9. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) State Signature Ratification, Accession (a), Succession (d) Entry into force Albania . 27 June 2001 a 25 September 2001 Algeria 1/ 2/ . 7 February 1989 a 8 May 1989 Antigua and Barbuda 1/ 2/ . 2 February 1989 a 3 May 1989 Argentina 1/ 2/ 7/ 26 August 1958 14 March 1989 12 June 1989 Armenia 1/ 2/ . 29 December 1997 a 29 March 1998 Australia . 26 March 1975 a 24 June 1975 Austria . 2 May 1961 a 31 July 1961 Azerbaijan . 29 February 2000 a 29 May 2000 Bahrain 1/ 2/ . 6 April 1988 a 5 July 1988 Bangladesh . 6 May 1992 a 4 August 1992 Barbados 1/ 2/ . 16 March 1993 a 14 June 1993 Belarus 3/ 29 December 1958 15 November 1960 13 February 1961 Belgium 1/ 10 June 1958 18 August 1975 16 November 1975 Benin . 16 May 1974 a 14 August 1974 Bolivia . 28 April 1995 a 27 July 1995 Bosnia and Herzegovina e/ 1/ 2/ 6/ . 1 September 1993 d 6 March 1992 Botswana 1/ 2/ . 20 December 1971 a 19 March 1972 Brazil . 7 June 2002 a 5 September 2002 Brunei Darussalam 1/ . 25 July 1996 a 23 October 1996 Bulgaria 1/ 3/ 17 December 1958 10 October 1961 8 January 1962 Burkina Faso . 23 March 1987 a 21 June 1987 Cambodia . 5 January 1960 a 4 April 1960 Cameroon . 19 February1988 a 19 May 1988 Canada 4/ . 12 May 1986 a 10 August 1986 Central African Republic 1/ 2/ . 15 October 1962 a 13 January 1963 Chile . 4 September 1975 a 3 December 1975 China 1/ 2/ . 22 January 1987 a 22 April 1987 Colombia . 25 September 1979 a 24 December 1979 Costa Rica 10 June 1958 26 October 1987 24 January 1988 Côte d' Ivoire . 1 February 1991 a 2 May 1991 Croatia e/ 1/ 2/ 6/ . 26 July 1993 d 8 October 1991 Cuba 1/ 2/ 3/ . 30 December 1974 a 30 March 1975 Cyprus 1/ 2/ . 29 December 1980 a 29 March 1981 Czech Republic a/ e/ . 30 September 1993 d 1 January 1993 Denmark 1/ 2/ . 22 December 1972 a 22 March 1973 Djibouti e/ . 14 June 1983 d 27 June 1977 Dominica . 28 October 1988 a 26 January 1989 Dominican Republic . 11 April 2002 a 10 July 2002 Ecuador 1/ 2/ 17 December 1958 3 January 1962 3 April 1962 Egypt . 9 March 1959 a 7 June 1959 El Salvador 10 June 1958 26 February 1998 27 May 1998 Estonia . 30 August 1993 a 28 November 1993 Finland 29 December 1958 19 January 1962 19 April 1962 France 1/ 25 November 1958 26 June 1959 24 September 1959 Georgia . 2 June 1994 a 31 August 1994 Germany b/ 1/ 10/ 10 June 1958 30 June 1961 28 September 1961 Ghana . 9 April 1968 a 8 July 1968 Greece 1/ 2/ . 16 July 1962 a 14 October 1962 Guatemala 1/ 2/ . 21 March 1984 a 19 June 1984 Guinea . 23 January 1991 a 23 April 1991 Haiti . 5 December 1983 a 4 March 1984 Holy See 1/ 2/ . 14 May 1975 a 12 August 1975 Honduras . 3 October 2000 a 1 January 2001 Hungary 1/ 2/ . 5 March 1962 a 3 June 1962 Iceland . 24 January 2002 a 24 April 2002 India 1/ 2/ 10 June 1958 13 July 1960 11 October 1960 Indonesia 1/ 2/ . 7 October 1981 a 5 January 1982 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) 1/ 2/ . 15 October 2001 a 13 January 2002 Ireland 1/ . 12 May 1981 a 10 August 1981 Israel 10 June 1958 5 January 1959 7 June 1959 Italy . 31 January 1969 a 1 May 1969 Jamaica 1/ 2/ . 10 July 2002 a 8 October 2002 Japan 1/ . 20 June 1961 a 18 September 1961 Jordan 10 June 1958 15 November 1979 13 February 1980 Kazakhstan . 20 November 1995 a 18 February 1996 Kenya 1/ . 10 February 1989 a 11 May 1989 Kuwait 1/ . 28 April 1978 a 27 July 1978 Kyrgyzstan . 18 December 1996 a 18 March 1997 Lao People's Democratic Republic . 17 June 1998 a 15 September 1998 Latvia . 14 April 1992 a 13 July 1992 Lebanon 1/ . 