Czech Legal Culture



course supervisor: Terezie Smejkalová 

lecturers: Terezie Smejkalová, Markéta Štěpáníková, Matěj MyškaJana Nováková 

seminars: Wednesdays 12:00 – 13.40, room 040 




25. 2. Introduction, assignment of essays - Smejkalová 

3. 3. Constitution – Smejkalová   

  • Assignment: Discuss a chosen constitutional issue in Czech legal system and the legal system of your home country 

10. 3.  Philosophy – Nováková

17. 3. Historical context: Trial with Milada Horáková - Štěpáníková  

  • Assignment: Discuss the issue of a chosen political trial in a vulnerable period of your country’s history; compare and contrast with the trial with Milada Horáková  

24. 3. Sources of Law - Smejkalová   

  • Assignment: Discuss a chosen source of law and its legal /normative value in Czech legal system and the legal system of your home country (excl. case law) 

31. 3. Culture of decision-making: System of courts; role of the Constitutional Court - Smejkalová  

  • Assignment: Describe and discuss the system of courts in your home country and the mechanisms of guarding the constitutionality of the system 

7. 4. Case law, precedents and unifying opinions - Smejkalová  

  • Assignment: Describe and discuss the role of case law in the legal system of the Czech Republic and the courts’ argumentation of your home country legal system 

21. 4. (adjacent week) Theatrical performance - Franz Kafka: Amerika   (TBC)


28. 4Discussion on the theatrical performance 

+ Cases - session 1 - Smejkalová - A 

  • Pl. ÚS 13/05 - Role of the Senate 

  • Pl. 27/09 - Shortenting the Term of Office of Chamber of Deputies 

  • Pl. ÚS 77/06 - Legislative Riders 

  • Assignment: Provide summaries of all the above cases and discuss a chosen issue. 

5. 5. Cases - session 2 - Smejkalová - A 

  • I. ÚS 2617/15 - Restriction of Judges’ Freedom of Expression 

  • I. ÚS 3018/14 - Scope of Parliamentary Indemnity 

  • Assignment: Provide summaries of all the above cases and discuss a chosen issue. 

12. 5. ! Assignment presentation !

- choose one of the seminar assignments you have submitted so far, prepare an interactive presentation for your peers and present it during this seminar.

19. 5. Final exam 


Course requirements: 

  • Course participation (9 seminars minimum). 


  • Grading: 
  • 4 out of 7 in-course assignments for seminars marked with A or B (cca 2 pages A4, 12pt, single-spacing, deadline at 12:00 on the day of respective seminar) - relevance 40%  

  • Seminar assignments x 5 

  • Case assignments x 2 

  • final exam (2 short essays, timed, closed-book, in-class) - relevance 60%

  • Assignment requirements: cca 2 pages A4, 12pt, single-spacing, deadline at 12:00 on the day of respective seminar; use only academic sources (scholarly publications, laws and case-law); present one of the assignments on 12 May during seminar.


All sources required for the assignments and the final exam are available in the Information system in Study materials. All the materials available there (cases, regulations, articles, chapters etc.) are considered relevant and required sources. The final exam will be based on information from those sources.