With financial support of UNHCR International Asylum Law Moot Court Competition 2010 Registration Form ___________________________________________________________________ Team N: (Team Number will be assigned by the organizers) Fully completed registration forms should be sent to The Human Rights League by February 19, 2010 by email: fajnorova@hrl.sk, or fax: + 421 2 546 42 439 SCHOOL INFORMATION University: Clinic: Clinic Telephone (please include country and area codes): Clinic fax: Clinic e-mail: Clinic address: Country: TEAM CONTACT PERSON All correspondence will be directed to the Team Contact, who is responsible for distributing MCC information to the other team members. Name: Email: Phone (please include country and area codes): Fax: Address: TEAM COACH FACULTY ADVISOR INFORMATION Name (in Latin letters, start with family name): Title: Telephone (please include country and area codes): Telephone 2: Email: STUDENT PARTICIPANTS 1. Name: Passport number: Date of Birth (M/D/YYYY): Email: Academic year: Dietary needs: 2. Name: Passport number: Date of Birth (M/D/YYYY): Email: Academic year: Dietary needs: We have read the Rules of the International Asylum Law Moot Court Competition 2010, and agree to the terms stated therein. We understand that failure to comply with these terms can jeopardize our team’s eligibility and/or participation in the MCC. Name of the Team Contact: Date (MM/DD/YYYY):