INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Nuclear energy OECD Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy (Paris 1960) Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (Vienna 1963) Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention (Vienna) 1988 Protocol 1997 to the Vienna Convention Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (Vienna 1963) Aim: to establish a regime of minimum standards for liability and compensation in the event of a nuclear accident Obligations: - operator is liable for nuclear damage - absolute liability of the operator - exemptions (act of war, act of God) - the time period to bring the action is limited to 10 years from the date of the nuclear incident - liability limitations – 5 millions of USD - financial security or insurance of the operator Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (Vienna 1986) Convention on Early Notification of Nuclear Accidents (Vienna 1986) Convention on Nuclear Safety (Vienna 1994) Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (Vienna 1997)