Pi Oh RELATED TO 'Wri Emissions of polluting substances ■ Ozone layer depletion ■ Climate change WTEWOf THE riFGTCOrrO* Act No. 201/2012 Coll., on the Air Protection Air pollution (stationary and mobile sources) Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer Act No. 73/2012 Coll. on substances that deplete the ozone layer and on fluorinated greenhouse gases Ozone layer ■Regulation 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases) _ Act No. 695/2004 Coll., on Conditions of Trading in Greenhouse fiasses AllowaaflHWPM Act No. 73/2012 Coll. on substances that deplete the ozone layer and on fluorinated greenhouse gases Climate system MOBILE SOURCES REGULATION: Act No. 56/2001 Coll., on Conditions of the Vehicles Operation on Roads, as amended Act No. 266/1994 Coll., on the Railroad Mobile sources of pollution, as amended Act No. 49/1997 Coll., on the Civil Aviation, as amended 2 ■ Standard level of air protection ■ Special air protection 1. Admissible level of air pollution: Emission limitaton ussion ceillmgs lity standards 2. Plans and other program documents: ■ National program for emissons reduction ■ Programs for air quality improvement 3. Permits and approvals: ■ Approval of APA to development consents ■ Approval of APA to construction permits ^^emTiUooperate ■ Opinion of APA to land use-planning pensatory measures 4. Duties of persons: ■ General duties ■ Specific duties (foe persons handling paints, distributors of fuels, authorized persons etc.) ■ Duties of operators of stacionary sources: - Specific for sources listed in Annex 2 Measurements of air quality Measurements of emissions Disperse models etc. Sanctions: Fines Corrective measures Prohibitopn to operate regulatory tools: ■ designation of areas with bad air quality, continual monitoring of the air pollution levels, air quality improvement programs, specific air quality standards, specific conditions of operation smog warning and traffic regulation system low - emission zones in cities. rels, Regulatory tools: technical requirements and emission limits fuel quality requirements (biofuels) Regulated substances: ■ chlorofluorocarbons, ■ other fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons, ■ halon, ■ tetrachlormethan, ■ 1,1,1-trichloroethane "^Tnethylbromidanc^^^^^^^^ ■ hydrobromofluorocarbons (Annex I of the EU Regulation) Regulation applies to: ■ production, importation, exportation, ■ placing on the market, ■ use, recovery, recycling ■ reclamation and destruction of controlled substances ^^^^ ■ importation, exportation, placing on the mark and use of products and equipment containir these substances eguiatory tools ction, placing on the market Ban on production of substances listed in Art. 3 of the EU Regulation Ban of the use and placing on the market of regulated substances Exemptions Licences issued by the EC ..critical uses" of halons (Annex VI of EU Regulation) Fees for production and import of substances and product: containing CFCs Sanctions for non-compliance with theTcTw^ Rules for trade in the regulated substances: ■ Ban on the import and export of regulated substances with non-parties to Protocol ■ Exemptions Regulated substances handling requirements: ■ All precautionary measures practicable must taken to prevent and minimise leakages of controlled substances ■ Labelling requirements ■ Duty to recycle, regenerate or to dispose the ■eaulated^ffiances ^^^^^ /lonitoring, reporting and record - keeping equirements ■ Authorization Administrative liability: - Corrective measures - Fines -Authorization withdrawl Criminal liability -Illegal production and handling of substances depleting ozone layer Regulatory tools: list of activities resulting in greenhouse gasses emissions greenhouse gass emission permits national alocation plan duties of persons (to apply for allowences, monitor etc.) tradeable allowances and emission reduction unit/certified ERU project-based mechanisms (Joint Implementation (Jl) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)) monitoring, record-keeping and reporting requirements sanctions. "COMPETENT r. on no Ministry of the Environment Ministry of Health Ministry of Transportation Czech Environmental Inspectorate Czech Commerce Inspectorate customs authorities regional authorities municipal authorities municipalities.