N Data Item Screen Validation Description Remark 1. Prayers Mandatory Divorce Prayers Check the prayers that need to be selected foe the filing. 2. No. of days for Respondent to file MOA. Optional No. of Days for Respondent to file MOA Select 8 days for Singapore and 21 days in over seas. 3. Statement of Claim Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is submitted. 4. Statement of Particulars Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is submitted. 5. Acknowledg ment of Service Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is submitted. 6. Memorandu m of Service Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is submitted. 7. Memorandu m of Appearance Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is submitted. 8. Parenting Plan (Plaintiff's Proposal) Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is submitted. 9. Parenting Plan (Agreed) Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is submitted. 10. Matrimonial Property Plan Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 286 Private & Confidential S/N Data Item Screen Validation Description Remark (For HDB Flats only)(Plaintiff' s Proposal) submitted. 11. Matrimonial Property Plan (For HDB Flats only)(Agreed ) Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is submitted. 12. Instructions to the Defendant on submitting the CPF standard query to the Central Provident Fund Board Optional Document submitted indicator User needs to check indicator if the stated document is submitted. 13. Date of Order/Judgm ent /Decision Optional Date of judgment field System validates date to be in DD/MM/YYYY format 14. Judge/Judici al Officer's Name Optional Judge name combo field Screen Validation Validate that at least one Nature of Application is specified. Functions Supported Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. Note: Refer to Section 3.5.2 and 3.5.4 of the External Design Specification for Webbased Front-End Application (EFS Phase 1.2) for description of the Save Draft function and Document Information screen, respectively. 17.2.2 Statement of Claim (Divorce) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 287 Private & Confidential Screen ID: FESOCD.S02 Documents using this screen: Divorce - Statement of Claim for Divorce User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 288 Private & Confidential Screen ID: FESOCD.S03 Divorce - Statement of Claim for Judicial Separation User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 289 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 290 Private & Confidential Screen ID: FESOCD.S04 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 291 Private & Confidential Divorce - Statement of Claim for Nullity User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 292 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 293 Private & Confidential Screen ID: FESOCD.S05 Divorce - Statement of Claim for Nullity and Alternatively For Judicial Separation User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 294 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 295 Private & Confidential Screen ID: FESOCD.S06 Divorce - Statement of Claim for Nullity and Alternatively For Divorce User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 296 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 297 Private & Confidential Screen ID: FESOCD.S07 Divorce - Statement of Claim for Presumption of Death and Divorce User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 298 Private & Confidential S/N Data Item Man/Opt Description Remark 1. Date of Solemnization of Marriage Mandatory Plaintiff's date of marriage solemnization. Format: DD/MM/YYYY 2. Place of Solemnization of Marriage Mandatory Plaintiff's place of marriage solemnization. 3. Date of Registration of Marriage Optional Plaintiff's date of marriage registration. Format: DD/MM/YYYY 4. Place of Registration of Marriage Optional Plaintiff's place of marriage registration. 5. Marriage Certificate No. Optional Marriage Certificate No. 6. Address at which the Parties Last Cohabited Optional Last matrimonial address. Expressed in 4 lines of 30 characters each. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 299 Private & Confidential S/N Data Item Man/Opt Description Remark 7. Date of Order Optional The filing date of the OS filed in Singapore. Format: DD/MM/YYYY Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Divorce Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Judicial Separation 8. Case No Optional Singapore OS Case Number, Case Types are "OS" & "OSF". It is a composite data element. It comprises the Case Type, Case Serial Number, Case Year and Case Suffix data elements assigned by the system. Unique for each case. Only "OS" or "OSF" type is allowed. Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Divorce Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Judicial Separation 9. Category of Jurisdiction Mandatory 10. Jurisdiction is based on Mandatory 11. Name Mandatory (10) Chilďs name. 12. ID No. Optional (10) Chilďs ID no. Give an option `Unknown' to select. 13. ID Type Optional (10) Chilďs ID type. Mandatory if ID No. is entered. 14. Country of Issue Optional (10) Chilďs ID Country of Issuance. Mandatory if ID No. is entered. 15. Date of Birth Optional (10) Chilďs date of birth. Format: DD/MM/YYYY 1. If date of birth is entered and age not entered... prompt the users to enter age 2. If date of birth is not entered and age is entered then pass age as it is. 16. Age Optional (10) Chilďs Age 17. Gender Mandatory (10) Chilďs gender. M ­ Male F ­ Female Default = "M" 18. Nationality Mandatory (10) Chilďs nationality. 19. Race Mandatory (10) Chilďs race. 20. Race Remarks Optional (10) Remarks Mandatory if `Others' is chosen for the list of Race User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 300 Private & Confidential S/N Data Item Man/Opt Description Remark displayed. 21. Religion Mandatory (10) Chilďs religion. 22. Religion Remarks Optional (10) Remarks Mandatory if `Others' is chosen for the list of Religion displayed. 23. Educational Level Mandatory (10) Chilďs educational level. 24. Occupation Type Mandatory (10) Chilďs occupation Type 25. Occupation Description Mandatory (10) Chilďs occupation Description. 26. Marital Status Optional (10) Chilďs marital status. 27. Are there any agreed arrangements in relation to this child? Optional (10) Are there any agreed arrangements in relation to this child? Y 28. Is this Child Disabled? Optional (10) 29. Is there a Child Protection Order or other orders made by the Juvenile Court relating to this child? Optional (10) 30. Above 21 years of age and undergoing training? Optional (10) 31. Other relevant facts Optional (10) Other relevant facts. 