1 Feasibility Study on a European Foundation Statute 2008 Annex A Methods of the survey EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 2 of 16 2 I. General facts 1. Development of the sample The sample is divided in two different parts. The first part implies the data that was collected in spring 2008, whereas the second part includes the data gained by the European Foundation Centre (EFC). The questionnaires were sent to 630 different European Foundation whereof 134 responded and participated in the survey. Therefore there was obtained a response rate of 21 percent. The result is the first field study in this area and consists of 134 cases of foundations in 24 different countries of the European Union. The primary data was set as a postal survey, using an address sample. The selection comprises the largest and most known foundations. Information about the foundations was taken from different data sources, for instance: ­ Selection made by Donors' and Funders' Networks in Europe (DAFNE) contact: * Finland * Poland ­ Taken from Research Task Force (RTF) data: * Estonia * Slovakia * Sweden All members of DAFNE were contacted, as well as other partners (e.g. EFC members, or other legal experts) to get the names and addresses of foundations. Data was also taken from the Research Task Force (RTF) Besides the help of DAFNE and RTF data, the selection was made by choosing the largest and most well known foundations. EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 3 of 16 3 This scheme represents the responded questionnaires: Table A 1: Responded questionnaires Country received sent percentage additional Hungary 5 11 45.5 % Germany 17 42 40.5 % Czech republic 6 19 31.6 % Estonia 6 20 30.0 % Finland 6 20 30.0 % Netherlands 7 27 25.9 % Spain 6 26 23.1 % 2 UK 8 35 22.9 % Italy 13 59 22.0 % Slovakia 8 37 21.6 % Belgium 4 19 21.1 % Malta 4 20 20.0 % Ireland 3 17 17.6 % Greece 4 23 17.4 % Poland 7 41 17.1 % France 12 74 16.2 % Cyprus 3 19 15.8 % Sweden 2 15 13.3 % Portugal 2 16 12.5 % Romania 2 16 12.5 % Denmark 3 29 10.3 % Lithuania 2 21 9.5 % Slovenia 1 11 9.1 % Latvia 1 13 7.7 % Gesamt 132 630 21.0 % 2 Zusätzlich 2 2 Reports SUMME 134 The countries Lithuania, Slovenia and Latvia are noticeable at their low return rate, which ranges around 7,7 and 9,5 percent, whereas the countries Hungary, Germany and Czech Republic are represented by a high returning rate around 31,6 and 45,5 percent. The overall result represents an average rate of 21 percent. EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 4 of 16 4 2. Representativeness The survey serves more as an indicator as a representative study, because of its small case number and of the intended selection of simply large and well known foundations. Therefore the selection was not made stochastically as the standard required, but in addition with the secondary data of the EFC it is scientifically usable to demonstrate an impression of the sector. 3. Secondary data There were prior foundation sector studies about foundations we partly draw on. Those are: - EFC- Data - American Foundations: Contributions and Promise1 - OECD2 - Comparative Non-profit Sector Project/ The Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies3 - The UN Non-profit Handbook4 For a secondary analysis of the European foundation sector we mainly refer to the EFC provided data. The second survey coordinated by the Research Task Force was carried out with the assistance of the Research Task Force members in the participating EU Member States. There has been one national coordinator for each country who was supporting the project in collecting and compiling the data of the foundations on the basis of the questionnaire developed by the group. The survey compiled 20 questions about the foundation sector. After major efforts to extend the survey to a wider number of EU member states and consequently confronting the difficulties with the collection of data at national level, the RTF took a step forward to simplify the survey to the missing countries to six key questions on the foundation sector (number of public benefit foundations, total assets, total expenditure, employment and volunteering weight of the sector and fields of activity). After this simplification two other countries joined the RTF efforts to portrait the dimensions of the foundation sector in the EU and Hungary. 1 Anheier, H. and D. Hammack (2007) American Foundations: contributions and promise. Aspen Project Volume, 51 2 Main Science and Technology Indicators, Print + PDF Edition (ISSN 1011-792X) - PDF Edition (ISSN 1609- 7327), Issue: Volume 2007/2 3 Lester M. Salamon and S. W. S. a. associates (2004). Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector. http://www.jhu.edu/~cnp/research/country.html 4 The UN Non-profit Handbook is a project approved by the UN Statistical Commission and developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, led by Dr. Lester Salamon EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 5 of 16 5 II. Description of survey The data of the survey was collected by post and is based on standardized questionnaires existing in different language versions. The questionnaires were sent in English, but there has been the option to download versions in German or French from the website. 1. Typology of questions The questionnaires contain open, closed and half standardized questions that apply several different topic categories. There were open questions such as: "Can you briefly describe how you solved one of the most pressing issues?" There were closed questions such as: "Do you conduct international activities never, rarely, occasionally, or more or less regularly?" There were half standardized questions such as: "What is the geographic scope of your international activities? (Please check primary scope)" 2. Procedure of data collection Table A 2: Procedure of activity Posting of survey 29. February 2008 1. Deadline 01. April 2008 1. Reminder 08. April 2008 2. Reminder 18. April 2008 2. Deadline 25. April 2008 3. Deadline 09. May 2008 The table demonstrates the procedure of activity, both the posting and the returning of the questionnaires. The questionnaires were sent in February 2008. A low response after the first set deadline caused a new setting of the time management. There was also initiated a reminder to recall the survey. The 9th of May was set as the ultimate deadline. EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 6 of 16 6 3. The constitution of content of the questionnaire The survey is divided in seven parts. Part 1 and part 2 provide general information about the analysed foundations, as well as their financial structure. Those parts present a short overview about the involved foundations and classify those that are operating international. The representation of the financial structure is important to calculate the distribution of their assets and expenditures and build the basis for the weighing of the data. Part 3, 4 and 5 provide in general the main analysis and the cooperation of international operating foundations. Part 3 particularly asks for obstacles and difficulties within international activities. Part 4 asks especially for the expansion structure and/or for the involvement in international activities. Part 5 seeks to figure out if international activities have been reduced. The last two parts (6 and 7) are dedicated to the foundation's attitude toward the European Foundation Statute and represent reflected advantages or disadvantages about the European Foundation Statute. 4. The objectives of the study The study aims to cover the following specific objectives: Table A 3: Objectives and variables Subject area Data sheet Overview of the main types of foundations (or trusts where appropriate) V_1.1, V_1.1a, V_1.2, V_1.3, V_1.4, V_1.5, V_2, Screening question 3, V_4 Cross border activities ­ barriers and their economic relevance V_3 Estimation of the importance and cost of these barriers Analysis of possible modalities of elimination of these barriers (including introduction of a European Foundation Statute) V_3.3, V_3.4, V_4N Assessment of the possible effects of a European Foundation Statute. V_6, V_7, Comparison with the United States regarding the importance of the foundation sector in the economy. new data EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 7 of 16 7 The specific objectives can be answered by the different variables that are listed on the column at the right side of the table. An overview of the main types of the foundation can be given with different variables. In particular it is asked about the main objectives of the foundation, activity areas, the modality how to achieve the objectives, the geographic scope of international activities, the conduction of activities, modality of foundation, as well about financial aspects like assets and expenditures. To classify the foundations it is analysed if they are international active. Another objective of the study is to identify the dimension of barriers and their economic relevance of cross border activities by means of information of experienced significant barriers, experienced difficulties and the solution of these problems. Furthermore the possible modalities of the described barriers can be analysed by asking