Cybersquatting in light of unfair competition
Concept of unfair competition |
Law of unfair competition is sometimes used as a synonym to anti-trust law or competition law. However in this class, I will refer to wrongful business practices other than monopolies or cartels. It is however difficult to put internationally valid definition of unfair competition, since every national law has slightly different concept of unfair competition. Majority of national legal systems understand unfair competition as a business practices causing harm to consumers, other competitors or environment. |
Please follow link from US to get a better understanding of unfair competition concept. |
EU regulation of unfair competition |
The directive on commercial practices prohibits practices that are contrary to the requirements of professional diligence, materially distort the economic behaviour with regard to the product of the average consumer whom it reaches or to whom it is addressed. The directive in especially names misleading of consumers as an unfair commercial practice. The article 6 of the directive says: Article 6
There is no doubt that squatting on a trademark-like domain name can be therefore considered as unfair competition. |
Please follow this link to read consolidated version of the directive 2005/29/EC:
Enforcement |
The enforcement ot the unfair competition claims is harmonized by EU as well. According to the directive, member states shall ensure that adequate and effective means exist to combat unfair commercial practices. Such means shall include legal provisions under which persons or organisations regarded under national law as having a legitimace interest in combating unfair commercial practices, including competitors, may: (a) take legal action against such unfair commercial practices; and/or (b) bring such unfair commercial practices before an administrative authority competent either to decide on complaints or to initiate appropriate legal proceedings. |