Unit 7 Legalese and Legal Latin Legalese is a term given to the special technical terminology in a legal document. Technical terminology is the specialised vocabulary of a profession or of some other activity of a group of people. TT = jargon = terms of art = formal = informal (slang) The problems of using jargon English legalese in the past = Law French Typical fetures: 1. long and complex sentences with many clauses 2. Latin expressions, expressions of Latin origin 3. expressions with different meaning in legal context 4. use of archaic, old-fashioned words 5. use of Law French with no meaning for non-lawyers 6. formal style 7. Tendencies in current English the legal historic terms are to be replaced by simple English plaintif --- claimant writ --- claim form pleading --- statement of case give leave --- give permission Be careful ! „False Friends“ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legalese http://www.worldwidewords.org/articles/probono.htm