INTEGRATED POLLUTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL JUDr. Ilona Jančářová, Ph.D. 2008 Objectives of integrated approach: n to prevent emissions into air, water or soil wherever this is practicable, taking into account waste management or to minimize them n to achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole n to inform the public of the operation of installations and their potential efffect on the environment Sources of the Czech law Act No. 76/2002 Coll., on Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control, as amended Act No. 183/2006 Coll., Construction Code IPPC Act – goals: n to achieve a high level of environmental protection n to integrate state administration as to issue one permit for the operation of installation instead of permits issued under different laws Basic principles of the IPPC: n Specification of activities n Best available techniques n Expertness n Publicity and participation of the public n Cooperation n Complexity n Prevention STAGES OF THE IPPC n Aplication in written and in electronic way n Application is sent to participants of the procedure, authorities concerned and to Agency or to the other person entrusted with making an expert opinion n The information on the application and where to look into it and make copies is made public – confidential information is excluded n Commenting upon the application n Common meeting of parties n Decision n Audit Duties of the operator: n to comply with conditions set in the permit n to report any planned changes n to report any accident n record-keeping Sanctions: n fine up to 7 mil. Kč n the possibility to stop the procedure if: a) the operator has accepted corrective measures b) the fine would lead to unreasonably hard consequences State administration: n MOE and regional authority (permits) n M of Industry and Commerce n M of Agriculture n M of Health n Czech environmental inspection n Hygienist Basic principles of the IPPC: n Specification of activities n Best available techniques n Expertness n Publicity and participation of the public n Cooperation n Complexity n Prevention