I. Translate the Czech expressions into English and the underlined expressions into Czech: (40 points) Vervesos v. Greece (no. 14721/06) The applicant, Dimitrios Vervesos, is a Greek national who was born in 1964 and lives in Athens. In December 1998, while he was taking part in a rafting trip, the applicant’s rubber raft capsized. Mr Vervesos was thrown into the water and remained trapped against a rock for several hours. 1.Bylo zahájeno trestně-právní řízení against the trip leader, M.T., for having placed Mr Vervesos at 2.immediate risk of death or serious injury. Mr Vervesos was 3. přiznána náhrada škody in the civil courts. In January 1999 he joined the dispute against M.T. as a 4. strana v občansko právním sporu 5. seeking redress. M.T. was 6. odsouzen k dvouletému trestu odnětí svobody in May 2003 and was 7. následně zproštěn obžaloby on appeal in May 2005. On 6 October 2005 Mr Vervesos was refused 8. leave to appeal on points of law. Relying on Article 6 § 1 (9. právo na spravedlivý proces) of the European Convention on Human Rights, Mr Vervesos complained, among other things, of the overall length of the proceedings, and in particular of the proceedings before the Criminal Court, which had lasted from January 1999 to May 2003. The European Court of Human Rights 10. jednomyslně rozhodl (nepoužívejte sloveso decide!!!) that there had been a violation of Article 6 § 1, as the proceedings had lasted for six years and eight months at 11.two levels of jurisdiction. It awarded Mr Vervesos 5,000 euros (EUR) for non-pecuniary damage and EUR 1,000 for costs and expenses. Alibekov v. Russia (application no. 8413/02) The applicant, Sulayman Alibekov, is a Russian national who was born in 1961 and lives in Inchkha (Russia). Relying on Articles 3 (12. zákaz nelidského či ponižujícího zacházení and 13 of the Convention, Mr Alibekov complained that he had been 13. subjected to ill-treatment in August 2002 by a special police unit in a correctional colony in the Tyumen Region where he was serving two sentences for 14. neúmyslné zabití a velmi závažný dopravní přestupek. While the medical report made in the immediate aftermath of the events had not recorded any injuries on the body of Mr Alibekov, his version of the facts had not been backed up by 15. přesvědčivé důkazy or 16. persuasive witness testimonies. The Court itself was therefore unable, in view of the deficient information in its possession, 17. to establish beyond reasonable doubt that Mr Alibekov had been the victim of a beating, and held, by six votes to one, that there had been no violation of Article 3 as regards his allegation of ill-treatment. On the other hand, the Court noted that, despite having been opened in 2002, 18. the investigation was still pending and had 19.essential omissions which 20.called into question its reliability and effectiveness. 1. ……………….................... 2. ……………….................... 3. ……………….................... 4. ……………….................... 5. ……………….................... 6. ……………….................... 7. ……………….................... 8. ……………….................... 9. ………………..................... 10. ……………….................. 11. ……………….................. 12. ……………….................. 13. ………………................. 14. ……………….................. 15. ………………................. 16. ………………................. 17. ………………................. 18. ………………................. 19. ………………................. 20. ………………................. II. Define the following expressions: (15 points) a. treason....................................................……………………………………………………………………… b. death row...............………………………………………………………………………….. c. human rights………………………………………………………………………………… d. community service order…………………………………………………………………… e. the European Community……………………………………………………………………………........... III. Reading comprehension: (10 points) Codecision procedure The codecision procedure (Article 251 of the EC Treaty) was introduced by the Treaty of Maastricht. It gives the European Parliament the power to adopt instruments jointly with the Council of the European Union. The procedure comprises one, two or three readings. It has the effect of increasing contacts between the Parliament and the Council, the co-legislators, and with the European Commission. In practice, it has strengthened Parliament's legislative powers in the following fields: the free movement of workers, right of establishment, services, the internal market, education (incentive measures), health (incentive measures), consumer policy, trans-European networks (guidelines), environment (general action programme), culture (incentive measures) and research (framework programme). The Treaty of Amsterdam has simplified the codecision procedure, making it quicker and more effective and strengthening the role of Parliament. In addition it has been extended to new areas such as social exclusion, public health and the fight against fraud affecting the European Community's financial interests. Under the European Constitution, which is in the process of being ratified, this procedure will be extended so that it becomes the "ordinary legislative procedure". It will apply to the adoption of "European laws" and "European framework laws", the new terms for the legislative instruments provided for in the Constitution. http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/glossary/codecision_procedure_en.htm Decide whether the sentences are true or false: 1. The codecision procedure is a one-step process . T / F 2. The European Parliament has the power to adopt instruments independently. T / F 3. The Parliament´s legislative powers have not been strengthened at all. T / F 4. The codecision procedure has been made more complex. T / F 5. European laws will be adopted under this procedure. T / F ; IV. Language focus: (10 points) Give the synonyms for the following expressions: to apprehend party in default compensation equity procedural law member of the jury perpetrator secondary legislation legal capacity blackmail felonies a wrong litigant judge to outlaw ---- ----