The Twilight of Constitutionalism

Basic information

The outline of the course:

12 lectures: see the syllabus below.

Study materials:

Mandatory readings are included in the electronic syllabus below. Other recommended sources can be found in the study materials below.
For those who are generally interested in the field, we can also recommend some basic books and articles.
For example:
Alexander Somek. The Cosmopolitan Constitution. 
Dieter Grimm. Sovereignty.
Coll. Thwilight of Constitutionalism. (available below)
Jiří Přibáň. Disidenti práva/Dissidents of Law.
Jeremy Waldron. Political Political Theory.

Requirements to pass

1) Attendance - at least 7/12 of the online meetings.
2) Four reaction papers, each approx. 500 - 700 words. The reaction papers must be submitted by Tuesday, 18.00 (6 pm) before every class (starting with the class on 10. 3. 2021). The reaction paper should deal with the particular text that was uploaded for the class and should contain a short polemic with the text OR a creative and critical summary of the text OR a development of the arguments/problems discussed in the text. Each reaction paper should also contain a few questions/suggested points for discussion for the next lecture.

3) I will hold consultations regarding the reaction papers and I will also refer to the papers during the respective online meetings.