PF_PPT pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB Zápatí prezentace TREASURE TROVE JUDr. P. Salák jr. Ph.D. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Zápatí prezentace 2 Table of contents nDefinition of treasure nDiscovered thing – hidden thing – treasure nValuable thing nOwnership of a treasure n pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT Zápatí prezentace 3 Treasure - definition PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Zápatí prezentace 4 PRESENT-DAY LAW n§ 398 ABGB: nIf things are exposed in money, jewellery, or other precious things that have been in the shelter for so long that their former owner can not learn about them, they serve as a treasure. nDraft CZCC 1937 nTreasure is a valuable thing that one can suppose it has been hidden for a long time and belongs to noone. Every creature that is of scientific or artistic value is considered to be a valuable thing. nZGB, BGB – no definition n nIs there a definition in your law? PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled ROMAN LAW nD 41,1,31,1 Paulus 31 ad ed.: n „Thensaurus est vetus quaedam depositio pecuniae, cuius non exstat memoria, ut iam dominum non habeat.. n„Treasure is an old-fashioned deposit of money where there is no awareness who it belongs to.“ n nDepositio – a thing intentionally hidden nVetus – for a long time hidden nNon extat Memoria… dominum – had an owner (ne res nulius) x he was not known nPecuniae – money, valuable thing (debatable) Zápatí prezentace 5 pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT Thing discovered x treasure Zápatí prezentace 6 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Thing discovered nSomeone discovered it x not clear, how the owner lost it nAbandoned thing nThe original owner does not want it anymore. nPossible to keep it (occupation) – necessary to grasp it nIt cannot be assume that a discovered thing is abandoned! n nLost thing nThe original owner lost it independently on his will. nOwnership is preserved – necessary to return it to him nRoman Law – necessary to announce it, in case noone claims - acquisitive prescription nNowadays – a specific kind of an acquisition of the right of ownership (de facto limitation of time of a proprietary action – 3 years) n n Zápatí prezentace 7 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Discovery of a treasure + thing hidden nTreasure - safekeeping x the owner is not known nOwner n– original / possible to find out – e.g. coat of arms on the coffer, on the basis of dating of coins, it is possible to determine who the last owner of the house was…/ x irrelevant n- present-day owner – We can know who had hidden a treasure, but we do not know who the inheritor of it is. x if the inheritor is known, then the „treasure“ belongs to him – Law of Succession excludes a discovery of a treasure n nDiscovery of a treasure nThe finder is the one, who has seen it first x not the one, who has touched it first nStable interpretation of glossaries n nThing hidden nABGB – a treasure is a specific kind of a hidden thing nThing hidden – the same regime as a thing discovered x othere regime as a treasure nDifference between a treasure – valuable thing x only discovered on land (a valuable thing in a secret drawer is a thing hidden) – continues in § 399: the owner of a treasure is from one half the finder and from the other half the owner of the estate n n Zápatí prezentace 8 pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT Valuable – a thing valuable Zápatí prezentace 9 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Is an obligatory requirement? nYES nRoman law? nABGB nZGB? nNO nBGB nCode civil Zápatí prezentace 10 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled „Thing valuable“ nRoman law npecuniea (Paul), monilia (Cod.Th), mobilia (Cod. Iust.) nMoney, jewellery, movable properties n nABGB nGeld, Schmuck, andere Kostbareiten nMoney, jewellery, other preciousness (czech translation:drahocennosti) n nZBG nWertgegenstand nWhat is the difference between „Kostbrakeit“ and „Wertgegenstand“? nA thing precious x a thing valuable (values are also moral – not „only“ appraised in money) n Zápatí prezentace 11 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled What is valuable? nRoman law nMoney – value according to a content of precious metals nJewellery n– surely art work x not all of them – often were remaken nValue of the metal n