pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT Legal persons and trust fund in the Czech Law Kateřina Ronovská Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno The Czech Republic PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled RECODIFICATION OF PRIVATE LAW (2014) n nFundamental changes („revolution“) on this field nFormulation of fundamental principles, „back to the european roots“ nUnification in the area of private law nStrengthening of the autonomy of the individual´s will nInspiration in the foreign legal regulations n(primarily Austrian, German, Swiss, Quebec, Dutch) n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled „Revolution“ in the area of private law nCivil Code n. 89/2012 Coll. n - n. 90/2012 Coll. on business corporations n - n. 91/2012 Coll. on international private law n nHundreds of acts and regulations were repealed n (the Civil Code itself – 238) nAlmost hundred of acts and regulations were amended n - new Land Registry Act -new Legal Persons Registry Act -new court procedings (n. 292/2013 Coll.) -changes in tax law n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Structure of the CC: 3081 provisions n general part n family law n absolute property rights n - property rights (iura in re) n - law on succession n relative property rights n - general obligation law n - obligation from contracts and quasi contracts n - obligation from delicts and quasidelicts n final provisions n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Legal persons – conception Art 20 CC: n A legal person is an organised entity whose legal personality is provided or recognised by a statute. nIt is a legal fiction n A legal person may, without regard to its objects of activities, have rights and duties consistent with its legal nature. nLegal persons governed by public law are subject to statutes under which they have been established; the provisions of CC only apply if they are consistent with the legal nature of these persons. nWithin private law, the State is considered to be a legal person. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Legal Persons (private law) – system nPersons nNature persons nLegal persons nCorporation (associations, business corporations, cooperatives, trade unions…) nFondation (foundation, foundation fund) nInstitution n nRegulation: CC and Act on Business Corporation and other laws n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Svěřenský fond – Trust fund nTrust-like instrument (asset management) n ninspiration in Trust/fiducie (Quebec)§ 1260 CCQ - nstrange concept for Czech legal enviroment – problems n ndifferent concept of ownership/patrimony n n„Fear of the unknown“ – getting better/more regulation n nquestion, if not better solution f.e. – Austrian Private Foundation (the same function) n - - n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Trust fund, what is it? nRelationship (obligation)? Set of obligations? nProperty? Way of „holding“ property? nPerson? Legal entity? nor Something else? n n„….one cannot define the essence of an institution as a series of relationships among three people when none of those people is essential to its existence ”. n (Pierre Lepaulle, 1932) n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Art. 1448 NCzCC (1) Un fonds de fiducie est formé par le détachement d'un patrimoine de la propriété d'un constituant de façon telle, que celui-ci confie le patrimoine au fiduciaire dans un but particulier par un contrat ou établissement pour cause de décès et le fiduciaire du fonds de fiducie s'engage entretenir et administrer ce patrimoine. (2) La création d'un fonds de fiducie donne naissance à une propriété distincte et indépendante du patrimoine détaché et l'administrateur de la fiducie de placement est obligé de se charger de ce patrimoine et de sa gestion fiduciaire. (3) Le droit de propriété à l'égard d'un fonds de fiducie, est exercé en son nom sur un compte de fonds de fiducie ; le patrimoine placé dans le fonds de la fiducie cependant n'est ni la propriété du fiduciaire, ni celle du constituant, ou de la personne qui doit être satisfaite à partir du fonds de fiducie. Art. 1448 NCzCC (1) A trust fund is created by setting aside part of the property owned by the founder in such a way that the owner entrusts the administrator/trustee with the property for a particular purpose through a contract or disposition mortis causa, and the administrator/trustee obliges himself to keep and administer the property. (2) The creation of a trust fund establishes separate and independent ownership of the part of property and the trustee is obliged to assume the property and its administration. (3) The rights arising from the right of ownership in the property in a trust fund are exercised by the administrator/trustee in his own name and on the account of the trust fund; however, the property in a trust fund is not owned by the administrator/trustee or the founder, or the person entitled to receive a performance from the trust trust. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Art. 17 NczCC (1) Seule une personne peut avoir des droits et les exercer. Une obligation ne peut être imposée qu'à une personne et il est seulement possible d'exiger à son égard d'exécuter l'obligation. (2) Si une personne établit un droit ou impose une obligation à celui qui n’est pas une personne, le droit ou l’obligation est imputé à une personne à laquelle il appartient selon la nature du cas juridique. Art. 17 NczCC (1) Only persons may have and exercise their rights. Duties may only be imposed upon and their performance enforced against persons. (2) If anyone creates a right or imposes a duty upon something other than a person, such a right or duty shall be attributed to the person to whom it belongs according to the legal nature of the case. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Where are we now? 2021? How it works? n nRegistration of the trust funds nDevelopments in the tax regime? nRegulation of trust industry (trustee act)? nPreventing the abuse of the trust-like vehicles? – AML directives nSigning Haague convention? nECJ/EFTA court case law (Panayi trust, Olsen and others) n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Conclusions: n n n„Trust-like“ vehicle, concept unique in Europe (inspirated by CCQ) n nOnly a time and legal practice will show of and how this new legal transplant will cope in the Czech legal system n nInspiration for others? n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled n n n nThank you very much for your attentionJ n n n katerinaronovska(et)