Human Rights Violations The European Court of Human Rights Press release issued by the Registrar 4.4.2005 The applicant, György Monory, complains that the Romanian authorities 1. failed to ensure the swift return of his daughter after his wife kept her in Romania after 30 January 1999 without his consent. He also complains about the length of divorce and 2.child custody proceedings. He relies on Article 8 (3. right to respect for family life) of the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 13 (right to 4. účinné prostředky nápravy) of the Convention and Article 6 § 1 (right to 5. spravedlivý proces 6. within a reasonable time). The applicant, Aleksey Vladimirovich Afanasyev, was 7. zatčen pro podezření of swindling. He claims he was beaten in custody to coerce him to confess and that the beating caused, among other things, partial deafness in his left ear. He 8. zahájil trestní řízení against the police officers whom he alleged to be responsible, which have been discontinued. The 9.investigation is still pending, however. He complains that he was 10.ill-treated in custody and that the State authorities failed to undertake a thorough and effective investigation into his allegations. He relies on Article 3 (prohibition of 11.nelidského a ponižujícího treatment) and Article 13. Aggim Alija, an Albanian national, was 12.trestně stíhán pro ozbrojenou loupež and spent 13 months in pre-trial detention in Greece before being acquitted. Criminal proceedings were brought against the applicant, Dimitrios Dimitrellos, a lawyer, on a charge of having deliberately included erroneous information in 13.kupní smlouvy. After spending almost a year in pre-trial detention, he was 14.acquitted by a court of appeal, which held that it was unnecessary to compensate him for the time he had spent in detention. Relying on Article 6 §1, both applicants allege that the 15.judgments dismissing their claims for compensation in respect of the time spent in pre-trial detention contained insufficient or no reasons. The applicants, Denise Jarnevic and Jean-Louis Profit, together with their daughter Audray Profit, complain under Article 6 § 1 of the length and unfairness of the criminal proceedings which they brought against the taverna’s 16.tenants and their associates. They also complain of the length of the civil proceedings which they brought in order to 17.získat náhradu škody. Their daughter was injured as a result of the accidental collapse of a pile of stones, located in the courtyard of a taverna. The applicants lodged a criminal complaint for 18.těžké ublížení na zdraví and 19.injury arising from negligence and applied to join the proceedings as a civil party. They also 20.podali žalobu for compensation. 1. ………………. 2. ………………. 3. ………………. 4. ………………. 5. ………………. 6. ………………. 7. ………………. 8. ………………. 9. ……………….. 10. ……………… 11. ……………… 12. ……………… 13. ……………… 14. ……………… 15. ………………. 16. ………………. 17. ………………... 18. ………………. 19. ………………. 20. ……………….