pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT Legal personality, Legal persons, Trusts and trust-like instruments Kateřina Ronovská Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno The Czech Republic PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Sturcture of the lecture: n nIntroduction (why?, how? etc.) nPerson in legal sense and legal personality nLegal Person nCategorization and Characteristics of types of legal persons (generally) nTrust nTrust like forms nDiscussions in 21 st century? PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Terminology: „Person in legal sense“, „a legal person“, „a legal entity“ nIn order to be eligible to hold/exercise subjective rights (and duties), one must be qualify as a „person“ in legal sense“ nPerson in „legal sense“: a natural person or a legal person (germ. Rechtstäger), what else? nWhat is and what is not person in „legal sense“? nLegal person (fiction or reality?, nexus of obligations?) nLegal entity (with/without legal personality?) n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled The Choupette case: „named in his will“ n n state-planning-for-your-pet/?sh=45f6041e433a n nKarl Lagerfeld died in 2019, 270 mil. USD nThe seven beneficiaries are trying to access Lagerfeld's assets that include real estate in Paris and Monaco, a bookstore, and designer furniture. nChoupette is a blue-cream tortie Birman cat who was owned by German fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld from 2011 until Lagerfeld's death in 2019 at the age of 85. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled River Whanganui, New Zeelend: n n nRiver in India: n n nRiver in Bangladesh: q q n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Legal personality – what is it? n Legal personality is a eligibility to have a right and duties (f.e. hold property, enter into contracts etc.) nEasy to accept by natural persons are persons in a legal sense (nature rights), although from a historic perspective not a given fact nOther „entities“ existed (historicly): universitas personarum (state, province, municipia, collegia), universitas rerum/bonorum, church nBUT! the theoretical concept of legal person was unknown till 19th centry! n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Church law •pope Gregorius VII – 1075: •Church is an autonomous body, governed by its own internal laws, headed by the clergy •Persona Ficta •Strong influence in continental Europe in the middle ages (Ius Commune) • •First business „corporations“ (1600- East India Trading Company, one of the first joint stock companies) • • n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Different theories and their influence today? •Savigny: only natural persons have will: nlegal persons can exist only as a legal fiction (fiction theory) •Brinz: legal persons have no will – the assets are owned by the purpose (purpose is legal entity) •Gierke: corporation have a body and soul, therefor have a will (theory of reality) •Jehring: The legal person is the instrument for joint entitlement to the assets. Legal personality is a specific form of ownership.. •And many others…. PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Example no. 1: Switzerland (ZGB 1912, based on theory of reality) nEugen Huber: nature and legal persons are treated the same way (with a few exceptions) nTheories are today in codes or in case law, tool for interpretation nNumerus clausus of legal persons (protection of third parties) n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Examples 2: The Netherlands (based on theory of reality) nMeijers: Legal persons serve the intersts of natural persons, but their interests are not identical. Legal person have an autonmous interest and therefor are recognized by law equally like natural persons (no fiction) nScholten: Legal persons social phenomena that present themselves in real life (no fiction) and are recognized as legal entities because otherwise they would not be adequately embedded in law n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Example 3: Czech Republic (based on fiction theory) n A legal person is an organised entity whose legal personality is provided or recognised by the law. nA legal person may, without regard to its objects of activities, have rights and duties consistent with its legal nature. nNumerus clausus of legal persons nOnly persons may have and exercise their rights. Duties may only be imposed upon and their performance enforced against persons. nIf anyone creates a right or imposes a duty upon something other than a person, such a right or duty shall be attributed to the person to whom it belongs according to the legal nature of the case. n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled What is legal person? diversity of perspectives nAn organized unit (purpose) that is endowed by force of law with legal personality (a creature of law)? nA person in the legal sense - a self-contained person/subject of law (sepaprate property autonomy and responsibility)? nEntity which is having a deeper social essence? nType of ownership structure? (a form of property management) n Nexus of obligations? (constitutes it/is a consequence of it) nInstrument of financing? nMix of contract and property law and agency? PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Legal person: main features? nGeneral: §Influence of State and Law on the formation/creation of a Legal Person §Legal personality ( i.e. legal subjectivity) §Purpose of the legal person §Organisational structure (at least minimum) §Property autonomy and separate property liability nIdentification: §Name §Registered office §Nationality? PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Categorization of legal persons (different criteria): n nSource of regulation: §Legal persons of public law (municipalities,chambers, public institutions/funds) vs.private law (associations, foundations, business corporations nTrade unions?, Political parties? nPersonal/propertial base: §Coroporation vs. Foudations nPurpose of existence: §Business vs. non-business (private benefit vs. public benefit) n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled „Corporations“ nthe oldest, most important, most widely used type of legal persons (entities) na combination of several persons for a specific purpose/objective nmembership principle nseparation of property spheres nability to decide to exist or not to exist (dissolution) nX n „Partnership“ (societies) – not always recognized as a legal person n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled „Foundations“ npersonalised special-purpose assets nDepend on the will of the founder, n3 characteristic features: purpose, property, organization n„purpose“ a an epicentrum of foundation world nmembership conceptually excluded