1 INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTALINTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTALINTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTALINTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTALINTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTALINTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTALINTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTALINTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAWLAWLAWLAWLAWLAWLAWLAW NATURE PROTECTIONNATURE PROTECTION THE DESTRUCTION OF NATURETHE DESTRUCTION OF NATURE • Direct activities (hunting, collection) • Indirect activities (habitat destruction and modification – development and pollution) • Climate change and ozone layer depletion 3 CATHEGORIES3 CATHEGORIES OF IEL:OF IEL: • Treaties which are potentially applicable to all species and habitats on the planet • Treaties that are applicable to all species and habitats within a particular region • Treaties which are applicable at the regional or global level but which have as their objective the conservation of particular habitat or species types 2 REGULATORY TECHNIQUESREGULATORY TECHNIQUES 1. Establishment of protected areas 2. Prohibition and/or regulation on the taking of particular species 3. The establishment of seasons in which the taking of species is permitted 4. Prohibition and/or regulation of international trade 5. The establishment of quotas for the taking of species 6. Management of habitats and ecosystems 7. Prohibition of methods or means of taking 8. Prohibition on the introduction of new and alien species 1971 RAMSAR CONVENTION ON WETLANDS1971 RAMSAR CONVENTION ON WETLANDS OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCEOF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE ESPECIALLY AS WATERFOWL HABITATESPECIALLY AS WATERFOWL HABITAT Aims: - conservation and enhancement of wetlands Obligations: - designation of at least one suitable wetland within its territory for inclusion on the List of Wetlands of International Importance. - the deletion or restriction of listed wetlands is permitted on the grounds of an „urgent national interest“ and must be compensated by establishing additional nature reserves - to support reasonable use of all wetlands already in land-use planning and policy-making processes. Tools: Wetland Conservation Fund List of Wetlands of International Importance CONVENTON FOR THE PROTECTION OF THECONVENTON FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE WORLD CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGEWORLD CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE PARIS 1972PARIS 1972 Objectives: - protection of natural and cultural heritage Tools: - World Heritage Committee - World Heritage List of Sites - List of World Heritage in Danger - World Heritage Fund Obligations: - to cooperate, to protect and conserve - not to take any deliberate measures which may damage the heritage at the territory of other parties 3 CASE LAWCASE LAW Commonwealth v. Tasmania • Hydroelectric power plant project (Franklin river - Tasmania) • Federal government in opposition • A special law on the world heritage protection was challenged at the High Court of Australia • 1982 Franklin river area enclosed on the list of sites protected under UNESCO Convention CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE INCONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FLORA AND FAUNAENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FLORA AND FAUNA WASHINGTON 1973WASHINGTON 1973 Aim: - to protect endangered species of animals and plants by regulating the trade in them Specimen - any animal or plant whether alive or dead and any readily recognisable part or derivative thereof specified in Appendices in relation to the species CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE INCONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FLORA AND FAUNAENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FLORA AND FAUNA WASHINGTON 1973WASHINGTON 1973 Appendix I species - all trade is prohibited (except under very limited circumstances) - import and export permits for proposed trade in Appendix I specimens Appendix II - specimens which are not necessarily threatened with extinction but may become so unless trade in specimens is subject to strict regulation - commercial trade is allowed if it is not detrimental to the survival of that species and the specimen was not obtained in contravention of the law of the exporting state. - no import permit is required, the importer must present an export permit Appendix III - all species which any party identifies as being subject to regulation within its jurisdiction for the purpose of preventing or restricting exploitation. 4 CONVENTION ON THE PRESERVATION OF EUROPEANCONVENTION ON THE PRESERVATION OF EUROPEAN WILDLIFE AND NATURAL HABITATS (BERNE 1979)WILDLIFE AND NATURAL HABITATS (BERNE 1979) 3 objectives: 1. to conserve wild flora and fauna and their habitats, 2. to promote co-operation between states and 3. to give particular attention to endangered and vulnerable species Appendix I - strictly protected species of plants Appendix II - strictly protected species of animals Appendix III - species whose use must be regulated so that their population would not become threatened Appendix IV - prohibited means of capture and killing CONVENTION ON THE PRESERVATION OF EUROPEANCONVENTION ON THE PRESERVATION OF EUROPEAN WILDLIFE AND NATURAL HABITATS (BERNE 1979)WILDLIFE AND NATURAL HABITATS (BERNE 1979) Measures to implement the aims: • Promote national policies for the protection of wild flora and fauna • Prohibit deliberate killing and damaging of species listed in Ap. I. and II. • Integrate conservation into national planning • To promote education and disseminate information on the need to conserve species and their habitats etc. CONVENTION ON CONSERVATION OF MIGRATORYCONVENTION ON CONSERVATION OF MIGRATORY SPECIES OF WILD ANIMALS (BONN 1979)SPECIES OF WILD ANIMALS (BONN 1979) Objective: - conservation and effective management of migratory species Appendix I - endangered species (duty to conserve and restore habitats, to prevent or minimize adverse effects of activities which seriously impede the migration of species, to prevent factors that endanger or are likely to endanger the species Appendix II - migratory species which have an unfavourable conservation status (international agreements) 5 CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITYCONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY RIO DE JANEIRO 1992RIO DE JANEIRO 1992 Objective: - comprehensive preservation of biological diversity - sustainable use of its components - fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of genetic resources including by - appropriate access to genetic resources - apppropriate transfer of relevant technologies - appropriate funding CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITYCONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY RIO DE JANEIRO 1992RIO DE JANEIRO 1992 Obligations: - to develop national strategies, plans and programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity - to establish a system of protected areas - to promote habitat protection - to regulate and manage risks associated with the use and release of living modified organism resulting from biotechnology PROTOCOL ON BIOSAFETY (MONTREAL 2000) REGIONAL TREATIESREGIONAL TREATIES • Alpine Convention (Salzburg 1991) • European Landscape Convention (Florence 2001) • Carpathian Convention (Kyjev 2003)