Citizenship is the ……… of a person recognised under the custom or law of a state that bestows on that person (called a citizen ) the rights and ………… of citizenship. Such rights and privileges include the……….., work and live in the country and the right to return to the country, besides other rights. A citizen may also be subject to…………., such as a ……………in the army. A person may have ………….. citizenships and a person who does not have citizenship of any state is said to be ………... 1. Pozměnit 2. Tajné hlasování 3. Hlasovací místnost 4. Cenzura 5. Svrchovanost 6. Občan s trvalým pobytem 7. Základní práva 8. Volební právo 9. Nekalé praktiky 10. Předčasné volby multiple Privileges Status certain duties right to vote stateless duty to serve Citizenship is the ……… of a person recognised under the custom or law of a state that bestows on that person (called a citizen ) the rights and ………… of citizenship. Such rights and privileges include the……….., work and live in the country and the right to return to the country, besides other rights. A citizen may also be subject to…………., such as a ……………in the army. A person may have ………….. citizenships and a person who does not have citizenship of any state is said to be ………... 1. Pozměnit 2. Tajné hlasování 3. Hlasovací místnost 4. Cenzura 5. Svrchovanost 6. Občan s trvalým pobytem 7. Základní práva 8. Volební právo 9. Nekalé praktiky 10. Předčasné volby multiple Privileges Status certain duties right to vote stateless duty to serve