about different types of solutions to overcome these. By identifying these problems it is next asked why foundation does not intend to increase international activities, especially to find out what barriers are most important. By using a likert scale it is tried to explore the diverse assessments regarding the possible effects of a European Foundation Statute. III. Information about procedural method of survey The data used for the following calculation is drawn mainly from our field study. The data set contains 134 cases of (public benefit?) foundations in 24 countries of the European Union. Concerning size and weight, these foundations differ considerably, so that the sample covers the diversity of the foundation sector at least satisfactory. But due to the quota sample used for the selection of cases, it is not to be expected that distributions of attributes among the foundation observed will equal the distribution in the ground population. Therefore a weighing factor had been developed, to get at least an impression of the sector. 1. Weighing of Data The task of calculating on the basic population of foundations from the survey is one of the major methodological tasks of the study. Since there is very little reliable information on the ground population, we have to weight the observed cases by some very rough indicators. Aggravating to the unsatisfying data situation is the fact that some information are only available for some countries, so that we have to deal with averages rather than exact figures. The way we chose for the weighing of the cases was to calculate the distribution of assets and expenditure since these are the most validated numbers especially from the EFC surveys. It seems appropriate to divert the cases in Top15 and Non-Top15, since the concentration of EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 8 of 16 8 capital on the 15 biggest foundations is so high that this diversion seems to depict the sector quite well. The weighing of the data followed 5 steps, which are described in detail below Step1: Extraction of breaks for expenditures and assets according to EFC Data From the EFC survey, we can learn about the Top 15 share of assets and expenditures for 10 out of 24 countries. Table A 4: Breaks for Top 15 Assets/ Expenditures Country Break Assets Break Expenditures Belgium 7,000,000 2,000,000 Cyprus X X Czech Republic X X Denmark X X Estonia 2,000,000 2,000,000 Finland 56,000,000 8,000,000 France 103,000,000 60,231,000 Germany 35,000,000 15,000,000 Greece X X Hungary 13,000,000 7,000,000 Ireland X X Italy 691,000,000 18,000,000 Latvia X X Lithuania X X Malta X X Netherlands X X Poland X X Portugal X X Romania X X Slovakia X X Slovenia X X Spain 93,000,000 57,000,000 Sweden 98,000,000 X United Kingdom 350,000,000 37,500,000 EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 9 of 16 9 Step 2: Calculation of missing values. To fill the gaps in theTable A 4 above, we calculated averages for the cut-off values in clusters of countries. These clusters are drawn from the welfare state typology by EspingAndersen and from Anheier (2005)5 Table A 5 depicts the clustering of countries. Within each cluster, we calculated the average for the dividing value between Top15 and Non-Top15 foundations. Than we related these averages as `new' dividing value (Grenzen) to those countries, we have no information about Top15 foundations from the EFC data. Table A 6 shows the same values than Table A 5, including the calculated averages. One special case is Ireland. Here both variables (Assets and Expenditures) are in all three cases observed that low, that it makes no sense whatsoever to implement a cut-off value here. In the following, we classified all three cases as Non-Top15. Table A 5: Cluster of Countries Countries Classification Belgium Netherlands Continental Europe / France conservative welfare states Germany Finland Sweden Scandinavia / Denmark social democratic welfare states Cyprus Greece Southern Europe Italy Malta Portugal Spain Ireland Liberal welfare states United Kingdom Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Eastern Europe Lithuania Poland Romania Slovakia Slovenia Including the averages, Table A 4 becomes completed to Table A 6. 