Seminar Group 08 Miniconference – Day 1 We would like to invite you to visit a student event, where we will deal with some of current issues more or less connected with law. There'll be presented several interesting topics. The first one focuses on the matter of the position of women in Islamic countries. Then we will discuss about the high treason which has been considered as a quite burning problem in the Czech Republic recently. Finally, the role of the European Court of Justice will be clarified. Read below for more details about the content of the presentations. Come to learn some new information, meet people looking at same problems from a different point of view and share your opinion on every single topic. We are looking forward to your visit. The Miniconference will be held on Tuesday, April 9th at the Faculty of Law, cr. 211. Start: 11:10 am. Women's rights in Islamic countries In this work we are dealing with women rights in Islamic countries. Primarily, we are analysing legal moorage of these rights. It is generally known, that women aren´t respected in Islam at all and there is no good treatment with them. Women mustn´t drive a car, or even walk alone along the street. They mustn´t do nearly nothing. However how it is in legal systems of these countries? Are there any at all? We would like to explore, where this very old tradition is. We search and partially find the causes in Koran, further also in particular customs and conventions of these areas. We will also focus on comparison of measure of breaking rights of women that distinguishes in particular regions of Islamic countries. Investigation of behaviour of Muslim minorities in Europe will be also an indispensable part of our work. As a result of our project we would like to present a comprehensive analysis of relationship between women and Islam from the point of view of law and tradition. We also try to find out, whether these relationships get better and we will prepare a comparison of areas with the biggest and smallest measure of this discrimination regarding the legal circumstances of given country. “I think that this topic is one of the best choices. Nowadays, when globalizationis still more important... it means "life without boarders", mix of cultures, free market area and so on is problem of women rights very actual. I can not understand how is possible to be a woman in Islamic countries! But is really possible that same question they have about us too. I look forward to the presentation and expect many interesting facts.“ The first and last about high treason In our presentation we would like to introduce you a concept of high treason. We chose this topic because we feel that it is a much discussed topic nowadays in Czech Republic. Our presentation will start with a look back to the past and the meaning of high treason back then. After that we will specify a definition of high treason in present in Czech Republic and also a legislation that establishes this crime. Mainly, we will focus on high treason in our country in present days as an institute, which might occurred for the first time in our modern history in the context of our political situation. At last but not least we are looking forward to compare our high treason with well known US impeachment. We believe that our presentation will give you comprehensive information about this specific crime in our law system and give you greater insight into this issue. “Nowadays, It is one of the most discussed topics. This topic was started by the amnesty. After last amendment the conditions for an action to the President for treason will be stricter so it will be great to listen the main changes. The treason must be very interesting presentation for all students who are interested in a constitutional right. I look forward to comparison the high treason and the US impeachment.“ European Court of Justice We decided to prepare a presentation dealing with the subject of the European Court of Justice (ECJ). We think the subject of our presentation is both interesting and relevant to this term of Legal English. The structure of our presentation should be simple - firstly we would like to distinguish between ECJ and Court of Justice of the European Union (since the names of these institutions could be a little confusing), then introduce the ECJ (its history, current structure, etc.) and provide information about its jurisdiction. We hope that through the presentation our colleagues will get more in-depth information not only about the subject but also about European law (which could prove helpful during the exam as well as during later studies). “I am glad for this topic! One day I would like to work somewhere in Europe and listening information about Europen Court of Justice in English will be very useful for me. Especially the second part of presentation about current structure of ECJ. I am really looking forward to this topic and wish luck to presentators.“ PROGRAMME: 11:10 Registration 11:15 Presentation 1: Women’s rights in Islamic countries 11:35 discussion and feedback 11:40 Presentation 2: The first and last about high treason 12:05 discussion and feedback 12:10 Presentation 3: European Court of Justice 12:30 discussion and feedback the rest coffee break