32. Grounds (Level 1) Mandatory (5) Grounds Some Level 1 Grounds will have one or more Level 2 Grounds. 33. Grounds (Level 2) Mandatory (20) Grounds 34. Prayers Mandatory (9) Prayers 35. Prayer Remarks Optional (9) Prayers Remarks If file together with Writ, Prayers entered in Writ document will be shown. If file alone, Prayers to be retrieved from the latest accepted case level document. 36. Case No. Optional (10) Case number of other related proceedings. 37. Date of Filing Optional (10) Filing date of other related proceedings. Format: DD/MM/YYYY 38. Nature of Mandatory Nature of proceeding of User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 301 Private & Confidential S/N Data Item Man/Opt Description Remark Proceeding (10) other related proceedings. 39. Nature of Proceeding Remarks Optional (10) Nature of proceedings Remarks Only applicable and mandatory if "Others" option is chosen from the Nature of Proceedings List. 40. Country Mandatory (10) Country where other related proceedings is filed. 41. Petitioners / Plaintiff (for criminal matters Public Prosecutors name) Optional (10) Plaintiff of other related proceedings. 42. Respondenťs / Defendanťs Name Optional (10) Respondent of other related proceedings. 43. Status Mandatory (10) Case status of other related proceedings. 44. Date of Judgment/ Order/ Decree Optional (10) Order/Proceeding date of other related proceedings. Format: DD/MM/YYYY 45. Court / Tribunal Authority Optional (10) Court/Tribunal/Authority of other related proceedings. 46. Judgment/ Order/ Decree Made Optional (10) 47. Date of Proceedings (if Judgment/ Order/ Decree not made) Optional (10) Format: DD/MM/YYYY 48. Remarks Optional (10) Remarks of other related proceedings. 49. Do Matrimonial Assets include HDB flat? Mandatory 50. Type of Matrimonial Property Plan filed together with this petition? Optional 51. Date of HDB enquiry Optional Date on which enquiry with HDB was made. Mandatory if "Does the Matrimonial Assets include HDB flat?" is "Yes" Format: CCYYMMDD 52. Is there any reply from HDB? Optional Mandatory if "Does the Matrimonial Assets include HDB flat?" is "Yes" 53. Date of CPF Board enquiry Optional Date on which enquiry with CPF Board was made. Mandatory if "Does the Matrimonial Assets include HDB flat?" is "Yes" User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 302 Private & Confidential S/N Data Item Man/Opt Description Remark Format: CCYYMMDD 54. Is there any reply from CPF? Optional Mandatory if "Does the Matrimonial Assets include HDB flat?" is "Yes" 55. Letter to HDB / CPF Board was sent by Optional Mandatory if "Does the Matrimonial Assets include HDB flat?" is "Yes" 56. Date When the Respondent was Last Seen / Heard Optional Date when Respondent has last been heard/seen. Conditional. Applicable and is a mandatory field to "Presumption Of Death And Dissolution Of Marriage" document only. Format: DD/MM/YYYY 57. Date Since Respondent was Traced Optional Date Since Respondent was Traced Format: DD/MM/YYYY 58. Place Where the Respondent was Last Seen /Heard Optional Place when Respondent has last been heard/seen. Conditional. Applicable and is a mandatory field to "Divorce Statement Of Claim For Presumption Of Death And Divorce" document only. 59. Circumstances in Which the Parties Ceased to Cohabit Optional To describe circumstances in which the parties ceased to cohabit. Conditional. Applicable and is a mandatory field to "Divorce Statement Of Claim For Presumption Of Death And Divorce" only. 60. Address of Immovable assets Optional (10) Expressed in 4 lines of 30 characters each. Applicable to "Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Presumption Of Death And Divorce" document only. 61. Steps taken to trace the Respondent Optional Applicable to Mandatory "Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Presumption Of Death And Divorce" document only. 62. Date of Order/Judgment/ Decision Optional Date field 63. Judge/Judicial Officer's Name Optional Judge name Select form a list which is maintained at the court Screen ID: FESOCD.S08 Divorce - Statement of Claim for the Rescission of Judgment of Judicial Separation User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 303 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 304 Private & Confidential S/N Data Item Man/Opt Description Remark 1. Rescission of Judgment in Petition / Divorce Suit Number Mandato ry Divorce Case No. Seeking for the Rescission of Judgment 2. Judicial Separation Granted Date Mandato ry Judicial Separation Granted Date 3. Grounds (Level 1) Mandato ry Grounds 4. Prayers Mandato ry Divorce Prayers 5. Remarks Mandato ry Remarks for Prayer At least one Remark is mandatory for a prayer. 6. Date of Order/Judgment/Deci sion Optional 7. Judge/Judicial Officer's Name Optional Screen ID: FESOCD.S09 Divorce - Notice of Proceedings (Co-Defendant) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 305 Private & Confidential S/N Data Item Man /Opt Description Remark 1. Number of Days for filing MOA M Number of Days for filing MOA The system to provide a drop-down list for FE users to select : * 8 days (Service in Singapore) * 21 days (Service outside Singapore) 2. Document List of Attached Documents Man dato ry (4) User can choose from the list of 1. Agreed/Proposed Matrimonial property plan. 2. Agreed/Proposed Parenting Plan 3. Writ 4. Statement of Claim 5.Statement of Particulars Validations for Divorce submissions at the Front-End 1. For fresh filing (Version 0), the following must be filed together in the same submission: (a) Divorce ­ Writ (b) Divorce - Statement of Claim (c) Divorce ­ Statement of Particulars 2. Writ (both fresh & Amended) filing: `Documents submitteď indicated in MDI must be filed together in the same filing. System to validate as below Documents indicated in Writ Documents to be filed together (FE validation) Statement of Claim One of the following `Statement of Claim' corresponding to the Writ type must be filed together. * Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Divorce * Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Judicial Separation * Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity * Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity and Alternatively For Judicial Separation * Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity And Alternatively For Divorce * Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Presumption Of Death And Divorce * Divorce - Statement Of Claim For The Rescission Of Judgment Of Judicial User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 306 Private & Confidential Separation Statement of Particulars Divorce - Statement of Particulars Acknowledgment of Service Divorce - Acknowledgement of Service Memorandum of Appearance Divorce - Memorandum of Appearance Parenting Plan (Plaintiff's Proposal) Divorce - Parenting Plan (Plaintiff's Proposal) Parenting Plan (Agreed) Divorce - Parenting Plan (Agreed) Matrimonial Property Plan (For HDB Flats only) (Plaintiff's Proposal) Divorce ­ Matrimonial Property Plan (Plaintiff's Proposal) Matrimonial Property Plan (For HDB Flats only) (Agreed) 'Divorce - Matrimonial Property Plan (Agreed) Instruction to the Defendant on submitting the CPF Board standard query to the Central Provident Fund Board 3. There must be only one Divorce ­ Statement of Claim in the submission. 