Bill of Exchange Law Introduction History of Legal Regulation of Bill of Exchange • Local particular sources, lex mercatoria • Bill of Exchange Patent from 22 December 1763 • Imperial Patent No. 51/1850 • Bill of Exchange and Cheque Act No. 1/1928 • Government Regulation No. 111/1941 from 19 December 1940 • Bill of Exchange and Cheque Act No. 191/1950 "BECA“ Geneva Bill of Exchange System (1930) • 3 Conventions – Convention on unified bill of exchange act with the first appendix - Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (78 articles). – Convention for the settlement of certain conflicts of laws in connection with bills of exchange and promissory notes. – Fees Economic Importance of Commercial Papers • payment instrument • payment by a bill of exchange (bill of exchange issued "pro soluto"), • payment by means of bill of exchange (bill of exchange issued "pro solvendo") • security instrument • instruments for foreign exchange transactions – bills of exchange payable at future dates, in other places, and different currencies • short term credit transactions (consumer credits) Types of Bill of Exchange • Bill of Exchange • Promissory Note Promissory Note • Special variant of a credit paper • Promise of a drawer (maker) to pay to a creditor (payee) certain financial sum • Characteristic expression „I will pay“ • Two basic participants - maker and creditor (payee). • Maker of a promissory note is a direct debtor obliged by his sign to pay at the maturity Bill of Exchange • higher number of participants • drawer, payee and drawee • payment order of a drawer to a drawee to pay certain financial sum to a payee • characteristic expression „Pay to". Participants of the Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note • Drawer (maker) – maker of a promissory note obliges himself to pay at the maturity, direct debtor – drawer of a bill of exchange (trasant) is in a position of indirect, regress debtor (Article 9) • Payee – person, in whose favour the bill is issued, – "remitent„ – person named on the face of the bill of exchange or a promissory note to receive payment • Drawee – addressee of payment promise of the drawer – a real debtor only by the acceptance (till this moment he is obliged only potentially; under certain circumstances he even does not have to know that he became a drawee) Participants of the Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note II • Persons giving an aval guarantee – Section 30-32 – special guarantee for payment of a bill ("aval„). – guarantee my be given by a person who has signed the bill as well – the giver of an aval is bound in the same manner as the person for whom he has become a guarantor • Parties of endorsement – Indorser – Indorsee