nThe Middle Ages nGlanwill: „Some kind of metal“ nPrecious metals belong to the sovereign Zápatí prezentace 12 Treasure in Podmokly – 1771 Discovery of Celtic gold coins „iris“, altogether 7000 coins (cca 45kg) Survived less than 50 pieces (20 pieces at National Museum, something at Křivoklát Castle and in foreign collections) The rest was melted down and used for production of new ducats (gold coins). PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Kostbarkeit x Wertgegenstand nKostbarkeit nABGB (1811) x passed from previous regulations (half of 18th century) n– remnant of „Roman and Mediaeval conception“ nValuables consist in value of metal n nWertgegenstand nZGB (1907) nModern approach nValuables consist as well in a historic, cultural and art value. nIt is a part of a cultural heritage – principally the owner is a state, which protects it n n n n Zápatí prezentace 13 pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT Owner of a treasure Zápatí prezentace 14 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Roman law nArchaic time – owner of estate (superficies solo cedit) – the same in the Bible nEarly empire – state(aerarium)/fiscus nHadrian – ½ finder, ½ owner of estate nSeverovci – fiscus nKonstantin – fiscus x finder ½ as a reward for announcement nLeon (… n.l.) – finder and owner (3/4 a ¼) nJustinian – like Hadrian n nNot linear progress – modern time alike Zápatí prezentace 15 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Owner of a treasure in ABGB nCodex Theresianus nErblose Sache – a thing without a heir nEscheat to the sovereign x reward for a finder and owner of estate nMartini´s Draft n„Herrenlose Sache“ – a thing without an owner nThe same ownership + finder´s fee nNot came into force x repercussion in Decrees of Marie Theresia, Joseph II a Leopold (cancelled ABGB x in Slovakia valid until 1950) nABGB (1811) nOwner, finder and state (1/3 each of them) – Zeiller – on the grounds of opportunity nHofdekret 1846 – ½ finder, ½ owner of estate – modification in order not to come about concealing nThe Decree cancelled by the Act of 1999 (act that cancelled all the additions of ABGB, that didn´t go through a proper legislative process) – returt to the situation in 1811 n2002 – by an Amendment of Act of Police there was a return to the version of ABGB after 1846 Zápatí prezentace 16 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Ownership of a treasure on a territory of CR nInterwar time nABGB (after r. 1846) + Decrees of sovereigns (state-finder-owner 1/3 each of them) nDraft 1924 – a finder and an owner of estate x state has a pre-emptive law (influences of ZGB – e.g. special section for products of nature) nDraft 1931 – as in ABGB after an Amendment 1846 (1/2) nDraft 1937 – state-finder-owner of estate (proposal of Ministry of Finance because of tax reasons x Ministry of Education was against) nDraft 1946 – a state was the owner – pays out a finding´s fee or leave a proportionate part nPostwar time nCC1950 – a thing discovered and hidden, of which the owner is not known, belongs to a state (unless it is imperceptibly valuable) nCC1964 – a thing discovered and hidden, of which the owner is not known, belongs to a state (even if it is imperceptibly valuable) n1958 – first codification of protection of cultural sights – archeologic discovery was defined n1987 – new Act of cultural sights – valid /amended/ up to now Zápatí prezentace 17 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Finder´s fee nInterwar Drafts (1924, 1946) n– not less than a value of a discovery (motivation to not conceal) nOrder 1941 n – During archaeological surveys carried out by state institutions, there is an obligation to compensate for the damage caused by the research and in case of a valuable finding to replace the value of metal of this finding to the landowner. nArcheological discovery according to Act of 1958, 1987 – finder´s fee n10% cultural historical value (i.e. cca 30% of market price) nDiscovery of precious metal – 10% of the value of the metal from which the thing was made Zápatí prezentace 18 PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Not allowed finding n§ 400 ABGB nHow not allowed? nNot allowed archeologic works x but prohibition of use of witchcraft nThe same see Cod.Th…… Zápatí prezentace 19 pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT Thank You for Your attention P. Salák jr. Zápatí prezentace 20