Leadership – part 2. Content: • Introduction • Leadership from within – P.U. Bender • Examples • Conclusion • Tasks for students Introduction 1.1. Traditional leadership – based on: - Power, authority, position - Connection - Charisma - Intellect - Loyalty Introduction 1.2. Modern leadership is based on premise: - Skills to leadership are achievable for everybody - Leader does not become that obtains an leader position role - The way to leadership – step by step approach, to work out Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.1. Basic attitude: - Leadership starts from within - There are skills, we can learn to develop, the way to leadership - The biggest thing that blocks us is fear Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.2. Two types of leaders: - The leader – from - without - The leader – from - within Remarks: we all have both types within us, what matters is which one we decide to follow Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.3. Leader from without: - Says one things, does another - Leads trough fear and control - Tries to hold on to power - Is externally motivated by money, power, fame - Is driven by fear and pressure - Disregards/puts down feelings Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.4. Leader from within: - Walks the talk - Leads with trust and by example - Sees shared interests, shares power, empowers others - Invites ideas and feedback - Is internally motivated – by values and principles - Sees caring, feelings as essential Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.5. The five key steps to personal and professional leadership from within: Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.6. The first step: know yourself - B. Franklin: there are three thing extremely hard – steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self - Now your own values, listen to your heart, find out what is important to you - Knowing yourself means increasing your awareness. It gives you the option to make conscious choices. It begins with asking yourself “what do I want to create and experience today” - Personal management – the first pillar of management system Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.7. The second step: have vision and passion - Vision is the stuff of our dreams. Passion is our energy to make it real. - There are at least three types of vision. Probable future, desired future, catastrophic future. - Leadership deals with all three types of vision - If the vision is clear, the passion comes. Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.8. The third step: take risks. - The risk lies in taking action to make our vision a reality. - Risk involves change and uncertainty, and with those comes fear. - What is important is that you begin. - By taking risks, you learn what works. Examples: - Expressing yourself - Trying something new - Investing something you value - Changing your way of living Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.9. The fourth step: communicate. - The exchange of information's and feelings, that leads to mutual understanding. - Communications makes a connection between giver and receiver. Leadership from within (P.U Bender) 2.10. The fifth step: check progress and results. - Feedback - Goals and achievement [results] are an important part of life. - Two sizes to results – inner and outer. Examples - J. Welch - T.G. Masaryk - W. Bennis Conclusion - The fourth right: believe in yourself. - Begin today to live the life you most want. Take that step you know you want to take, even if it is a small one. That is the way you begin the journey. Just do it. - Attitudes + behaviour = results. - P. U. Bender: That is the essence of leadership: Choosing what maters to you. Learning how to accomplish it. Then doing it – to be more fulfilled and to help others. Tasks for students 5.1. Why leadership is peak of management system? 5.2. What are you assumptions to become a leader from within? [your blocks, barriers]