11 August 1998 a 9 November 1998 Lesotho . 13 June 1989 a 11 September 1989 Lithuania 3/ . 14 March 1995 a 12 June 1995 Luxembourg 1/ 11 November 1958 9 September 1983 8 December 1983 Madagascar 1/ 2/ . 16 July 1962 a 14 October 1962 Malaysia 1/ 2/ . 5 November 1985 a 3 February 1986 Mali . 8 September 1994 a 7 December 1994 Malta 1/ 11/ . 22 June 2000 a 20 September 2000 Mauritania . 30 January 1997 a 30 April 1997 Mauritius 1/ . 19 June 1996 a 17 September 1996 Mexico . 14 April 1971 a 13 July 1971 Monaco 1/ 2/ 31 December 1958 2 June 1982 31 August 1982 Mongolia 1/ 2/ . 24 October 1994 a 22 January 1995 Morocco 1/ . 12 February 1959 a 7 June 1959 Mozambique 1/ . 11 June 1998 a 9 September 1998 Nepal 1/ 2/ . 4 March 1998 a 2 June 1998 Netherlands 1/ 10 June 1958 24 April 1964 23 July 1964 New Zealand 1/ . 6 January 1983 a 6 April 1983 Nicaragua . 24 September 2003 a 23 December 2003 Niger . 14 October 1964 a 12 January 1965 Nigeria 1/ 2/ . 17 March 1970 a 15 June 1970 Norway 1/ 5/ . 14 March 1961 a 12 June 1961 Oman . 25 February 1999 a 26 May 1999 Pakistan 30 December 1958 . . Panama . 10 October 1984 a 8 January 1985 Paraguay . 8 October 1997 a 6 January 1998 Peru . 7 July 1988 a 5 October 1988 Philippines 1/ 2/ 10 June 1958 6 July 1967 4 October 1967 Poland 1/ 2/ 10 June 1958 3 October 1961 1 January 1962 Portugal c/ 1/ . 18 October 1994 a 16 January 1995 Qatar . 30 December 2002 a 30 March 2003 Republic of Korea 1/ 2/ . 8 February 1973 a 9 May 1973 Republic of Moldova 1/ 6/ . 18 September 1998 a 17 December 1998 Romania 1/ 2/ 3/ . 13 September 1961 a 12 December 1961 Russian Federation d/ 3/ 29 December 1958 24 August 1960 22 November 1960 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1/ 2/ . 12 September 2000 a 11 December 2000 San Marino . 17 May 1979 a 15 August 1979 Saudi Arabia 1/ . 19 April 1994 a 18 July 1994 Senegal . 17 October 1994 a 15 January 1995 Serbia and Montenegro f/ 1/ 2/ 6/ . 12 March 2001 d 27 April 1992 Singapore 1/ . 21 August 1986 a 19 November 1986 Slovakia a/ e/ . 28 May 1993 d 1 January 1993 Slovenia e/ 1/ 2/ 6/ . 6 July 1992 d 25 June 1991 South Africa . 3 May 1976 a 1 August 1976 Spain . 12 May 1977 a 10 August 1977 Sri Lanka 30 December 1958 9 April 1962 8 July 1962 Sweden 23 December 1958 28 January 1972 27 April 1972 Switzerland 8/ 29 December 1958 1 June 1965 30 August 1965 Syrian Arab Republic . 9 March 1959 a 7 June 1959 Thailand . 21 December 1959 a 20 March 1960 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia e/ 1/ 2/ 6/ . 10 March 1994 d 17 September 1991 Trinidad and Tobago 1/ 2/ . 14 February 1966 a 15 May 1966 Tunisia 1/ 2/ . 17 July 1967 a 15 October 1967 Turkey 1/ 2/ . 2 July 1992 a 30 September 1992 Uganda 1/ . 12 February 1992 a 12 May 1992 Ukraine 3/ 29 December 1958 10 October 1960 8 January 1961 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1/ . 24 September 1975 a 23 December 1975 United Republic of Tanzania 1/ . 13 October 1964 a 12 January 1965 United States of America 1/ 2/ . 30 September 1970 a 29 December 1970 Uruguay . 30 March 1983 a 28 June 1983 Uzbekistan . 7 February 1996 a 7 May 1996 Venezuela 1/ 2/ . 8 February 1995 a 9 May 1995 Vietnam 1/ 2/ 3/ 9/ . 12 September 1995 a 11 December 1995 Zambia . 14 March 2002 a 12 June 2002 Zimbabwe . 