- what is domain name dispute settlement
- what are the UDRP rules
- why the domain name disputes are settled online
- specific analysis and presentation of the relevant UDRP case law and other related cases
- the role of ICANN as definition authority
Law of Domain Names and Online Marketing
UDRP Case Law
- LOUTOCKÝ, Pavel. Are We Getting Good Decisions by Top-level Domain Name Dispute Resolution Providers? Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, roč. 9, č. 1, s. 111-128. ISSN 1802-5943. doi:10.5817/MUJLT2015-1-7.
- GOLINVEAUX, Jennifer. What's in a Domain Name: Is 'Cybersquatting' Trademark Dilution? University of San Francisco Law Review, 1999, no. 33, p. 641-658. ISSN 00420018.
- GEIST, Michael. Fair.com? An examination of the Allegations of Systemic Unfairness in ICANN UDRP. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 2002, year 27, no. 3, p. 903-938. ISSN 07404824.
- https://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/search/overview3.0/
UDRP case law