logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparent-ANG.png Polonca KOVAČ PhD, Associate Professor Europeanization of Legal Protection in (Individual) Administrative Matters Conference Measures of Protection of Individual Rights in Public Administration, Their System and Effectiveness 28–29 April 2016, Brno, Czech Republik bill of rights.jpg logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif Basic notions on the subject •A. Administrative matters & administrative law §Administrative procedures * §Legal protection in administrative matters • •B. Europeanization * § logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif A.I Administrative matters from European perspective •As highly acknowledged by theory, regulation and case law = • • 1.Administrative law: public prerogatives vs. individual subjects, exercising public powers/authority – regardless of üstatus of PA or other branch of power or private body; or Øsupra- or sub- or a national level of power? Ø 2.Interdependence of administrative procedures & adm. justice under a principle of the division of powers • • § logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif A.II Adm. matters as a conflict of public v. private interests • • • • • • • •or • § ECHR, Constit.: judicial review Party AP as a tool for public policies‘ implementation Uni-lateral auth-ority kafka.jpg Adm. body Party Court dispute (litigation, ADR) HRs protection Adm. body Public interest logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif A.III Administrative matters from European perspective •As rather divergent & controversial by theory, regulation and case law • 3.Scope of administrative procedures: §In individual/single-case & authoritative decision making & ? §In adm. decision making or also (mutatis mutandis) in adm. sanctions, civil service, etc. 4.Aims of administrative procedures: role of prevailing tradition ? * * § zup koment slika nem.jpg apa ny.jpg zup koment slika breznik.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg/125px-Flag_ of_the_Czech_Republic.svg.png Rezultat iskanja slik za austria verwaltungs verfahren logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif * „a process involving, a) construction, b) diffusion and c) institutionalisation of formal and informal rules, procedures, policy paradigms, styles, 'ways of doing things' and shared beliefs and norms which are first defined and consolidated in the EU policy process and then incorporated in the logic of domestic (national and subnational) discourse, political structures and public choices.“ (Cini, EU Politics, Oxford, 2007) • • ØProcess – but also state-of-the-art through policies & norms ØTop down – but also bottom up convergences ØBeliefs driven – but also formal norms and institutions ØEU – but also broader European values, practices, rules, etc. B.I Europeanization is: logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif Legacy / legal traditions: -administration-centered (F) -individual-c. (UK) -legislator-c. Rechststaat (D/A, CEE) -ombudsman-c. (Scandinavia) Treaty of Lisbon (Art. 298, 51, 197, 352…) Charter on fundamental rights (2010, Art. 41, 42, 43, 47…) Europeanization of national law & EU adm. law Broader changes in society & PA: complexity, globalization, privatization, delegations … B.II Europenization in national & EU adm. matters EP Resolution on EU APA (2013)/ReNEUAL EU Ombudsman Code (2001-) Case law of ECtHR & CJEU 2. EU 1. Council of Europe ECHR & CoE Recommendations Good Administration (open, efficient, independent & accountable …) PA reforms/strategies: national & EU driven C:\Users\tina\Pictures\BannerSIGb_July12_pref.png logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif B.III ECHR Art. 6 & 13 and EU Charter Art. 41 & 47 * Art. 6 Right to a fair trial: 1- In the determination of his civil/ crimin. rights …, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent & impartial tribunal established by law. Judgment…pronounced publicly… * Art. 13 Right to an effective remedy: Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in ECHR are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority…violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity… * * * * Art. 47 Right to eff. remedy: Everyone whose rights and freedoms guaranteed by the law of the EU are violated has the right to an effective remedy before a tribunal … with the conditions... * Art. 41 Right to GA: 1. Every person has the right … affairs handled impartially, fairly, within a reasonable time... 2. Includes: (a) to be heard…(b) access to file, (c) give reasons. 3. damage 4. languages… Remedy = administrative & judicial! logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif Key impacts of Europeanization in adm. matters and legal protection: EU & national levels 1.Redefined ratio (aims) of administrative procedures 2.Broadened scope of administrative procedures 3.Codification and its modernization of (general) adm. procedure = Administrative Procedure Act (APA); with ØHolistic approach = all adm. activities, acts, fields … ØGeneralization = principles!; ØSimplification = removal od administrative barriers. 