Brno 2012 John A. McCarthy Cluster on Culture and Identity: Recurrent Nationalisms National Narcissism and Pan Europeanism Recommended Readings and Relevant Websites OPINION BORDERS CULTURE MUSIC as CULTURAL BORDER BREAKER LITERATURE European Literature Links: YOUTUBE Jose Barossa. Brussels, “A roadmap to stability and growth”. COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION (12.10.2011). *Les Back, Shamser Sinha, and with Charlynne Bryan. “New hierarchies of belonging.” European Journal of Cultural Studies 2012;15 139-154 *Pascale Casanova, “The Assimilated,” in: P. C., The World Republic of Letters, trans. M. B. Debevoise (Cambridge MA: Harvard U P, 2004), 205-219 Donald Cuccioletta, “Multiculturalism or Transculturalism: Towards a Cosmopolitan Citizenship.” London Journal of Canadian Studies 17.1 (2001/2002). *Wolfgang Kaschuba, “Old and New Europe: Representations, Imaginations, Stagings,” in: Representations on the Margins of Europe: Politics and Identities in the Baltic and South Caucasian States, ed. Tsypyima Darieva and W. Kaschuba (New York: Campus Verlag, 2007), 25-39 *Ayhan Kaya, “European Union, Europeanness, and Euro−Turks: Hyphenated and Multiple Identities.” An article from Eurozine (2005): 1-12; Turkish version first published in Cogito 44 (2005) Paul Michael Lützeler, Kontinentalisierung: Das Europa der Schriftsteller. Aisthesis, Bielefeld 2007. ______. Die Schriftsteller und Europa. Von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart. Piper, München 1992. *Kind-Kovács, Friederike. "An "Other Europe" through Literature: Recreating a European literary "Kontinent" after Helsinki", in: Jose Faraldo/Paulina Gulinska-Jurgiel/Christian Domnitz, "Europa im Ostblock. Vorstellungen und Diskurse (1945-1991) / Europe in the Eastern Bloc. Imaginations and Discourses", Köln, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2008, S. 267-299. ______. "Vom Untergrund in den Mainstream: Samizdat, Emigrationsliteratur und Tamizdat und die Neuerfindung Mitteleuropas in den achtziger Jahren.", zusammen mit Jan Behrends, in: "West-Ost-Verständigung im Spannungsfeld von Gesellschaft und Staat seit den 1960er-Jahren", Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (45) 2005, S. 427-448. Almut Möller and Roderick Parkes (eds). “Germany as Viewed by Other EU Member States.” EPIN, No. 33, June 2012. *Leonard Orban, European Commissioner Responsible for Multilingualism "Integration, Expansion, Globalisation—a New Multilingual Challenge for Europe". European Language Council – Forum 2008. Vrije Universiteit Brussels, 5 Dec 2008. *Padgen, Anthony, “Conceptualizing a Continent,” in The Idea of Europe from Antiquity to the European Union. Cambridge U P, 2007. Dan Sperber, Explaining Culture: A Naturalistic Approach (Blackwell, 1996). Chapter 2: “Interpreting and explaining cultural representations.” Wolfgang Welsch, Magdeburg/Stanford, “Transkulturalität”. In: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (Hrsg.): Migration und Kultureller Wandel Schwerpunktthema der Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch, 45. Jg. 1995 / 1. Vj.., Stuttgart 1995. *Jan Zielonka. “Is Europe turning into a neo/medieval Empire?” Europaeum, Vol.8, Issue 1 (2007)