SEMINAR GROUP 09 MINICONFERENCE – DAY 2 We would like to invite you to the second day of our miniconference. Topics of today's presentations are very interesting and controversial so we hope that you will learn a lot of new information. The conference will be followed by a coffee break where we will offer you something little to eat. We hope that you will enjoy the miniconference and we wish you a good time. Programme: 13:30 - 13:35 registration 13:35 - 13:55 TThhee CCrreeaattiioonn aanndd DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff tthhee UU.. SS.. CCoonnssttiittuuttiioonn 13:55 - 14:00 discussion and feedback 14:00 - 14:20 BBrroowwnn vv.. BBooaarrdd ooff EEdduuccaattiioonn 14:20 - 14:25 discussion and feedback 14:25 - 14:45 RRoollee ooff tthhee eemmppeerroorr iinn JJaappaanneessee lleeggaall ssyysstteemm 14:45 - 14:50 discussion and feedback The rest – coffee break THE CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE U. S. CONSTITUTION In this presentation, our aim is to introduce to you the development of the U.S. Constitution. It means that we will focus on historical and political background that resulted in the creation of the Constitution. Then we will follow with the presentation of the content, especially the amendments of the Constitution and what they meant for its development. At the end we will discuss the role of the Constitution in U. S. law today and in the world in general. Our goal is to give you the full story of one of the most important legal documents in modern era that would help you to understand the importance of the U.S. Constitution and its meaning for the whole Anglo-Saxon law now and in the future. … We should know something about life in US when amendment was adopted, what was the economic and political situation. … … I believe this will be really valuable presentation for us and we will refresh our knowledge about the U.S. constitution and the Anglo-Saxon legal system at all. … … We should know about creation of U. S. Constitution because it helps to make today democracy. … BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION As a theme for our presentation we have chosen a case study to show you the race segregation problems in the USA. (It is surprising that) many people actually don´t know that in some parts of the USA the African-Americans weren´t allowed to study together with white people even in 20th century. The situation changed in 1951 as a result of Brown v. Board of Education case. This case had changed the view of the interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution and made the race segregation in public schools unconstitutional. The presentation will show you how a legal case in a precedent system can affect the Constitution and resolve an important question in the society. Firstly we are going to describe what the situation before this important precedent was, than we will focus on the proceeding itself and the effect it has caused. We had also prepared visual materials that should provide you an insight into this complicated situation. We are looking forward to an interesting discussion so please keep your comments until the end of the presentation. … About this case I know just basics so I’m looking forward to deepening my knowledge … … It is the only case study in whole group and also it shows a system of law in USA and really important precedent … … The change of interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment is the part of the presentation which would be the most interesting for me … ROLE OF THE EMPEROR IN JAPANESE LEGAL SYSTEM Our topic focuses on Japanese emperor and his role in Japan legal system during the history and present role in Japan politics. The purpose of our presentation is to inform about topic, that isn’t so well known in our region. In the beginning we will introduce the ruling system throughout the history in Japan, then we will focus on present status of emperor and his family and problems which are associated with it, for example the law of succession. We would like to describe current regulation in constitution as well as the practical role in society and his authority, also current discussion about the future position and traditional aspect, including republican movement in Japan. By involving the audience, with crosswords and interactive presentation, we want to improve their knowledge of different culture as well as to offer various points of view, for example historical, traditional, legal and opinion of opposition. …I actually don´t know a lot of things about Japanese political system and role of Japanese emperor in it. It can be very educational and also very different in compare with European area… …The role of the emperor in Japanese legal system is very interesting topic for presentation. Other topics are focused on Europe or American matters so this is extraordinary… …I am looking forward to this presentation due to my personal interest in Japanese culture and history …