pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT_en Contract of Inheritance (Pact of Succession, pactum successorium) JUDr. Mgr. Radek Černoch, Ph.D. Department of the History of the State and Law PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 2 Basic Features n n3rd delation ground (cf. testament, intestate) nForm of Contract n2 parties => One-sidedly irrevocable nIn breach of „Ambulatoria est voluntas defuncti usque ad vitae supremum exitum“ nUniversal succession (vs. deathbed gifts) nNot in contemplation of death (vs. deathbed gifts) nEnables to renounce the succession n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 3 Roman Law nNeither civil nor praetorian law recognize nGai Inst. 2.114 n …militibus … quomodo uelint … permittitur testamentum facere. n …soldiers … are allowed to make a will in any way they want to… nC 2.3.19 Imperatores Diocletianus, Maximianus n…invicem pactos esse, ut ad eum, qui superstes fuisset, res … pertinerent… n …mutual pact … that the property … should belong to the survivor… nRoßhirt: „Auf diese Stelle haben die Doctores die Erbverträge der Adelichen ex jure Romano gerechtfertigt, denn Sie seyen milites.“ n At this place, the „Doctores“ vindicated the Roman law contracts of inheritance of aristocrats, as they were soldiers. nJoint testament: Nov. Val. XXI, 1, 4 (Theod. et Val. 446) n…maritus uxorem, seu uxor maritum ... una charta … se heredes scribant… n…husband … appoint his wife … or the wife … her husband … in a single document… PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 4 Code civil nExplanatory report: n „Dědická smlouva je zvláštní institut dědického práva, existující v řadě evropských zemí (Francie, Švýcarsko, Německo, Rakousko).“ n Pact of Inheritance is a specific institute of law of succession, existing in various European countries (France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria). nArt. 722 CC n Les conventions qui ont pour objet de créer des droits ou de renoncer à des droits sur tout ou partie d'une succession non encore ouverte ou d'un bien en dépendant ne produisent effet que dans les cas où elles sont autorisées par la loi. n Agreements having the purpose of creating rights or renouncing rights to all or part of a succession not yet opened or of an asset forming a part of it are effective only in the cases in which they are authorized by legislation. nGrimaldi: est nul, as c’est le pacte successoral type nCan be considered valid by legal science n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 5 ABGB nJoint testaments (Wechselseitige Testamente): § 1248 nSpouses nOne-sidedly revocable, but one‘s retraction does not means another‘s (unless joint contingent testament (wechselbezügliches gemeinschaftliches Testament) nAll formal requirements (just signing document written by the spouse insufficient) (vs. BGB) nContract of Inheritance nSpouses/fiancés nNotarial deed (Notariatsakt) nDoes not limit the contractual freedom inter vivos nReserved quarter (qF?) n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 6 BGB nJoint testament (Das gemeinschaftliche Ehegattentestament) ndrafting by one of the spouses and signature of the other sufficient (vs. ABGB) nRevoking by one makes the other‘s dispositions invalid nContract of Inheritance nDoes not limit dispositions inter vivos nBut contractual heir can challenge the donations made by the testator who was trying to hurt the heir’s rights (§ 2287 Abs. 1) nBerliner Testament nthe spouses appoint one another as an heir and aside from that they appoint another heir, usually their children (cf. pupillary substitution). PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 7 Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic, Switzerland nABGB + Hungarian customary law, cancelled 1950, 1964 n2012 taken over from ZGB nReserved quarter nNotarial deed. nDispositions inter vivos generally not affected nBut can be challenged should they interfere in the property reserved for the contractual heir; unlike the BGB, intention does not need to be involved. nNot only husband, wife / fiancés. nZGB allows that contract of inheritance is concluded not only by the spouses, but also by other people. nMay be concluded as pension contract (Erbverpfründung), i. e. synallagmatic relationship in which the beneficent shall provide the testator with care and support (Unterhalt und Pflege) PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 8 Hungary nCustomary law nContract of inheritance prevented from lucrative dispositions with the object thereof inter vivos nJoint testament of spouses which could be retracted one-sidedly, but the mutual provisions were no longer effective upon such a retraction nSocialist law (contract of inheritance remained even though is capitalist) nTransformed into synallagma; n providing care and support to the testator n prevents from dispositions inter vivos. nRequirements of an allograph testament, i.e. entering into the contract in front of witnesses or notary public. nSpouses, with certain limitations between parents and children nNew Hungarian civil code nJoint testaments of the spouses nContract of inheritance conditioned by provision of care and support PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 …thanks for your attention 9 Poland nNo contract of inheritance (Art. 941 KC) nRozrządzić majątkiem na wypadek śmierci można jedynie przez testament. n It is only possible to handle property mortis causa only by means of a testament. nNo joint testaments (Art. 942 KC) n Testament może zawierać rozrządzenia tylko jednego spadkodawcy. n There may only be a disposition by one testator in the testament. nRenunciation contract possible (Art. 1048 KC) nSpadkobierca ustawowy może przez umowę z przyszłym spadkodawcą zrzec się dziedziczenia po nim. Umowa taka powinna być zawarta w formie aktu notarialnego. nA statutory heir may reject his share upon an agreement with the testator. Such an agreement shall be made in a form of a notary deed.