Náboženství a víra v demokratickém právním státě

29. 3. 2010 Škop - Křesťanské hodnoty v právu

Výběr textů:http://www.cartoonstock.com/lowres/ear0750l.jpg

  • Perry, M. J. Toward a Theory of Human Rights: Religion, Law, Courts. Cambridge University Press, 2006, s. 3-29. [PDF]

Part One - The morality of human rights
1 The Morality of Human Rights    3
2 The Morality of Human Rights: A Religious Ground    7
3 The Morality of Human Rights: A Non-Religious Ground?    14

  • Stein, P. - Shand, J. Legal Values in Western Society, Edinburgh University Press, 1974, Chapter 1: Legal Values, Legal Theory, and Social Theory. [PDF]
  • Witte, J. jr. Law and Religion: The Challenges of Christian Jurisprudence. St. Thomas Law Review, Vol. 2, 2005, s. 439-452. [PDF]