5 {Anheier, 2005 #8} EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 10 of 16 10 Table A 6: Breaks for Top 15 Assets/ Expenditures (including averages) Country Break Assets Break Expenditures Belgium 7,000,000 2,000,000 Cyprus 392,000,000 37,500,000 Czech Republic 7,500,000 4,500,000 Denmark 77,000,000 8,000,000 Estonia 2,000,000 2,000,000 Finland 56,000,000 8,000,000 France 103,000,000 60,231,000 Germany 35,000,000 15,000,000 Greece 392,000,000 37,500,000 Hungary 13,000,000 7,000,000 Ireland X X Italy 691,000,000 18,000,000 Latvia 7,500,000 4,500,000 Lithuania 7,500,000 4,500,000 Malta 392,000,000 37,500,000 Netherlands 48,333,333 25,743,667 Poland 7,500,000 4,500,000 Portugal 392,000,000 37,500,000 Romania 7,500,000 4,500,000 Slovakia 7,500,000 4,500,000 Slovenia 7,500,000 4,500,000 Spain 93,000,000 57,000,000 Sweden 98,000,000 X United Kingdom 350,000,000 37,500,000 Note: Averages are highlighted bold. EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 11 of 16 11 Step 3: Implementation of variable "Top15ASS" and "Top15Ex" Using the break values from step2, we created two new variables, named "Top15ASS" and "Top15Ex". With this step, we achieved the first classification of our cases. Table A 7: Classification in "Top15ASS" and "Top15EX" Country Assets Expenditures Top15Ass Not-Top15Ass Top15EX Not-Top15EX Belgium 4 0 4 0 Cyprus 0 3 0 3 Czech Republic 2 4 0 6 Denmark 2 1 2 1 Estonia 4 2 3 3 Finland 5 1 4 2 France 2 12 1 13 Germany 10 6 5 11 Greece 0 4 0 4 Hungary 0 5 0 5 Ireland 0 3 0 3 Italy 1 12 2 11 Latvia 0 1 0 1 Lithuania 0 2 0 2 Malta 0 4 0 4 Netherlands 2 5 1 6 Poland 2 5 2 5 Portugal 1 4 1 4 Romania 0 2 0 2 Slovakia 0 7 0 7 Slovenia 0 1 0 1 Spain 2 4 1 5 Sweden 1 0 1 0 United Kingdom 4 4 1 7 Total 42 92 28 106 From Table A 7 we can see that not all categories are represented in each country. This is mostly due to the small sample but also to the rough classification. Step 4: Correction of breaks to get all categories filled We choose a pragmatic way to overcome the unpleasant fact of having not all categories represented in the sample. Since the break values taken from the EFC data are in fact not that reliable also (the collection of data was all but uniformly across all countries), we "moved" these values in a way that we have at least one case in both categories in every country. EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 12 of 16 12 Therefore we looked at the minima and maxima of the respective variables and corrected the bread value correspondently. Table A 8: Corrected Breaks for "Top15ASS" and "Top15EX" Country Break Assets (uncorrected) Break Assets (corrected) Break Expenditures (uncorrected) Break Expenditures (corrected) Belgium 7,000,000 21,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Cyprus 392,000,000 30,000,000 37,500,000 17,500,000 Czech Republic 7,500,000 7,500,000 4,500,000 3,200,000 Denmark 77,000,000 77,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 Estonia 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Finland 56,000,000 56,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 France 103,000,000 103,000,000 60,231,000 60,231,000 Germany 35,000,000 35,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 Greece 392,000,000 30,000,000 37,500,000 1,300,000 Hungary 13,000,000 1,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 Ireland X 10,000,000 X 450,000 Italy 691,000,000 691,000,000 18,000,000 18,000,000 Latvia 7,500,000 7,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 Lithuania 7,500,000 7,500,000 4,500,000 70,000 Malta 392,000,000 392,000,000 37,500,000 80,000 Netherlands 48,333,333 48,333,333 25,743,667 25,743,667 Poland 7,500,000 7,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 Portugal 392,000,000 392,000,000 37,500,000 37,500,000 Romania 7,500,000 7,500,000 4,500,000 300,000 Slovakia 7,500,000 2,000,000 4,500,000 200,000 Slovenia 7,500,000 7,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 Spain 93,000,000 93,000,000 57,000,000 57,000,000 Sweden 98,000,000 98,000,000 X 8,000,000 United Kingdom 350,000,000 350,000,000 37,500,000 43,000,000 Note: corrected figures are highlighted bold EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 13 of 16 13 Table A 9: Classification in "Top15ASS" and Top15EX" (corrected) Country Assets Expenditures Top15Ass Not-Top15Ass Top15EX Not-Top15EX Belgium 3 1 2 2 Cyprus 1 2 1 2 Czech Republic 2 4 1 5 Denmark 2 1 2 1 Estonia 4 2 3 3 Finland 5 1 4 2 France 2 12 1 13 Germany 10 6 5 11 Greece 1 3 1 3 Hungary 1 4 1 4 Ireland 1 2 1 2 Italy 1 12 2 11 Latvia 0 1 0 1 Lithuania 0 2 1 1 Malta 0 4 1 3 Netherlands 2 5 1 6 Poland 2 5 2 5 Portugal 1 4 1 4 Romania 0 2 1 1 Slovakia 1 6 1 6 Slovenia 0 1 0 1 Spain 2 4 1 5 Sweden 1 0 1 0 United Kingdom 4 4 1 7 Total 46 88 35 99 Notes: a) The Top15 Ass category in Lithuania, Malta and Romania is empty, because the cases observed are much too small to be reasonably categorized as Top15 Foundations. b) In countries where only one case is observed, obviously one category stays empty (Latvia, Slovenia and Sweden) Step 