Copyright Law II

Description & Learning Objectives [i.e. what is this all about]

This course is the second part of the two-semester course focusing on copyright law.

This first part (DAI1CL01 Copyright Law I) dealt with more general issues (i.e. philosophical underpinnings, justifications issues, regulatory framework overview and enforcement), whereas this second part (DAI2CL02 Copyright Law II) deals with more specific issues such as the respective protected subject matter (i.e. computer programmes, databases), the rights granted (reproduction right, communication to the public right) and limits thereof (exceptions and limitations).

The learning aim of this second part is to deepen the understanding of the specific regulatory issues of copyright law.

Consequently, at the end of the course the students you should be able to:

  • understand and explain the various protection regimes for creative outcomes
  • independently resolve highly complex legislative and interpretive issues related to the overlaps of the various regimes
  • understand, explain and apply the available limits of the conferred rights

Due to the emerging technological challenges and the topics of the dissertation theses of the student this year, specific focus will be laid on Artificial Intelligence.