Lesson 4 – Public Administration – Self-government I. The Police of the Czech Republic A. Reading Read the text about the Police of the Czech Republic and choose the correct expression that suits the text best. The Police of the Czech Republic is a law 1.__________ agency of the Czech Republic, officially established as a police force on 15 July 1991 in the former Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. The 2.__________ is located in Prague. Czech state police cooperates with municipal police departments, which are present in every larger town. The Police of the Czech Republic has general jurisdiction in the investigation of misdemeanours and crimes. Its proceedings are overseen by an independent prosecutor, who can bring 3.__________ in criminal matters. At the city and town level, Municipal police is funded and directed locally. Municipal police units are 4.__________ by municipalities. Their scope of activities is limited to the city or the municipality. The municipal police closely cooperate with the state police. The municipal police department is controlled by the mayor or another 5.__________ member of the municipal council. The emergency phone number of the municipal police is 156. Municipal police have jurisdiction over misdemeanours, supervise and protect the safety of citizens and properties, public order, collaborate within their 6.__________ with the state police in terms of safety on the roads, deal with offences and other wrongs, etc. Officers of municipal police are 7.__________ and usually patrol on foot, bike, or car. Municipal police cannot solve serious crimes and does not take investigations, as municipal policemen secure the suspects on the scene and hand the case further to the state police, which is responsible for the 8.__________. Officers of the municipal police in large cities are the basic public order keepers. 1. a) insurance b) enforcement c) assurance d) force 2. a) boss b) director c) building d) headquarters 3. a) charges b) complaints c) suits d) verdicts 4. a) prepared b) committed c) administered d) accused 5. a) applied b) authorised c) awarded d) average 6. a) sphere b) area c) region d) competence 7. a) armed b) gunned c) shot d) fired 8. a) conviction b) delay c) amendment d) investigation B. Listening Listen to the recording on what to do when a person is involved in a situation where they need help. While listening, fill in the missing words. Witnesses or victims of criminal 1.____________ that put them or their family members at 2.____________ should contact the police station near the place of their 3.____________ or call the emergency telephone number. The police must accept and 4.____________ their report. If the witnesses are not happy with the 5.____________ they received from the police, they can file a 6.____________. If they feel that a police officer 7.____________ a crime they can contact the Inspection Office of the Police. Complaints against the municipal police must be filed with the 8.____________ of representatives of the municipality concerned. II. Self-government A. Reading Read the text and try to find Czech equivalents to the underlined expressions in the text. Public administration is a system for the management of matters of public interest through governmental or other public bodies. The state maintains its authority over the administration of selected public issues by delegating this authority to its executive bodies (this is then referred to as ‘government administration’ or ´state administration´). The control over other specific matters of public interest has been delegated by the state to local authorities (this is then referred to as ‘local administration’ or ´self-government´). Territorial self-government in the Czech Republic has two tiers. The Constitution of the Czech Republic anchors the division of the Czech Republic into basic (municipalities) and higher (regions) territorial self-government units. Regional self-government is formed by 14 regions, including the City of Prague (which is at the same time a municipality and a region). There are big differences between the population of individual municipalities. The biggest number of citizens live in the City of Prague (approximately 1.2 million citizens), while the smallest municipalities may have about two dozens of citizens. The average number is about 1,600 citizens. Municipalities in the Czech Republic administer their territories within the framework of independent competence. Besides, they execute delegated competences, which they were delegated by the state. Within their self-competence, all municipalities and towns have equal rights and obligations. Execution of the delegated competences depends on the size of the municipality and the territory it administers. Municipalities are divided into three groups, according to the scope of delegated competences: municipalities with extended powers, municipalities with municipal councils and townships (through local councils). Municipalities Municipalities represent the basic territorial, self-governing communities of citizens. A municipality is composed of the following bodies: - Municipal Assembly (the highest ranking municipal body, which exercises the key powers as part of the structure of local government) - Municipal Council (executive body) - Mayor (represents the municipality in its external relationships and acts as the head of the municipal authority) - Municipal Authority Regions The Czech Republic has 14 regions. A region is composed of the following bodies: - Regional Assembly (the highest ranking regional body, which exercises the key powers as part of the structure of regional government) - Regional Council (executive body) - Governor (represents the region in its external relationships) - Regional Authority B. Discussion Describe the region or the city you come from, you can include the points mentioned below. · Name of your region + capital city · How many statutory cities (what are statutory cities?) · Governor of your region · Mayor of the city you come from · Highlights of your region · Administration of the region/city (who elects the governor/mayor and the term of their service, members of the municipal assembly, responsibilities of the assembly and the council, …) Sources: www.cizinci.cz www.en.wikipedia.org http://www.smocr.cz/en/important-info/structure-of-territorial-self-government.aspx