I. Translate the Czech expressions into English and the underlined expressions into Czech: (40 points) Medvedyev and Others v. France (application no. 3394/03) ...As part of an international operation against 1. obchodování s drogami, the French authorities were informed that the ship was likely to be carrying significant quantities of narcotics. In consequence, the French Navy 2. apprehended it on the high seas. The applicants 3. tvrdili, že jsou oběti of 4. an arbitrary deprivation of liberty 5. on account of being detained on board the Winner for 13 days under the surveillance of the French military, then in 6. policejní vazbě... Relying on Article 5 § 1 (7.právo na svobodu a osobní bezpečnost) of the European Convention on Human Rights, they complain that the deprivation of liberty to which 8. they were subjected was unlawful, particularly in the light of international law. Under Article 5 § 3 of the Convention, they also complain that they waited 15 to 16 days 9. aby byli předvedeni před „soudce or other officer 10. authorised by law 11. k výkonu soudní moci.” In a judgment of 10 July 2008 the Court held that the applicants had not been deprived of their liberty 12. v souladu s postupem 13. stanoveným zákonem and consequently held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 5 § 1. ... Kononov v. Latvia (no. 36376/04) ...The case 14. se týkal trestního stíhaní pana K. for 15. war crimes he allegedly committed in 1944. At the time the territory of Latvia was under German occupation. ... In January 1998 the Centre for the Documentation of the Consequences of Totalitarianism launched 16. trestní vyšetřování into the events of 27 May 1944. It considered that the applicant could have committed war crimes under Article 68-3 of the former Latvian 17. Trestní zákon Article 68-3 provided that those 18. shledáni vinnými z war crimes were 19. liable to between three and fifteen years’ imprisonment or life imprisonment. Article 6-1 permitted the retrospective application of the criminal law with respect to war crimes and Article 45-1 provided that the prosecution of such crimes 20. was not subject to statutory limitation. ...On 2 August 1998 the applicant 21. byl obviněn ze zločinů proti lidskosti and on 10 October 1998 22. placed in pre-trial detention. 23. Prohlásil, že se cítí nevinen. ... The applicant submitted in particular that the 24. činy, ze kterých byl obviněn had not, at the time of their commission, constituted an offence 25. under either domestic or international law. He alleged a violation of Article 7 § 1 (26. uložení trestu jen na základě zákona). ... 1. ……………….................... 2. ……………….................... 3. ……………….................... 4. ……………….................... 5. ……………….................... 6. ……………….................... 7. ……………….................... 8. ……………….................... 9. ………………..................... 10. ……………….................. 11. ……………….................. 12. ……………….................. 13. ………………................. 14. ……………….................. 15. ………………................. 16. ………………................. 17. ………………................. 18. ………………................. 19. ………………................. 20. ……………….................