Voir Dire of Students 1. What is your religion? 2. Have you ever been hurt in an accident? At work? Elsewhere? 3. Do you believe everything happens for a purpose and that when somebody gets hurt it is simply “fate” or “god’s will”? 4. What do you think about a smoker suing cigarette companies for giving him lung cancer? 5. What do you think about suing a fast food restaurant like McDonalds for selling coffee that is too hot? 6. Are you a nurse? Do you work in the health care industry? 7. Do you think there are a lot of frivolous law suits filed by people who just want to get rich? In the USA? In this country? Have you heard the term “jackpot justice”? Do you think it exists? 8. Do you believe that people ought to be held accountable for their actions? That when their carelessness causes somebody else to hurt, they ought to be held accountable for that hurt? 9. Do you believe personal injury lawsuits are bad for society? If so, why? 10. Do you think Americans are too sue happy, too litigious? Voir Dire of Professor Myfiles/tortlaw course/voir dire