4. For Case level document filing, 1st Plaintiff and 1st Defendant party are mandatory. Other parties can be entered as optional. Only mandatory party type can be filing party. 5. If Writ and SOC are filed together in the same filing, the following doc pair checking must be done: Writ Statement Of Claim Divorce - Writ Of Divorce Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Divorce Divorce - Writ For Judicial Separation Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Judicial Separation Divorce - Writ For Nullity of Marriage Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity Divorce Writ For Presumption Of Death and Divorce Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Presumption Of Death And Divorce Divorce - Writ For Recession Of Judgment Of Judiciary Separation Divorce - Statement Of Claim For The Rescission Of Judgment Of Judicial Separation (By Spouse Against Whom Judgment Of Judicial Separation Is Made) Divorce - Writ For Nullity of Marriage/ Judiciary Separation Statement Of Claim For Nullity and Alternatively For Judicial Separation Divorce - Writ For Nullity of Marriage/ Divorce Statement Of Claim For Nullity And Alternatively For Divorce 5. Writ and Summons can be filed together in the same submission 6. During filing, if Divorce Case No. entered is the transferred out case, system to prompt warning message to file to the new Case No. Law firm can proceed if they wish to. 7. For fresh filing, if filing date is less than 3 years from the Date of Marriage, then OS Case No. and Order date must be entered. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 307 Private & Confidential 8. Nature of applications will be selected in the Writ for divorce and the law firm will be allowed to enter the remarks for these selected prayers in the statement of claim for divorce. 9. Writ for divorce allows the user to have a check list of documents that are submitted with the writ. If the user has selected the checkbox, then it is mandatory the user adds that particular document in the submission. The only exception is "Instructions to the Defendant on Submitting the CPF standard query to the Central Provident Fund Board" as this document will not exist in the system. 10. Filing of Amendment versions of Writ for divorce and Statement of Claim. a. Writ & SOC must be filed together in the same submission if amendment is done for the following common data items. Party Name, ID and Prayers. FE to validate against the last case number that was accepted by court. b. For an amendment of statement or Writ for Divorce, the common items such as Prayers will be pre loaded based on the case number that is entered by the user. * Mapping of Documents S/N Existing Document Description New Document Description 1. Divorce - Petition For Decree Of Presumption Of Death And Dissolution Of Marriage Divorce - Writ For Presumption Of Death And Divorce 2. Divorce - Petition for Divorce Divorce - Writ For Divorce 3. Divorce - Petition For Judicial Separation Divorce - Writ For Judicial Separation 4. Divorce - Petition For Nullity Divorce - Writ For Nullity Of Marriage 5. Divorce - Petition for Nullity and Alternatively For Judicial Separation Divorce - Writ For Nullity Of Marriage/ Judicial Separation 6. Divorce - Petition For Nullity And Alternatively For Divorce Divorce - Writ For Nullity Of Marriage/ Divorce 7. Divorce - Petition For The Rescission Of Judicial Separation (By Spouse Against Whom Decree Of Judicial Separation Is Made) Divorce - Writ For Rescission Of Judgment Of Judicial Separation 8. Divorce - Petition For Decree Of Presumption Of Death And Dissolution Of Marriage Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Presumption Of Death And Divorce 9. Divorce - Petition for Divorce Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Divorce 10. Divorce - Petition For Judicial Separation Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Judicial Separation 11. Divorce - Petition For Nullity Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity 12. Divorce - Petition for Nullity and Alternatively For Judicial Separation Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity and Alternatively For Judicial Separation 13. Divorce - Petition For Nullity And Alternatively For Divorce Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity And Alternatively For Divorce User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 308 Private & Confidential S/N Existing Document Description New Document Description 14. Divorce - Petition For The Rescission Of Judicial Separation (By Spouse Against Whom Decree Of Judicial Separation Is Made) Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Presumption Of Death And Divorce 15. Divorce - Certificate Of Making Decree Nisi Absolute Divorce - Certificate Of Making Interim Judgment Final 16. Divorce - Certificate Of Making Decree Nisi Absolute (Nullity - Submitted by Parties) Divorce - Certificate Of Making Interim Judgment Final (Nullity) 17. Divorce - Certificate Of Making Decree Nisi Absolute (Presumption Of Death And Divorce) Divorce - Certificate Of Making Interim Judgment Final (Presumption Of Death And Divorce) 18. Divorce - Decree Nisi Divorce - Interim Judgment 19. Divorce - Decree Of Judicial Separation Divorce-Judgment Of Judicial Separation 20. Divorce - Instanter Writ of Subpoena Ad Testificandum and Duces Tecum Divorce - Urgent Subpoena To Testify And Produce Documents 21. Divorce - Instanter Writ of Subpoena Ad Testificandum Divorce - Urgent Subpoena To Testify 22. Divorce - Instanter Writ of Subpoena Duces Tecum Divorce ­ Urgent Subpoena To produce Documents 23. Divorce - Affidavit In Support Of Divorce Petition Divorce - Statement of Particulars 24. Divorce - Answer Divorce ­ Defence 25. Divorce - Answer and