PUBLIC OFFICIALS History of public official‘s status in Europe. Traditional models. Lecture #2 ¢First specific regulation of public official‘s status appeared in 18th century in Prussia and affected whole Europe. ¢This regulation came from existing development, based on loyal relationship of public officials to monarch and superior, privileged relationship to common people. ¢Public service in this conception means whole-life specific, career work in public administration, called career system. ORIGIN OF PUBLIC OFFICIAL‘S STATUS EUROPE ¢Labor law relationships between officials and their employers have public law nature. CAREER SYSTEM CAREER SYSTEM ¢In USA, with different historical experience, was no need to get over the patrimonial relationship between monarch and public officials. ¢Vice versa, there was rather attempt to obtain liberty and that meant prevent wanton bureaucracy ¢This development led to so called merit system, which is typical for its similarity with human resources management in private sector ¢ ORIGIN OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS‘ STATUS USA ¢Merit system is based on catalog of service positions with its detailed description. Free administrative positions could be filled by people from both private and public sector. MERIT SYSTEM ¢Main principles of modern public services comes from Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which states that: —All citizens, being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible to all dignities and to all public positions and occupations, according to their abilities, and without distinction except that of their virtues and talents.‘‘ —Society has the right to require of every public agent an account of his administration. ¢Third main principle states that public officials should by protected from wanton political power. PRESENT PUBLIC SERVICE ¢Neither the career or merit system doesn‘t exist in these days in their original form. They have been influenced by each other. ¢Rationality and legitimacy of modern public administration is based on professional and impartial service to public. ¢Max Weber saw public administration as work performed by impartial professional personnel, according to related rules in centralized hierarchical system. PRESENT PUBLIC SERVICE ¢New conception of administrative personnel developed in 70s of 20th century in USA as a ‚‚New public management‘‘ and spreaded to Australia, New Zealand, Netherland, northern European countries etc. ¢Main goal of this conception is to achieve better effectivity and quality of public administration. ¢New public management is typical by application of managerial processes and more liberal personal policy. ¢ NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT