Distributed ledgers in contract applications
This module is about smart contracts and their potential impact on contract law. There is currently a lot of hype related to cryptocurrencies and all possible solutions based on the distributed ledger technology. Smart contracts are one of the main technological innovations, on which the hope for the future widespread adoption of DLT in contract creation, adoption and enforcement is pinned.
The required assignment for this module is a short essay (approx.
400-600 words) that addresses the following question: To what extend do smart contracts have the potential to transform the contract law?
Due to last minute changes in the schedule of the classes this assignment is as an exception due latest on Monday 26 April 23:59.
The following reading, which is strongly recommended, provides rather sobering view on the issue:
Additionally, it is strongly recommended to balance the view of the previous article by reading the following, more hopeful assessment of the issue:
If you got interested and would like to dive deeper into the issue, you can find detailed analysis in the following article:
Apart from these, there is a number of other views available. To search for them, you may use the electronic resources of Masaryk University - to take full advantage of most of these resources, please use the remote access.