Spring 2014   Nice to meet you! / Nice to see you!   Today‘s to-do list: 1. Introduction 2. Syllabus 3. Study materials 4. Requirements 5. Revision 6. Mock exam  Syllabus Constitutional Law and the Rights of Citizens Public International Law and Human Rights Enforcing the Law: Criminal Procedure Enforcing the Law: Civil Procedure Introduction to the Law and Language of the European Union  Study materials COMPULSORY  Interactive syllabi, study materials  Skupiny MSme  Chromá, Marta. New introduction to legal English. Volume I. Univerzita Karlova, 2007  Chromá, Marta. New introduction to legal English. Volume II. Univerzita Karlova, 2007  Chromá, Marta. English-Czech law dictionary. Leda, 1997.  Chromá, Marta. Czech -English law dictionary. Leda, 2001.  Powell, Richard. Law today. 1. ed. Harlow : Longman, 1993  Study materials OPTIONAL  Powell, Richard. Law today. 1. ed. Harlow : Longman, 1993  Krois-Lindner, Amy – Firth, Matt. Introduction to International Legal English. CUP, 2008.  Black, Henry Campbell. Blackův právnický slovník. Praha : Victoria Publishing, 1993  Online dictionaries  At the end of this semester…   continuous assessment  written test  oral examination Examination   attendance  1 excused absence  active participation  presentation and its written summary  listening test (20.5. / 22.5.)  homework  I hereby reserve the right to add more requirements during the semester. Requirements for continuous assessment   45 minutes  controlled cloze test (in the first part deleted expressions will be given in Czech and students will translate them to suit the context, in the second part there will be underlined expressions in English to be translated into Czech)  providing definitions  language focus exercises (e.g. sentence transformation, word-formation, prepositions)  reading comprehension Written test   discussion related to the topic chosen  conversation topic - Law studies, Faculty of law, Masaryk University  terminology based on prescribed texts  Topics: What is law, Sources of modern law, Civil and public law, Judicial institutions, Lawyers at work, Contracts, Criminal law, Torts, Trusts, Land law, Running a business, The law and the family, The law and consumer, Employment law, Intellectual property, Constitutional law and the rights of citizens, Public international law and human rights, Enforcing the law: criminal procedure, Enforcing the law: civil procedure, The law of the European Union. Oral examination  Failure to attend my own seminar…  UNIMAGINABLE when I have to give my presentation  in other cases ONLY EXCEPTIONALLY it can be made up for by appearing in a seminar taught by my teacher – always after a previous approval   Groups (all group members have to be equally involved) or individuals  Duration 10 minutes / person  The use of visuals such as power point, OHP, whiteboard, posters, ...  Prepared handouts for the audience or interactive tasks for the classmates (questions, fill in exercise, crossword puzzle, ...)  Written summary of the presentation by each member of the group for „odevzdávárna “  MSme Day Time (e.g. MSme Tuesday 13:30)  by 30 April 2014 incl. Presentations   The presentation must be of high quality.  The choice of topic will be up to your group, it should be something that you find interesting and all the members should be happy about the topic. Try to avoid general topics like The European Union, choose more specific topics like The Czech EU Presidency – Successes and Failures.  LET‘S ASSIGN THE PRESENTATIONS!  Presentations  What has been covered so far? Revision  1st semester   What is law?  Sources of modern law  Civil and public law (division of law)  Judicial institutions  Lawyers at work 1st semester  2nd semester   Contracts  Criminal Law  Torts  Trusts  Land law 2nd semester  3rd semester   Running a business  Family law  The law and consumers  Employment law  Intellectual property 3rd semester  Homework   30 minutes Mock Exam  1. Criminal proceedings were brought 2. bezprostřední riziko smrti či závažné újmy 3. awarded compensation 4. a civil party 5. usilující o náhradu škody, prostředek nápravy 6. sentenced to two years‘ imprisonment 7. subsequently acquitted 8. povolení odvolat se /napadnout právní důvody rozhodnutí 9. right to a fair hearing 10. held unanimously 1.  11. dvou stupních soudního řízení 12. prohibition of inhuman and degrading 13. byl vystaven špatnému zacházení 14. manslaughter and a grave traffic offence 15. persuasive evidence 16. svědecké výpovědi 17. rozhodnout / stanovit nade vší pochybnost 18.vyšetřování stále trvá / není ukončeno 19. základní pochybení / opomenutí 20. zpochybnily jeho spolehlivost 1.  a. treason b. death row c. human rights d. community service order e. the European Community 2.  1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 3. to apprehend ARREST, DETAIN party in default PARTY IN BREACH compensation DAMAGES equity NATURAL JUSTICE, FAIRNESS procedural law REMEDIAL, ADJECTIVE LAW member of the jury JUROR perpetrator CRIMINAL, OFFENDER, FELON secondary legislation SUBORDINATE / SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION legal capacity COMPETENCE, QUAKLIFICATION blackmail EXTORTION, REKETEERING felonies INDICTABLE OFFENCES, SERIOUS, MAJOR a wrong ILLEGAL BEHAVIOUR, UNLAWFUL CONDUCT, WRONGFUL ACT litigant PARTY TO THE DISPUTE judge JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, MAGISTRATE to outlaw ILLEGALIZE, CRIMINALIZE ---- ---- 4.  Constitutional Law and the Rights of Citizens Next week   Read Unit 17 (Powell)    https://images.search.yahoo.com/ References 