29 September 1994 a 28 December 1994 Parties: 134 a/ The Convention was signed by the former Czechoslovakia on 3 October 1958 and an instrument of ratification was deposited on 10 July 1959. On 28 May 1993, Slovakia and, on 30 September 1993, the Czech Republic deposited instruments of succession. b/ The Convention was acceded to by the former German Democratic Republic on 20 February 1975 with reservations 1/, 2/ and 3/. c/ On 12 November 1999, Portugal presented a declaration of territorial application of the Convention in respect of Macau. The notification has taken effect for Macau on 10 February 2000, in accordance with article X(2). d/ The Russian Federation continues, as from 24 December 1991, the membership of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in the United Nations and maintains, as from that date, full responsibility for all the rights and obligations of the USSR under the Charter of the United Nations and multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General. e/ The date of effect of the succession is as follows: for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6 March 1992; for Croatia, 8 October 1991; for Czech Republic, 1 January 1993; for Djibouti, 27 June 1977; for Slovakia, 1 January 1993; for Slovenia, 25 June 1991; and for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 17 September 1991. f/ The former Yugoslavia had acceded to the Convention on 26 February 1982. On 12 March 2001, the Secretary-General received from the Government of Yugoslavia a notification of succession, confirming the declaration dated 28 June 1982 by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. (see footnotes 1/, 2/ and 6/ below) Declarations and reservations (Excludes territorial declarations and certain other reservations and declarations of a political nature) 1/ State will apply the Convention only to recognition and enforcement of awards made in the territory of another Contracting State. 2/ State will apply the Convention only to differences arising out of legal relationships whether contractual or not which are considered as commercial under the national law. 3/ With regard to awards made in the territory of non-contracting States, State will apply the Convention only to the extent to which these States grant reciprocal treatment. 4/ Canada declared that it will apply the Convention only to differences arising out of legal relationships, whether contractual or not, which are considered as commercial under the laws of Canada, except in the case of the Province of Quebec where the law does not provide for such limitation. 5/ State will not apply the Convention to differences where the subject matter of the proceedings is immovable property situated in the State, or a right in or to such property. 6/ State will apply the Convention only to those arbitral awards which were adopted after the coming of the Convention into effect. 7/ Argentina declared that the present Convention should be construed in accordance with the principles and rules of the National Constitution in force or with those resulting from reforms mandated by the Constitution. 8/ On 23 April 1993, Switzerland notified the Secretary-General of its decision to withdraw the reciprocity declaration it had made upon ratification. 9/ Viet Nam declared that interpretation of the Convention before the Vietnamese Courts or competent authorities should be made in accordance with the Constitution and the law of Viet Nam. 10/ On 31 August 1998, Germany withdrew the reservation made upon ratification mentioned in footnote 1. 11/ The Convention only applies in regard to Malta with respect to arbitration agreements concluded after the date of Malta's accession to the Convention