1) What are the rights & duties of purely personal nature? Think of an example. Those which can not be reasonably executed by someone else. E. g. You hire a famous painter to paint your portrait. If he dies, his heirs are not obliged to paint it (it is supposed that they are either unable to paint it, or you are not interested in a painting by someone else than the hired painter). 2) What is the difference between heir’s and legatee’s liability for estate’s debts? With some exceptions (Hungary, etc.), the legatee is not liable for debts, because he receives only an individual thing, not a portion of the estate. 3) Does your country distinguish between legacy (legatum) and heritage (hereditas)? If so, is the legatee liable for the debts of the estate? (if possible please, write number of §/article of your civil code and add a link to its text/ translation, if available) -- 4) When can be applied for the separation of the estate in Roman law? (see D 42, 6, 1, 12 Ulpianus 64 ad ed.) If it is (physically) possible. (preferably before the heir receives the heritage, but generally if not too much time elapsed – it was limited by Justinian by 5 years, not mentioned in the text). 5) Do you have something like separation of estate in your country? (if possible please, write number of §/article of your civil code and add a link to its text/translation, if available) -- 6) If the heritage was accepted without any restrictions, can it be subsequently applied for limited liability for debts. If so, when? Yes, if there is a legitimate reason of ignorance, Art. 786 CC. 7) Which regulation (Czech/French/German) enables to apply the benefit of inventory automatically to all other heirs? French (Art. 792-2 CC). 8) Which regulation (Czech/French/German) applies automatically the benefit of inventory to the husband? German (§ 2008 Abs. 1 BGB) 9) Which regulation (Czech/French/German) does not enable to apply the benefit of inventory on other heirs? Czech (§ 1705 CzCC). 10) Do you have something like benefit of inventory in your country? If so, which legal regulation of the analysed ones does it resemble most? (if possible please, write number of §/article of your civil code and add a link to its text/translation, if available) --