nnot be able to dissoleve itself by its own discretionary decision of the board n nOther „institutions“ (private/public) – mix of features n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Legal Persons (private law) – system in the Netherlands (NBW) n nLegal persons: public and private law n nCorporation (associations, business corporations, cooperatives) nFoundation n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Legal Persons (private law) – system in Switzerland (ZGB + separate laws) nLegal persons (private and public law) nPublic law – central, cantonal law nCoroporations (municipalities, chambers nFoundations and Institutions (Anstalten) nPrivate law: nCorporation (associations, trade unions ZGB), business corporations and cooperatives (OR) nFoundation (family foundations, church foundations, pensions-foundations) n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Legal Persons (private law) – system in the Czech Republic (CC + Business corporation Act) nLegal persons nCorporation (associations, business corporations, cooperatives, trade unions…) nFondation (foundation, foundation fund) nInstitution n n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Other „legal structures“? „entities“? Trusts and trust(like) vehicles: different concepts I § § §„Classical“ common law trust: divided owhership; trustee holds legal title (a formal ownership) to the trust assets; change of trustees requires transfer of legal title; beneficiary holds equitable title(an economical ownership) n n3 actors: §Settlor (founder) – trustee - beneficiary § PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Trusts and trust(like) vehicles: different concepts II §Lichtenstein Truhänderschaft (trust-like): §Czech Trust fund (trust-like): the ownership of trust fund assets is not liked to anybody; change of trustees does not require transfer of legal title to the trust assets; §Quebec, Hungary, South Africa, French Fiducia, Luxembourg San Marino… §In Italy solution „trust interni“ (also in Switzerland) §Austrian (Privatstiftung) n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Similar features of a foundation and trusts (functional approach): n3 elements: assets, purpose, organization nPurpose - serve to a purpose, not to a specific person, nFoundation/trust as a "vehicles" for purpose, a tool for resolving conflicts of interest nConflicts of interest are "omnipresent" in foundations/trusts (on many levels), foundations as conflicts of interest "per se“ nRules for governance of the foundation (foundation governance)/position of trustee. nThe specific position of founder and beneficiary PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Trusts, trust-like vehicles, foundations n nWhat is different? n n Foudnations - Legal title is owned by the legal person n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Trust fund, what is it? nRelationship (obligation)? Set of obligations? nProperty? Way of „holding“ property? nPerson? Legal entity? nor Something else? n n„….one cannot define the essence of an institution as a series of relationships among three people when none of those people is essential to its existence ”. n (Pierre Lepaulle, 1932) n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Czech Trust like vehicle „Svěřenský fond“ (Trust fund) nTrust-like instrument (asset management) n ninspiration in Trust/fiducie (Quebec)§ 1260 CCQ - nstrange concept for Czech legal enviroment – problems n ndifferent concept of ownership/patrimony (separated property without owner) n n„Fear of the unknown“ – getting better/more regulation n nquestion, if not better solution f.e. – Austrian Private Foundation (the same function) n - - n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Czech Trust fund: characteristic nAutonomous assets (Quebec concept) nNOT A TRUST! (although certain aspects of the common law trust are reflected) nOriginally a contractual concept (French fiducie) nModified (statute, registration of trusts) nThere is no property right of beneficiaries (x trust) nNo legal personality (x trust) nSelected comparable foreign concepts in Europe (Austria, Liechtenstein, Cyprus) PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Czech Trust fund - § 1448 ef CC n(1) A trust fund is created by setting aside part of the property owned by the founder in such a way that the owner entrusts the trustee with the property for a particular purpose through a contract or disposition mortis causa, and the trustee obliges himself to keep and administer the property. n (2) The creation of a trust fund establishes separate and independent ownership of the part of property and the trustee is obliged to assume the property and its administration. n (3) The rights arising from the right of ownership in the property in a trust fund are exercised by the trustee in his own name and on the account of the trust fund; however, the property in a trust fund is not owned by the administrator/trustee or the founder, or the beneficiary. n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled European „legal persons“ nSocieta Europea nEuropean Economic Interest Grouping nEuropean Cooperative n n n nProjcts: Fundation Europea, European Association PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Freedoms for legal persons in European Law nFreedom of establishment nFree movement of sevices nFree movement of capital n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Free movement of capital/Freedom of establishemt in within EU, Case Law of ECJ (and EFTA): examples of functional approach in the EU nFor business corporations: nDaily Mail nCartesio nSevic n…. nFor foundations: nPersche, Stauffer nFor trust (trust-like) strucutres nOlsen and others nPanayi n n n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Conclusions nNatural person vs. legal person nLegal person is a „person“ by virue of law, In continental Europe – formal concept, numerus clausus of legal persons nCategorization of legal persons n„Europeanisation“ for business companies (not only), freedom of establishment free movement of capital nTrusts, „Trust-like“ vehicle, each country different unique concept (functionally similar to foudations) nCase law of EFTA and ECJ n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled Questions: n1. What are the sources of the legal regulation of legal persons? n2. Try to categorize legal persons (on general level) n3. What is the distinction between foundation and corporation kind of legal person? n4. Legal persons of public and private law? Could you mention similarities and differences? n5. What is different between the legal person and trust (trust-like) form? nDo you find concept of a legal person useful? n PF_PPT2 PF_PPT_nahled n n n nThank you very much for your attentionJ n n n katerinaronovska(et)