LEGAL REGULATION OF THE WASTE MANAGEMENT JUDr. Ilona Jančářová, Ph.D. SPRING 2008 Waste management: ! storage, ! treatment, ! disposal ! transportation ! export, import etc. ! collection, ! handling, ! sorting ! usage and other activities related to the waste Techniques, how to discard the waste: ! burning ! dumping into water – water act ! putting into lagoons ! landfilling ! biological and other methods Sources of law : ! Act N. 185/2001 Coll., on wastes ! Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community ! Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste Problem of waste disposal is related to other laws: ! Construction Act N. 183/2001 Coll. ! Act N. 477/2001 Coll. on packaging ! Air Act N. 86/2002 Coll. Act N. 185/2001 Coll., on wastes Goals: ! to regulate the generation, handling and transportation and disposal of waste ! to prevent careless disposal practices ! to ensure it in safe and regulated manner Act N. 185/2001 Coll., on wastes ! to protect human health and environment ! to reduce or eliminate the generation of waste and the toxicity of hazardous waste DEFINITION OF THE WASTE Waste – any movable thing which a person intends to dispose of or which must to be disposed of according to special laws (Alimentary Act/Food Act) different groups of waste are listed in the annex of the Act WASTE - DEFINITION Waste Act applies to the management of all wastes except of those listed in the Act: ! radioactive waste ! effluents discharged under the Water act (waste waters) ! pollutants emited into the air ! human and animal corpses etc. WASTE - DEFINITION ! Hazardous waste ! Municipal waste ! Selected waste with special regime ! Other waste Hazardous waste: ! waste listed as hazardous waste in the regulation ! any other waste having one or more dangerous characters defined in annex 2 of the Act ! mixture of wastes containing hazardous compound or listed HW Hazardous waste: ! listed ! characteristic ! mixture of wastes containing hazardous compound Delisting petition Municipal waste ! waste produced in the municipality by natural persons except of persons while doing business ! the originator of municipal waste is considered to be the municipality Selected wastes with special requirements: ! Wastes containing PCBs ! Waste oils ! Accumulators ! Waste water treatment plant sediments ! Wastes from the production of titanium oxide ! Asbestos ! Car-wracks ! Electric and electronic appliences Persons engaged in waste management : ! generators ! transporters ! treatmemnt and usage facilities ! waste collection and purchase facilities Regulatory tools ! Catalogue/register of wastes ! Special regime for hazardous waste ! Duties of persons ! Approvals and opinions ! Waste manager ! Waste management plans ! Economic tools Regulatory tools ! Post closure requirements for the landfills ! Special rules for export, import and transit of wastes ! Record-keeping and reporting requirements ! Sanctions ! Criminal liability under Penal Code State administration ! MOE ! Ministry of Health ! hygienic offices ! Ministry of agriculture – inspection of the use of sediments ! Czech Environmental Inspectorate ! custom offices ! regions ! municipalities