PUBLIC OFFICIALS LECTURER: ASSOCIATE PROF.SOŇA SKULOVÁ Importance of Public Administration personnel in modern European state and in EU Lecture 1 ¢Public employees X Administrative personnel ¢Public employee is everyone paid from public budgets, ¢Administrative personnel is also paid from public budget, but ensures professional, public tasks in employment relationship to some executor of public administration. ¢Administrative personnel is specific group of employees, with specific assumptions, needs and regulation. WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL? GENERAL PERSPECTIVE WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL? GENERAL PERSPECTIVE ¢Black's Law Dictionary: ‚‚Public official is one who holds or is invested with a public office; a person elected or appointed to carry out some portion of a government's sovereign powers‘‘ ¢Council of Europe, Committee of Minister, Rec. No. R (2000) 6: ‚‚public officials are any members of staff, whether statutory or contractual, employed by state authorities or departments whose salary is paid out of the state budget, excluding elected representatives and certain categories of staff in so far as they come under special regulations.‘‘ WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL? GENERAL PERSPECTIVE ¢Administrative personnel does not consist of only those officials who are employed by state ¢It is usual to divide public officials on those who —exercise civil service and those who, —exercise rest of public service. —(Compare European charter of local self-government) ¢Depending on concrete country, the first group could be subjected under different legal regime than the second one. ¢There are public officials also on supra-national level, in European union. Art. 1a par. 1 L 056/1968 (Staff regulations of EU): ‚‚official of the Communities means any person who has been appointed, as provided for in these Staff Regulations, to an established post on the staff of one of the institutions of the Communities by an instrument issued by the Appointing Authority of that institution.‘‘ WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL? EU PERSPECTIVE ¢‚‚Officials have to realize that their mean task is to represent community, protect its dignity, maintain law, make decisions and keep on mind, that all was entrusted to their conscious.‘‘ (M. T. Cicero) ¢Bureaucracy as a special profession developed in 18th century. Max Weber pointed out, that it‘s a necessary for obtaining ‚‚rule of law‘‘ ¢Concept of administrative personnel changed from conception based on privileged status of officials to open conception based on providing the best services to public. WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL‘S IMPORTANCE? ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL‘S IMPORTANCE REALIZATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ¢Administrative personnel should try to achieve objectives and fulfill tasks of public administration. So what are these objectives and tasks? ¢Objective of public administration is functional state playing all its roles ¢Tasks of public administration are always changing in the time. Generally, these are issues, which are observed by entire state, regional and local community, associated with long-termed objectives, which have been declared by society as a public interest, and therefore were politically declared as public tasks. ¢Administrative personnel either provides or secures this administrative tasks. WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL‘S IMPORTANCE? ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL‘S IMPORTANCE REALIZATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ¢Forms of public administration are final expression of public administration activity ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL‘S IMPORTANCE REALIZATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ¢Decision-making process is the heart of public administration activities and it highly depends on rationality of administrative personnel. ¢It‘s nonrandom selection of at least two different variants, consisting of: ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL‘S IMPORTANCE DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES ¢Public officials stand on difficult position between politic‘s and public interests. This controversy leads to so called ‚‚spoil system‘‘, where politicians try to capture all important administrative bodies. ¢Importance of administrative personnel is also in exercising public administration with keeping loyalty and public interest at the same time. WHAT IS THE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL‘S IMPORTANCE?