Cross Petitions Divorce - Defence And Counterclaim 26. Divorce - Answer to Cross Petition Divorce - Defence To Counterclaim 27. Divorce - Consent To Grant Decree On Three Years Separation Divorce ­ Consent To Grant Judgment On Three Years Separation 28. Divorce - Cross Petition Divorce ­ Counterclaim 29. Divorce - Matrimonial Property Plan (Proposed) Divorce ­ Matrimonial Property Plan (Plaintiff's Proposal) 30. Divorce - Notice Of Proceedings (Co- Respondent) Divorce - Notice Of Proceedings (Co- Defendant) 31. Divorce - Notice To Respondent Of Originating Summons For The Dissolution Of Marriage Divorce - Notice To Defendant Of Originating Summons For The Dissolution Of Marriage 32. Divorce - Parenting Plan (Petitioner's Proposal) Divorce - Parenting Plan (Plaintiff's Proposal) 33. Divorce - Parenting Plan (Respondenťs Proposal) Divorce - Parenting Plan (Defendanťs Proposal) 34. Divorce - Renewed Petition Divorce - Renewed Writ 35. Divorce - Reply and Answer to Cross Petition Divorce - Reply And Defence To Counterclaim 36. Divorce - Reply to Answer to Cross Petition Divorce - Reply To Defence To Counterclaim 37. Divorce - Request for Decree Nisi Absolute Divorce ­ Request for Final Judgment User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 309 Private & Confidential * List of New Main Documents S/N Document Description 1. Divorce - Urgent Subpoena To Testify And Produce Documents 2. Divorce - Urgent Subpoena To Testify 3. Divorce ­ Urgent Subpoena To produce Documents 4. Divorce-Judgment Of Judicial Separation 5. Divorce - Interim Judgment 6. Divorce - Certificate Of Making Interim Judgment Final 7. Divorce - Certificate Of Making Interim Judgment Final (Nullity) 8. Divorce - Certificate Of Making Interim Judgment Final (Presumption Of Death And Divorce) * List of New Non-Main Documents S/N Document Description 1. Divorce - Statement of Particulars 2. Divorce ­ Defence 3. Divorce - Defence And Counterclaim 4. Divorce - Defence To Counterclaim 5. Divorce ­ Consent To Grant Judgment On Three Years Separation 6. Divorce ­ Counterclaim 7. Divorce ­ Matrimonial Property Plan (Plaintiff's Proposal) 8. Divorce - Notice Of Proceedings (Co-Defendant) 9. Divorce - Notice To Defendant Of Originating Summons For The Dissolution Of Marriage 10. Divorce - Parenting Plan (Plaintiff's Proposal) 11. Divorce - Parenting Plan (Defendanťs Proposal) 12. Divorce - Renewed Writ 13. Divorce - Reply And Defence To Counterclaim 14. Divorce - Reply To Defence To Counterclaim 15. Divorce ­ Request for Final Judgment 16. Divorce ­ Matrimonial Property Plan (Defendanťs Agreement) 17. Divorce ­ Matrimonial Property Plan (Defendanťs Proposal) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 310 Private & Confidential S/N Document Description 18. Divorce ­ Parenting Plan (Defendanťs Agreement) 19. Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Divorce 20. Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Judicial Separation 21. Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity 22. Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity and Alternatively For Judicial Separation 23. Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Nullity And Alternatively For Divorce 24. Divorce - Statement Of Claim For Presumption Of Death And Divorce 25. Divorce - Statement Of Claim For The Rescission Of Judgment Of Judicial Separation 26. Divorce ­ Matrimonial Property Plan (Respondenťs Proposal) 17.3 Bankruptcy Listed below are the changes for Bankruptcy module for ROC-2: * New documents are introduced. Please see details below. * New party types will be used when filing a Bankruptcy submission. Old Party Type New Party Type Petitioning Creditor Plaintiff Debtor Defendant Petitioning Debtor Applicant Official Assignee Official Assignee * For fresh filing, other types of affidavits are not allowed to be filed with Originating Summons (Creditor's Bankruptcy Application) except for Affidavit of Service (Bankruptcy Application) and/or Supporting Affidavit (Bankruptcy). User may or may not attached the abovementioned affidavits. The following are the More Document Information (MDI) screens for the Originating Summons (Bankruptcy) work area. 4.3.1 Screen ID: FEOSB.S01 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 311 Private & Confidential (a) Documents using this screen: * Originating Summons (Creditor's Bankruptcy Application) * Originating Summons (Creditor's Bankruptcy Application-IPTO) * Originating Summons (Creditor's Application Of The Estate Of The Deceased Debtor) * Originating Summons (Creditor's Application Of The Estate Of The Deceased Debtor - IPTO) (b) Input/Display Fields Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Basis of Presumption of Inability to Pay Debts Input Nil Yes User may select 1 or more entries from the check boxes. Presumption of inability to pay debts: * S 62 (a) * S 62 (b) * S 62 (c) Date Statutory Demand Served Input Must be a valid date if entered. No Date format: DD/MM/YYYY. User may manually enter it or select from the calendar box. Date Execution Completed Input Must be a valid date if entered. No Date format: DD/MM/YYYY. User may manually enter it or select from the User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 312 Private & Confidential Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks calendar box. Estimated Debt Amount (in SGD) Input Must be a positive numeric value. Yes Debtor Details: Trading As Input Nil No Debtor Details: Trading Id. No. Input Nil No (c) Screen Validation 1) Validates that the mandatory fields are entered and at least one entry for Basis of Presumption of Inability to Pay Debts is made. 2) If S 62 (a) is checked, the Date Statutory Demand Served field must be entered. 3) If S 62 (b) is checked, the Date Execution Completed field must be entered. (d) Functions Supported 1) Upon clicking of the Calendar icon or button, the calendar box will be displayed, from which the user can make a selection for date. 2) Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 3) Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. 