5: Creation of weighing factor according to number of cases in each category Starting from the classification shown in Table A 9, we constructed two weighing factors, one for the distribution for assets and one for expenditures. For this task, we used the number of foundations per country, given in the EFS data and divided this number by the number of cases observed in each category. This operation leads to the following (artificial) data set of about 83,000 cases. EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 14 of 16 14 It is important to note that these are two separate calculations. It is not possible to calculate on both factors at the same time. So we either look at foundations that are different in size in terms of assets or in terms of expenditure. Table A 10: Weighed data set for assets and expenditures Country Assets Expenditures Top15Ass Not-Top15Ass Top15EX Not-Top15EX Belgium 15 385 15 385 Cyprus 15 40 15 20 Czech Republic 15 1190 15 1240 Denmark 15 13985 15 13985 Estonia 15 168 15 168 Finland 15 2585 15 2585 France 15 1211 15 1211 Germany 15 11985 15 11985 Greece 15 474 15 474 Hungary 15 16692 15 16692 Ireland 15 92 15 92 Italy 15 4705 15 4705 Latvia 0 130 0 130 Lithuania 0 350 15 130 Malta 0 400 15 300 Netherlands 15 1385 15 1155 Poland 15 5985 15 5985 Portugal 15 470 15 470 Romania 0 500 15 250 Slovakia 15 388 15 388 Slovenia 0 128 0 128 Spain 15 10820 15 10820 Sweden 15 0 15 0 United Kingdom 15 8785 15 8785 Total 285 82853 330 82083 For the following calculations, we will give three numbers each, where possible. One for the raw data and one weighed for the two criteria described above. To check the quality of the weighing factors, we compare correlations between the variables ,,Value of assets" (V_2.1.3) and "Operating expenditure" (V_2.3.3). In all cases, we see a highly significant result, which is 0.532 for the unweighed data set, 0.679 for the data weighed for expenditures and 0.150 if we weigh the data for assets. Because we have no indication how the correlation in the ground population might be, the high value for the weighing factor for expenditures does not necessarily mean that this is the most representative model. EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 15 of 16 15 Table A 11: Correlation of assets and expenditures (weighed for unweighed) Correlations Value of assets (total) Operating expenditures (total) Pearson Correlation 1,000 ,532** Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 Value of assets (total) N 124 117 Pearson Correlation ,532** 1,000 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 Operating expenditures (total) N 117 119 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Table A 12: Correlation of assets and expenditures (weighed for expenditures) Correlations Value of assets (total) Operating expenditures (total) Pearson Correlation 1,000 ,679** Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 Value of assets (total) N 71199 67541 Pearson Correlation ,679** 1,000 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 Operating expenditures (total) N 67541 75887 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). EUF Study 2008 Annex A - Methods of the survey page 16 of 16 16 Table A 13: Correlation of assets and expenditures (weighed for assets) Correlations Value of assets (total) Operating expenditures (total) Pearson Correlation 1,000 ,150** Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 Value of assets (total) N 70929 68430 Pearson Correlation ,150** 1,000 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 Operating expenditures (total) N 68430 76776 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). The two weighing factors open the opportunity to estimate a range for the calculated figures. None of them is capable to determine the "true" value of a variable in the ground population but the estimation of a possible range is probably more useful than to only look at the aggregation of cases which are not representative. The greatest advantage of the weighing factors is that the results get sensible for the size of the respective foundation and therefore somehow compensates the lack of representativity of the sample. Especially the weight of smaller foundations is heightened, despite that they are systematically underrepresented in the sample. Due to the small number of foundations that took part in the survey, there is a chance that below a certain level of (economic) weight, foundations refused to answer completely. That would lead to an additional overestimation of the sector, which in turn is unavoidable since we cannot introduce ghost-cases in the data set.