On 18^th April we saw three presentations on various topics, which took place within the subject English for Lawyers. These presentation started at 9:45 am and we are going to inform you about this event. After we had signed in the presentation sheet, the first presentation group started. The topic they had chosen was the Czech presidential election, which was up to date and concerned all of us. They used nice visual aids, but the presentation was a bit too long, which caused a lack of time for the quiz in the end. Most listeners found the presentation perfect, using words like great, gorgeous etc. A presentation about the racial discrimination followed. We were provided with information about history of racial discrimination including specific cases, international and Czech organizations dealing with this problem and some key persons like Martin Luther King. "What I found extremely interesting about this presentation were the pictures of Rwanda Genocide. On the other hand I think, there could be used some videos or film scenes," told us one of the audience. The last group was speaking about the New Civil Code, which is probably the most often discussed topic amongst law students nowadays. They summarized the major changes coming with this act. The classmates said to us that the presentation was really professional. The overall impression from this presentation day was truly good and all the participants are looking forward to the results which are to be announced. Monika Marčíková, Barbora Palínková, Filip Dus