pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT Public administration Doc. Judr. Soňa Skulová, Ph.D. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Term Administration nActivity aimed to care for certain things nIt pursues an activity that is targeted, that follows an aim whether its own or set by another entity, either of its own or as a duty nIt disposes of the means necessary to achieve the set aim nPurposeful human activity aiming to reach particular purposes, targets PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled nTerm Management ≠ Term Administration nManagement a purposeful activity leading to influence the manged entity in corformity with the set aim nAdministration vspecialized management vshows sign of stability, institutionalisation and regulation vapplied in stabilizied systems and normatively determined relations only PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Public And Private Administration nInterest theory nPower theory nOrganic Theory PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Public Administration npublic administration as the administration of public affairs is administration in public interest and exercised as a duty set by law nwithin public administration sets its own targets self-government npublic administration as a service nlegal element npurposeful element PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Organizational Principles nImportant terms qPowers qCompetence q ØDecentralization ØDeconcentration Ø §Territorial principle §Departmental principle PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled oMonocratic x collegial principle o vAppointing x electoral system n Organizational Principles PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Public administration in the Czech Republic nCentral state administration bodies vMinistries and other central state administration bodies vCzech Republic Government nTerritorial deconcentrated – specialized state administration bodies nTerritorial administration with general competence vRegions and communities oIndependent competence (self-governing) oDelegated competence nInterest and professional self-government