4.3.2 Screen ID: FEOSB.S02 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 313 Private & Confidential (a) Documents using this screen: * Originating Summons (Debtor's Bankruptcy Application) * Originating Summons (Debtor's Bankruptcy Application - IPTO) (b) Input/Display Fields Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Estimated Debt Amount (in SGD) Input Must be a positive numeric value. Yes Debtor Details: Trading As Input Nil No Debtor Details: Trading Id. No. Input Nil No (c) Screen Validation 1) Validates that the mandatory field is entered. (d) Functions Supported 1) Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 2) Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. * Mapping of Documents: S/N Existing Document Description New Document Description User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 314 Private & Confidential S/N Existing Document Description New Document Description 1. Creditor's Bankruptcy Petition Originating Summons (Creditor's Bankruptcy Application) 2. Creditor's Bankruptcy Petition (IPTO) Originating Summons (Creditor's Bankruptcy Application - IPTO) 3. Debtor's Bankruptcy Petition Originating Summons (Debtor's Bankruptcy Application) 4. Writ Of Subpoena Ad Testificandum / Duces Tecum (Bankruptcy) Subpoena To Testify / Produce Documents (Bankruptcy) 5. Writ Of Subpoena Ad Testificandum Duces Tecum (IPTO) Subpoena To Testify / Produce Documents (IPTO) * New Main Documents S/N Document Description Remarks 1. Subpoena To Testify / Produce Documents (Bankruptcy) 2. Subpoena To Testify / Produce Documents (IPTO) 3. Originating Summons (Creditor's Application For Administration Of The Estate Of The Deceased Debtor) Same MDI as the Originating Summons (Creditor's Bankruptcy Application) 4. Originating Summons (Creditor's Application For Administration Of The Estate Of The Deceased Debtor - IPTO) Same MDI as the Originating Summons (Creditor's Bankruptcy Application) * New Non-Main Documents S/N New Document Description Remarks 1. Supporting Affidavit (Bankruptcy) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 2. Supporting Affidavit (Bankruptcy ­ IPTO) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 3. Affidavit Of Service (Bankruptcy Application) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 4. Affidavit Of Service (Statutory Demand) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 5. Supplementary Affidavit (Bankruptcy) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 315 Private & Confidential S/N New Document Description Remarks to `AFF' document group. After ROC-2 rollout (1 April 2006), the existing documents can be filed for the Old cases; The New documents can be filed in fresh submission (without case number) and for the New Cases. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 316 Private & Confidential 17.4 Companies Winding Up Listed below are the changes for Companies Winding Up module for ROC-2: * New documents are introduced. Please see details below. * New party types will be used when filing an Originating Summons (Companies Winding Up). Old Party Type New Party Type Petitioner Plaintiff/Applicant Respondent Defendant * For fresh filing, Originating Summons (Companies Winding Up) must be filed together with Affidavit Supporting Winding Up Application (Companies Winding Up). The following are the Document Information (MDI) screen for the Originating Summons (Companies Winding Up) work area. 4.4.1 Screen ID: FEOSCWU.S01 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 317 Private & Confidential (a) Documents using this screen: * Originating Summons (Companies Winding Up) (b) Input/Display Fields Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks Company Name Input Nil Yes Company Registration Input Nil Yes User may select * `Not Applicable' or * `Registration details as follows' Default to `Registration details as follows'. Company Registration: Reg. No. Input Nil No Company Registration: Reg. Type. Input Nil No User can select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Default to `Company'. Company Registration: Country of Issue. Input Nil No User can select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Default to `Singapore'. Company Address Input Nil Yes 4 lines of text, each line with 30 characters can be entered. Grounds of Application Input Nil Yes User can select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Up to 9 entries can be made. Amount Owed Details Input Nil Yes User may select * `Not Applicable' or * `Amount Owed details as follows' Default to `Amount Owed details as follows'. Amount Owed Details: Amount Owed Input Must be a positive numeric value No Up to 9 entries can be entered. Amount Owed Details: Currency Input Nil No User can select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Up to 9 entries can be made. (c) Screen Validation 1) Validates that the mandatory fields are entered. 2) Validates that at least one line of text for Company Address is entered. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 318 Private & Confidential 3) At least one Grounds of Application must be specified. 4) Either one of the radio buttons in Company Registration must be selected. 5) If the `Registration details as follows' radio button is selected, all three fields of Company Registration details (Reg. No., Reg. Type, Country of Issue) must be entered. 6) If the Company Registration details fields (Reg. No., Reg. Type, and Country of Issue) are entered, the corresponding radio button must be made. 7) Either one of the radio buttons in Amount Owed Details must be selected. 8) If the `Amount Owed details as follows' radio button is selected, at least one entry of the Amount Owed and its corresponding Currency must be entered. 9) If the Amount Owed and Currency fields are entered, the corresponding radio button must be made. (d) Functions Supported 1) Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 2) Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. * Mapping of Documents S/N Existing Document Description New Document Description 1. Winding Up Petition Originating Summons (Companies Winding Up) 2. Affidavit Verifying Petition (Companies Winding Up) Affidavit Supporting Winding Up Application (Companies Winding Up) * New Non-Main Documents S/N Document Description Remarks 1. Advertisement Of Winding Up Application (Companies Winding Up) 2. Affidavit Supporting Winding Up Application (Companies Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 3. Supplementary Affidavits In Support Of Originating Summons (Company Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 4. Renewed Originating Summons (Companies Winding Up) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 319 Private & Confidential S/N Document Description Remarks After ROC-2 rollout (1 April 2006), the existing documents can be filed for the Old cases; The New documents can be filed in fresh submission (without case number) and for the New Cases. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 320 Private & Confidential 17.5 Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up This is a new case type to be introduced in ROC- 2. The data items for this submission are similar to Companies Winding Up except for the labels in some of the data items like LLP Details instead of Company Details etc... Information about filing a Liability Partnership Winding Up submission: * Totally new documents are introduced. Please see details below. * Party types available: - Plaintiff & Defendant - Applicant * For fresh filing, Originating Summons (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) must be filed together with Affidavit Supporting Winding Up Application (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up)). The following are the More Document Information (MDI) screens for the Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up work area. 4.3.2 Screen ID: FEOSLWU.S01 User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 321 Private & Confidential (a) Documents using this screen: * Originating Summons (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) (b) Input/Display Fields Field Label Data Item Ref. Input/ Display Field Validation Mand -atory Remarks LLP Name Input Nil Yes LLP Registration Input Nil Yes User may select * `Not Applicable' or * `Registration details as follows' Default to `Registration details as follows'. LLP Registration: Reg. No. Input Nil No LLP Registration: Reg. Type. Input Nil No User can select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Default to `Company'. LLP Registration: Country of Issue. Input Nil No User can select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Default to `Singapore'. LLP Address Input Nil Yes 4 lines of text, each line with 30 characters can be entered. Grounds of Application Input Nil Yes User can select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Up to 9 entries can be made. Amount Owed Details Input Nil Yes User may select * `Not Applicable' or * `Amount Owed details as follows' Default to `Amount Owed details as follows'. Amount Owed Details: Amount Owed Input Must be a positive numeric value No Up to 9 entries can be entered. Amount Owed Details: Currency Input Nil No User can select from a list of predefined values, which are maintained by the Courts. Up to 9 entries can be made. (c) Screen Validation 2) Validates that the mandatory fields are entered. 3) Validates that at least one line of text for LLP Address is entered. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 322 Private & Confidential 4) At least one Grounds of Application must be specified. 5) Either one of the radio buttons in LLP Registration must be selected. 6) If the `Registration details as follows' radio button is selected, all three fields of LLP Registration details (Reg. No., Reg. Type, Country of Issue) must be entered. 7) If the LLP Registration details fields (Reg. No., Reg. Type, and Country of Issue) are entered, the corresponding radio button must be made. 8) Either one of the radio buttons in Amount Owed Details must be selected. 9) If the `Amount Owed details as follows' radio button is selected, at least one entry of the Amount Owed and its corresponding Currency must be entered. 10) If the Amount Owed and Currency fields are entered, the corresponding radio button must be made. (d) Functions Supported 1) Upon clicking of the Save button, the details entered by the user will be saved temporarily until the submission is saved to the database, by selecting the Save Draft function. 2) Upon clicking of the Cancel button, the details entered will not be saved, and the previous screen (the Document Information screen) will be returned to the user. * List of New Main Documents S/N Document Description Remarks 1. Order Made In Chambers (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Order documents that belong to `ORĎ document group. 2. Order For Winding Up (Final Order - Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Order documents that belong to `ORĎ document group. 3. Order Made In Open Court (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Order documents that belong to `ORĎ document group. 4. Application for Reconstruction or Other Scheme (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as document `Application For Reconstruction Or Other Scheme' 5. Summons (Normal - Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as document `Summons (Normal - Companies Winding Up)' 6. Summons (Ex parte Injunction - Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as document `Summons (Exparte Injunction - Companies Winding Up)' 7. Summons(O.14, O 18 r.19, O.33 r.2 - Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as document `Summons (O.14, O 18 r.19, O.33 r.2 - Companies Winding Up)' User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 323 Private & Confidential 8. Summons For Directions (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as document `Summons For Directions (Companies Winding Up)' * List of New Non-Main Documents S/N Document Description Remarks 1. Certificate Of Release (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 2. Advertisement Of Winding Up Application (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 3. Affidavit In Opposition (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 4. Affidavit Of Posting Of Notices Of Meeting (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 5. Affidavit In Reply (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 6. Affidavit Of Service (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 7. Affidavit Supporting Winding Up Application (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 8. Affidavit Verifying The Statement Of Affairs (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 9. Application By Liquidator To The Court For Release (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 10. Authority (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 11. Certificate Extending Time For Statement Of Affairs (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 12. Certificate Of Liquidator For Final Settlement (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 13. Certificate Of Undertaking Section 199(5) Company Act (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 14. Certificate That Liquidators Have Given Security (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 324 Private & Confidential S/N Document Description Remarks 15. Consent Of Liquidator To Act (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as document `Consent Of Liquidator To Act (Companies Winding Up)' 16. Document Making A Call (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 17. Liquidator's Account Of Receipt And Payment (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 18. Liquidator's Statement Of Accounts For The Period (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 19. List Of Parties Wishing To Attend Hearing (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 20. Memorandum (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 21. Memorandum Of Advertisement Or Gazetting (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 22. Memorandum Of Proceedings Of Adjourned 1st Meeting (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 23. Miscellaneous (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 24. Notice Of Advertisement (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 25. Notice Of Change Of Liquidator (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as document `Notice Of Change Of Liquidator (Companies Winding Up)' 26. Notice Of Contributories Of The 1st Meeting (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 27. Notice Of Creditors And Contributories (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 28. Notice Of Intention To Appear (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as document `Notice Of Intention To Appear (Companies Winding Up)' 29. Notice Of Winding Up Order (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 30. Notification To Liquidator (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 31. Provisional List Of Contributories (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 32. Report Of Result Of Meeting Of Contributories (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 33. Return By Liquidator Relating To Final Meeting (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 34. Statement (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 35. Statement Pursuant To S262(2) (C) Of Companies Act (Limited Liability Partnership User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 325 Private & Confidential S/N Document Description Remarks Winding Up) 36. Statement Pursuant To Rule 29(2) (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 37. Statement Section 262(2) (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 38. Renewed Originating Summons (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) 39. Supplementary Affidavits In Support Of Originating Summons (Limited Liability Partnership Winding Up) Use the same MDI as other Affidavit documents that belong to `AFF' document group. 17.6 DIP Preview for Auto-generated documents 17.6.1 Writ for Divorce User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 326 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 327 Private & Confidential 17.6.2 Statement for Divorce User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 328 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 329 Private & Confidential User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 330 Private & Confidential Chapter 18 ­ Phase 7.5 The Phase 7.5 changes include: * Changes in the following documents: a) Writ of Summons b) Writ of Summons In Admiralty Action c) Statement of Claim d) Statement of Claim (Admiralty) e) Notice of Discontinuance; Notice of Discontinuance/Withdrawal f) All Judgment related main documents * New documents introduced. * Party Information changes. * New validations implemented. 18.1 List of Changes in the Existing Document(s) Following are documents affected in this release: 1. Writ of Summons 2. Writ of Summons In Admiralty Action 3. Statement of Claim; Statement of Claim (Admiralty) 4. Notice of Discontinuance 5. All Judgment related main documents. Basically, the changed affects the respective More Document Information (MDI) of the documents mentioned above. 18.1.1 Writ of Summons (WOS) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 331 Private & Confidential Figure 1: More Document Info. For Writ of Summons Item Description Nature of Claim User can select up to ten (10) Nature of Claim. The first (top) Nature of Claim selected will be treated as the main Nature of Claim. At least one must be selected. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 332 Private & Confidential Monetary Claim This is where users need to provide the Monetary Claim details, if any, and to indicate if there are Monetary claims for which damages are yet to be assessed. The Total Amount in Singapore Dollars will be entered depending on what the user has indicated. Claim details User can enter up to nine (9) Monetary Claim details. It consists of the Claim Amount and the Claim Currency. Damages to be assessed Indicator Users need to indicate if there exist any Monetary Claim item(s) for which damages are yet to be assessed totally, or are only partially assessed. * If no such items exist, then user should select `No' and provide the Total Monetary Claim Amount in Singapore Dollars, which is the equivalent Singapore Dollar (S$) value of the total claim amount. Also ensure that all Monetary Claim details (in different currencies as applicable) are provided in the template. * If there claim(s) exist for which damages are not yet assessed totally, or are only partially assessed, then user must select `Yes'. Such claim item(s) may or may not be provided in the Monetary Claim details list. In such a situation, Total Monetary Claim Amount in Singapore Dollars is not required to provide, and this field will not be shown. Total Amount In Singapore Dollars This information is required if the user has indicated that all damages has already been assessed. The maximum value that can be entered is 100,000,000,000 without the comma(s). Non-Monetary Claim User can enter up nine (9) Non-Monetary Claims. 18.1.2 Writ of Summon in Admiralty Action (WOSADM) User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 333 Private & Confidential Figure 2: More Document Info. for Writ of Summons In Admiralty Action Item Description Nature of Claim User can select up to ten (10) Nature of Claim. The first (top) Nature of Claim selected will be treated as the main Nature of Claim. At least one must be selected. Type of Admiralty User can select from the predefined lists and it is mandatory to select one. Type Arrest User can select from the predefined lists. Monetary Claim This is where users need to provide the Monetary Claim details, if any. If not applicable, then user must select the `Not Applicable' option. If there is monetary claim information, then user needs to indicate if there are Monetary claims for which damages are yet to be assessed. The Total Amount in Singapore Dollars and Claim details will be entered depending on what the user has indicated Claim details User can enter up to nine (9) Monetary Claim details. It consists of the Claim Amount and the Claim Currency. Damages to be assessed Indicator Users need to indicate if there exist any Monetary Claim item(s) for which damages are yet to be assessed totally, or are only partially assessed. * If no such items exist, then user should select `No' and provide the Total Monetary Claim Amount in Singapore Dollars, which is the equivalent Singapore User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 334 Private & Confidential Dollar (S$) value of the total claim amount. Also ensure that all Monetary Claim details (in different currencies as applicable) are provided in the template. * If there claim(s) exist for which damages are not yet assessed totally, or are only partially assessed, then user must select `Yes'. Such claim item(s) may or may not be provided in the Monetary Claim details list. In such a situation, Total Monetary Claim Amount in Singapore Dollars is not required to provide, and this field will not be shown. Total Amount In Singapore Dollars This information is required if the user has indicated that all damages has already been assessed. The maximum value that can be entered is 100,000,000,000 without the comma(s). User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 335 Private & Confidential 18.1.3 Statement of Claim (SOC) and Statement of Claim (Admiralty) (SOCA) Figure 3: More Document Info. for Statement of Claim or Statement of Claim (Admiralty) Item Description Monetary Claim This is where users need to provide the Monetary Claim details, if any, and to indicate if there are Monetary claims for which damages are yet to be assessed. The Total Amount in Singapore Dollars will be entered depending on what the user has indicated. Claim details User can enter up to nine (9) Monetary Claim details. It consists of the Claim Amount and the Claim Currency. Damages to be Users need to indicate if there exist any Monetary Claim User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 336 Private & Confidential assessed Indicator item(s) for which damages are yet to be assessed totally, or are only partially assessed. * If no such items exist, then user should select `No' and provide the Total Monetary Claim Amount in Singapore Dollars, which is the equivalent Singapore Dollar (S$) value of the total claim amount. Also ensure that all Monetary Claim details (in different currencies as applicable) are provided in the template. * If there claim(s) exist for which damages are not yet assessed totally, or are only partially assessed, then user must select `Yes'. Such claim item(s) may or may not be provided in the Monetary Claim details list. In such a situation, Total Monetary Claim Amount in Singapore Dollars is not required to provide, and this field will not be shown. Total Amount In Singapore Dollars This information is required if the user has indicated that all damages has already been assessed. The maximum value that can be entered is 100,000,000,000 without the comma(s). Non-Monetary Claim User can enter up nine (9) Non-Monetary Claims. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 337 Private & Confidential 18.1.4 Notice of Discontinuance (NODW) This is an existing document with no MDI. With this release, an MDI is required. Figure 4: More Document Info. for Notice of Discontinuance Item Description List of Party(s) To Be Discontinued User can select from the available party lists. This list will include all the parties involved in the case whether represented by the law firm or not. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 338 Private & Confidential 18.1.5 All Judgment Related Main Documents Additional information needs to be provided when user is filing a main document related to Judgment like: `Judgment Under 0 13', `Judgment Order 0 19', `Judgment Made In Chambers', `Interlocutory Judgment pursuant to 013'...etc. Figure 5: More Document Info. for Judgment related main documents Item Description Date of Order/Judgment/Decisi on This is a mandatory data item. User can either or choose to default as per filing date. Judge/Judicial Officer's Name User can select from the list. Execution Order Indicator User can indicate by checking this item if Execution Order is required. Party(s) For Which Judgment Is Extracted For User can select from the available party lists. This list will include all the parties involved in the case whether represented by the law firm or not. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 339 Private & Confidential 18.2 Changes in the Party Information Page 1. `Related Person' term has been changed and replaced with `Litigation Representative'. Figure 6: Party page portion showing the Litigation Representative section 18.3 New Document(s) 18.3.1 Judgment Document(s) List of new documents which will generate `JUĎ document number (main documents): S/N Document Description Doc code Remarks 1. Interlocutory Judgment pursuant to O13 IJO13 MDI will follow the existing MDI for all Judgment related main documents. 2. Interlocutory Judgment pursuant to O19 IJO19 MDI will follow the existing MDI for all Judgment related main documents. 18.3.2 Other document(s) S/N Document Description Doc code Remarks 1. Notice of Change of Particulars NCP No MDI for this document. User Guide for Web-based Front End Application (Electronic Filing System) Release 2.0 ­ June 2007 CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd (Regn No: 198800784N Page 340 Private & Confidential 18.4 Front End Validation Rules and Constraints Assumption is that all validations for existing documents will be available for new documents replacing them unless otherwise stated: Section Rule / Constraint Remarks Party Page - Party Filing Capacity If `Party Filing Capacity' = `Guardian' (GU) or `Official Assignee' (OA) or `Official Receiver' (OR), the `Litigation Representative' information is mandatory Upon saving, validate if `Litigation Representative' information entered. If Party Filing Capacity = `Guardian' or `Official Assignee' or `Official Receiver' and Litigation Representative is blank, prompt the user "Litigation Representative Information must be entered" and do not allow submission. Party Page - Litigation Representative If `Litigation Representative' information has been entered, `Party Filing Capacity' is mandatory Upon saving, validate if `Party Filing Capacity' information is entered. If `Party Filing Capacity' <> `Guardian' (GU) or `Official Assignee' (OA) or `Official Receiver' (OR), prompt the user "Party Filing Capacity must be entered as Guardian, Official Assignee or Official Receiver" and do not allow submission.