1) Freedom of Speech and Copyright Material and case-law to study Ashby Donald and others v. France (36769/08) http://ipkitten.blogspot.cz/2013/01/are-fashion-photographs-human-right.html http://echrblog.blogspot.cz/2013/01/copyright-vs-freedom-of-expression.html Fredrik Neij (The Pirate Bay) v. Sweden (40397/12) http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-117513#{"itemid":["001-117513"]} Questions 1) Why do you think the freedom of expression is important human right? What international treaties protect the freedom of expression/freedom of speech? 2) What kinds of freedom of expression do we recognize? Can the artistic work represent the freedom of expression? 3) According to case-law of the ECHR, who is the watchdog of the democratic society and why the freedom of political speech is so important? 4) What are the conditions on limitations of the freedom of expression in Europe and especially in your jurisdictions? Can copyright law represent the limitation of the freedom of expression?