4.Interconnectivity between adm. procedures & justice •& … non legal impacts (e.g. on organization of PA, IT), etc. • § logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif 1. Ratio of CoE/EU driven administrative procedures ØHuman rights‘ protection = AP‘s value per se ØPublic policy/interest‘s effective implementation = AP as a mean for substantive (laws) goals Ø Ø Ø Ø •3. Dialogue, economic progress … = service-mindedness •4. European standardization & cooperation * Twi ns Administrative law in terms of „Good Administration“: 1.prevents from arbitrary public authority & protects HR 2.guarantees authority to implement public interest & new Traditional logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif 2.I Scope of CoE/EU driven administrative procedures üIndividual/single case & authoritative decision making & ? Ø Ø? General (rule making) administrative decision making Ø? Contractual administrative relations/acts § ØReNEUAL Role Model Rules 2014 - Book Http://www.reneual.eu/ No./Art I General Provisions 4 II Administrative Rule-Making 6 III Single Case Decision-Making 36 IV Contracts 39 V+VI Mutual Assistance + Adm. Info Management 6+41 logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif 3 generations of polit-adm. procedures (Barnes, 08) Type of process Ground Method of problem-solving/competences Ind. authoritative decision-making Division of powers since 19th century Judicial/Legal knowledge Executive-adm. implementational decision-making Co.decision-making at national and EU levels after WW2 Normative / Legal knowledge, organizational, managerial, etc. skills Public policy cycle, societal dialogue Coordination of interests at policies‘ design & implementation Administrative Altruism, (human) dialogue, multitasking, ADR, e-communication… Good Administration = participatory + efficient http://marketingmreza.com/portal/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/etika.jpg 2.II Generations of adm. procedures (Barnes, 2008-) logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif 2.III Scope of CoE/EU driven administrative procedures üAdministrative & authoritative decision making – BUT? § § §Administrative v. civil law: Ø? Real acts & services of general interest? ØConcessions … Ø? Civil service, etc. §Administrative v. criminal law: Ø? Adm. sanctions Ø? Misdemeanors Ø? Taxes Ø? Inspections … § echr.jpg ECtHR case law does NOT follow the national regulation! logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif 3.I EU driven changes in codification of APs 1.Strive for a codification in all countries & EU 2.Of general AP = APA/GAPA/Code: 3. 3. 3. ØNational level & EU APA over EU institutions & spill-over effect ØStrive for effective!!! realization of legal interests = ASAP (legal certainty, proportionality, transparency, etc. = simplified & amicable proceedings ØLex generalis v. leges speciales? As little specifics as possible = de minimis rule & equal protection of rights, joint fundamental principles over detailed regulation logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif * Pro GAPA: clarity/certainty; equality; coherence; PA‘s & sector specific antifragmentation … * Contra: necessity for flexibility according to the subject related procedures; differentiation of procedures according to its type (e.g. ex officio supervision usually requires stricter regulation as procedures initiated by request); most often special rules on appeal & other remedies! üBalance = complementary regulation with admissable yet limited specifics = proportionality interdisciplinary.jpg 3.II EU driven changes - pro & contra unified (general) codification logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif * EU law, e.g. Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market * Case law: §General: §On legal remedies in AP: i.C-/76 Hoffmann-La Roche v. Commission (79) & C-222/84 Johnston v. Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (86) = effective! ii.C-234/04 Kapferer (16.3.06) = no EU interference iii.C-199/05 Lucchini (18.7.07) = primacy of EU over national iv.C-507/08 EC v. Slovakia (22.12.10) = EU primacy only if before finality and if equivalence & effectiveness affected v.C-603/10 Pelati v. Slovenia (18.10.12) = as longs as EU effectively … * 3.III EU codification – EU law & CJEU case law C-453/00 Kühne & Heitz (2004)… national EU! EU conditionally EU equivalence & effectiveness principles & national autonomy logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif Reasoning, notify… Access to file, hearing... 5. Conclusion of procedure 4. Rights of defence in fact establishing and evidence giving 6. Rectification and withdrawal of decisions 1. General Provisions (scope, definitions) 3.IV ReNEUAL Model Rules: Single-case Decision Making Inquisitorial principle 2. Initiation and mgmt of procedure 3. Gathering of info Adverse & benefitial Up to 3 months… Non-formalism! Inspection Audi alteram partem Res iudicata logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif (Galetta, Hofmann, Mir, Ziller, 2015) 1 Rule of law, clarity, legality, l.certinty, legitimate expectations 2 Equal treatment and non-discrimination 3 Public interest protection 4 Proportionality 5 Good administration, duty of care 6 Impartiallity, fairness 7 Participative democracy, fair hearing 8 Access to the file, information, transparency 9 Data quality & protection 10 Reason giving 11 Timeliness 12 Effective remedy 3.V Fundamental principles in European adm. law The right is enshrined in Art. 47 of the Charter, in Art. 6 & 13 ECHR and recognised as a general principle of EU law is a key component to a legal system under the rule of law. According to this principle, neither the EU nor MS can render virtually impossible or excessively difficult the exercise of rights conferred by EU law, are obliged to guarantee real & effective judicial protection (C14/83) and are barred from applying any rule or applying any procedure which might prevent, even temporarily, EU rules from having full force & effect (C-213/89). logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif •3. Recommendation (on the nine general principles) 1.Lawfulness : adm. act in accordance with the law… never arbitrary… by purposes… not …by the public interest. 2.Non-discrimination and equal treatment 3.Proportionality 4.Impartiality 5.Consistency and legitimate expectations 6.Respect for privacy 7.Fairness 8.Transparency 9.Efficiency and service •4. Recommendation (on ten rules): initiation of procedure, acknowl. of receipt, impartiality, be heard, access to file, time-limits, form of decisions, reasons, notification, indication of remedies Zastava-EU--nerabljena_4d3771a794423.jpg 3.VI Fundamental principles EP Resolution on EU APA 2013 5. Recommendation (on the review and correction of own decisions) logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif * Art. 20 Remedies 1. Administrative acts shall clearly state that an administrative review is possible. 