Colloquium: Mountaintop v. Laoc (Expert Reports)
Mountaintop (Claimant)
Babík Lukáš, Baková Barbora, Dobiáš Adam, Hlavenka Jakub, Horník Pavol, Juchelka David, Kania Michael, Kovařík Michael
Attribution (A. Dobiáš)
MOUNTAINTOP_Withdrawal and future investments (M. Kania)
Legitimate expectations (M. Kovařík)
Coal phase-out in Germany and in the Netherlands (P. Horník)
Case law - Expropriation: Electrabel v. Hungary + Yukos v. Russian Federation (L. Babík)
Incompatibility of the Directive with Article 194 TFEU (D. Juchelka)
Incompatibility of the Directive with Article 194 TFEU (B. Baková)
Laoc (Respondent)
Lehejček Filip, Lipčák Petr, Macdonald Sean, Miler Filip, Paliariková Martina, Pěčonka, Pavel, Purkrábek Tomáš, Ravelo de Tovar Anna
RWE v. the Netherlands (F. Lehejček)
Jurisdiction_ECT and EU Law (Achmea Case) (A. Ravelo de Tovar)
Case study - Coal phase-out in Canada (S. Macdonald)
Mertis: Fair and Equitable Treatement (M. Paliariková)
Merits: Violation of the ECT: Expropriation (P. Pěčonka)
Coal Phase-out deadlines set by EU member states (F. Miler)
Attribution: The Republic of Laoc vs Mountaintop Investments LLC (T. Purkrábek)