2. Parties shall have the right to request an administrative review against administrative acts adversely affecting their rights and interests. Requests for administrative reviews shall be submitted to the hierarchical superior authority and, where that is not possible, to the same authority which adopted the administrative act. 3. Administrative acts shall describe the procedure to be followed for the submission of a request for administrative review, as well as the name and office address of the competent authority or the responsible member of staff with whom the request for review has to be submitted. The act shall also indicate the time-limit for submitting such request. 4. Administrative acts shall clearly refer, where Union law so provides, to the possibility of bringing judicial proceedings or lodging a complaint with the European Ombudsman. • 3.VII EU APA draft (2015-6) on remedies logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif * Art. 23 Rectification/withdrawal of adm.acts/adversely affect party • 1. The competent authority shall rectify or withdraw, on its own initiative or • following a request by the party concerned, §an unlawful adm. act which adversely affects a party = retroactive effect; §a lawful adm. act which adversely affects a party if the reasons that lead to the decision no longer exist; = not have retroactive effect. §3. Rectification or withdrawal shall take effect upon notification to the party. 4. Where an administrative act adversely affects a party and at the same time is beneficial to other parties, an assessment of the possible impact … * * Art. 24 Rectification or withdrawal/beneficial to a party §The competent authority shall, on its own initiative or following a request by another party, rectify or withdraw an unlawful adm. act which is beneficial to a party. 2. Due account shall be taken of the consequences of the rectification or withdrawal on parties who legitimately could expect the act to be lawful... 3. retroactive effect only if done within a reasonable time. … §Lawful adm. act which is beneficial to a party … if the reasons that lead to the specific act no longer exist. Due account shall be taken of legitimate expectations of other parties. 3.VIII EU APA draft (2015-6) on remedies logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif 3.IX Sigma Principles of PA (2014) - Accountability Key requirement: Proper mechanisms are in place to ensure accountability of state adm. bodies, including liability and transparency. •Principle 1: The overall organisation of central government is rational, follows adequate policies and regulations and provides for appropriate internal, political, judicial … accountability. •P2: The right to access public information is enacted in legislation and consistently applied in practice. •P3: Functioning mechanisms are in place to protect both the rights of the individual to good administration and the public interest. •P4: Fair treatment in administrative disputes is guaranteed by internal administrative appeals and judicial reviews. •P5: The public authorities assume liability in cases of wrongdoing and guarantee redress and/or adequate compensation. P. Kovač: PAR in the EU and SI 22 C:\Users\tina\Pictures\BannerSIGb_July12_pref.png logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif 3.X Key novelties in new or modernized APAs * Converging ratio: public interest & citizens’/economy leg. interests * Scope: also general, in services (real acts, SGI) & adm. contracts • * Rights of defence, praticipation & transparency Principles * Proportionality, ex officio, enforcement * * E-government, one stop shops … Simplify/ * Time limits enforce * ADR (mediation, etc.) certainty & * Reduction of AP remedies /reason but pro actione compliance • & adm. justice logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif 4.I Interdependence of adm. procedures & justice ØRedefinition of procedure due to its aims & scope complementary redefinition of judicial review Ø ØOr from contrary aspect: Ø Ø No (more) a role of a court-like system by A/PA = PA can and should concentrate on problem-solving & Good Adm. with individuals logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSj8ITnQhfKMI7j93jsv091hhmwUcuNAm2TXHoJ9uNXEBXMWAWy3w 4.II Interdependence of adm. procedures & justice ØInterdependence in terms of legal protection: 1.If AP mainly for win-win public & ind. interests‘ realization = judicial review takes over more subjective protection of rights 2.Less remedies, grounds, timing etc. for their use in AP = broader scope by courts: two-tiered, adversary & full/merit jurisdiction… (cassation only for adm. silence or discretionary powers) 3.If AP scope broadened = judicial protection of all administrative / likewise acts = incl. general, sanctions, etc. by Adm. Court 4. logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif 4.III Impediments to reduction of AP remedies & broadened adm. justice ! Beware of not overburdening courts due to ØDivision of powers - adm. matters are executive! ØAssistance & reasonable timing - effective access to justice? logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif Summary on Europeanization in adm.-legal protection Prevailing in legal protection: less extraord/ex offo remedies in AP but mainly adm. appeal, which rarely leads to abrogatio of adm. act logotip-Fakulteta-za-upravo-stranski-transparentni-mali-ANG.png EAPAA logo accr.gif Conclusions and discussion Kapieren, nicht kopieren! Festina lente! * However, convergence does not mean harmonization, hence = still a lot of room for national values, goals and specifics! * On the other hand, §One must follow EU law and ECHR & §Do not be blind for exchange of good practices. * It is not sufficient to change law but to assess impacts, train the people and monitor results (regulatory feed back) * Any systemic change needs systemic approach and time! C:\Users\tina\Pictures\Hands.png